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Roger Clemens Press Conference


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I don't know how many are watching this on ESPN, but this is outrageous.

For the last 15 minutes or so AT THE PRESS CONFERENCE, they've been playing a taped conversation between Clemens and the accuser, McNamee on January 4th.

There was really nothing of any substance in the conversation. McNamee sounds horrible and desperate. Clemens was just whatever.

Now Rogers talking.

He was supposed to be at his college coach's sons funeral. He just sent out his condolences and said he apologizes for not being able to make it because he had to be at this conference.

That's BS Roger. This conference is so much less than necessary. That makes me think so much less of you for skipping that funeral for this. Reschedule for pete's sake.

Anyways, I'm still trying to keep an open mind about this.

But I just don't know. I mean, this seems just absurd. I'm almost speechless. What a worthless press conference.

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If anything, that press conference hurt Clemens more than helped him.

Once again, I'm just waiting for Clemens to hit up Capitol Hill. Then we'll see what really went down.



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If anything, that press conference hurt Clemens more than helped him.

Once again, I'm just waiting for Clemens to hit up Capitol Hill. Then we'll see what really went down.

What's that old saying? If you're stuck in a hole the best thing you can do is stop digging. Roger Clemens is flaming out in spectacular fashion. I'd say it's sad but I could never stand the guy. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not enjoying it a little bit. This crash has been as fast as any I've ever seen. Keep digging Roger.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Je rigole comme un fou a Roger.


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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I did not hear the whole taped conversation , but did MR Clemens come right out and say " Why are you lying about ME you f--k a-- hole ? " in their taped conversation ? If some one accused me of some thing that I did not do ,I don;t think I would want to talk to him and if I did, and I was planing on taping it any way, I think I would try to get the point across that this person is lying . Why else would I tape it ? Come one you have said this guy has ruined your good name , and you won't ask him why is is lying .

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I listened to the presser, and throughout the entire course of the taped conversation that was played back, I was waiting for Clemens to just lay into this guy.

Didn't happen. He laid into the media, but not the guy who accused him.

That doesn't exactly say guilt to me, but this is going like my father once said, "If it looks like bull**** and it smells rank like bull****, you don't have to see it come out of its ***, trust me, it's bull****."


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i can kinda go with what Clemens is doing here. after Rafael Palmeiro tested positive, he came out and said it was bad, false positive, blah blah blah, youll here from me on what really happened, in time. and we still havent heard about it. damned if you do, damned if you dont. i think i saw something about that McNamee told federal prosecutors that Clemens didnt take steroids, then he told the Mitchell investigation that he did. what really baffles me is that McNamee said that Clemens provided him with the "stuff" and Clemens said hes sure it was vitamin b-12 and lidocaine, but McNamee provided it all. this is all just absurdly confusing. its all just a he said she said thing that is really just a waste of time.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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