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Concept (Sketch) Needs Input


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It is just a sketch right now...didn't want to vector it because it was incomplete. First off, I can't get a mouth right...I've looked a bunches and bunches of shark photos and each one I add on- it looks funny. Also, does the shading look correct- seems I may be missing a few things on the sharks body even though I don't mind if it is totally physically correct. I may even remove the lowest fin on the right since I can't figure out a way to implement the other.

Colors are probably going to be a shade of green and a slate/grey color...at least for now. Also thinking of a a secondary/helmet logo with an "S" and a shark bite taken out of it.

Thoughts/comments/suggestions are very welcome!


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As is, it kinda looks like Shamu.

Hey, there you go! :)

Hmm...at least your're honest! Maybe once the mouth gets on there and I vector it, it won't appear so whale-ish. If not, I could thin the body out some but I was going for a mako/bull look and they are pretty thick sharks.

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I like it, its definately a good start. It appears to be missing its left fin though..

But once you add a mouth I think it'll make all the difference in the world. To a nerdy observer (such as myself) the pointy nose and gills are a dead giveaway that its a shark, so at least I didn't think it looked like a whale, which of course are mammals and..... yeah.


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I like it, its definately a good start. It appears to be missing its left fin though..

But once you add a mouth I think it'll make all the difference in the world. To a nerdy observer (such as myself) the pointy nose and gills are a dead giveaway that its a shark, so at least I didn't think it looked like a whale, which of course are mammals and..... yeah.

Yeah, I can't figure out how to work those fins near the back...they are hard to distinguish even with the way I have them currently. The mouth is really the pain though so far.

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you should make the shark have a big smile and sunglasses

...I'm kinda going for the "i will eat you" shark.

Put a bib on him! ;)

I've done a Shark a while ago and you're right, the mouth was very challenging

For a secondary mark, I would probably try to use the most part of the shark's shape as the top part of the S, and fill-in the bottom sort of like this:


Overall, it's a great Shark you got going there...

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that is very nice davidson, much better than I think I will be able to accomplish with what I have started. Here is a vectored version...but still with no mouth. Any more ideas for how to get that mouth in there? I also checked out a few photos of sharks from underneath and added a pair of tiny side fins.


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also, there is something weird I have never seen going on in Illustrator. Check out the very far left of the design on the tail...it won't come to a point there. When I offset it, it adds this extra line and squares it off...and I can't for the life of me figure it out.

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also, there is something weird I have never seen going on in Illustrator. Check out the very far left of the design on the tail...it won't come to a point there. When I offset it, it adds this extra line and squares it off...and I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Raise the miter limit when you're offsetting the shark.

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- added left side fin

- added "mouth", although not sure about it- works?

- changed color scheme

- added wordmark, although admittedly pretty poor and generic


The mouth looks too much like he's smiling. Straighten it out a bit, maybe even a slight curve downwards towards the end (away from the front - to the right). Also, it shouldn't be floating in the white like that. Carry it all the way over, have it come "from" the green outline into the mouth area. Also, there's too many teeth. Just make 4 to 5, with the "back" ones maybe slightly bigger than the others. You're getting there though. I had an idea on how to do the mouth (not a detailed one, but could've served as a guideline), but Illustrator on this computer doesn't seem to want to work.

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- added left side fin

- added "mouth", although not sure about it- works?

- changed color scheme

- added wordmark, although admittedly pretty poor and generic

Carry it all the way over, have it come "from" the green outline into the mouth area.

Ah, thanks...I think that is most key. I always forget to use the outline to my advantage. I'll try to get an update up soon.

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This is great!! Like the others said, make the mouth look bigger and "meaner". And the left fin needs to be bigger, and outlined. Right now it kinda fades in with the rest of the shark. Good job!

just to add too, in the shark I showed and the other shark... don't forget the upper row of teeth. I think it will make his upper lip around the curve look more complete too.

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