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LeBron James considers signing extension with Cavs this summer


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DENVER -- The summer of 2010 is indeed shaping up to be a wild one on the NBA free-agent scene.

But there's a chance LeBron James may just skip the party.

James said Saturday that he is going to consider signing an extension with the Cavaliers this summer, well before he can become an unrestricted free agent.

"You play out this season of course; I will consider it," James said Saturday before the Cavs practiced at the Pepsi Center.

"The direction we are headed is everything I expected and more."

This is the first time James has publicly talked about signing this summer instead of waiting until 2010. It is an indication of how pleased James is with the progress the Cavaliers have made this season as they are off to a 22-4 start, the second-best record in the NBA.

In 2006, James signed a three-year, $43 million deal with the Cavs through 2010 and it included a player option for 2010-11 worth $17.4 million. There has been a general assumption that James will forgo his player option, but no one has been paying attention to the other choice, which is to extend his contract with the Cavs early.

There is still a good chance James will not sign early and let things play out in 2010. Waiting will give him a chance to evaluate the entire scene before making a decision.

But James has thought about this summer and so have the Cavs, who will most certainly offer him a maximum-level deal whenever he wants.

"I definitely want to keep an open mind, I will look at everything," James said. "[The extension] is a good point. I think me and my group have pretty much made good decisions so far and we'll look at the options and go from there."

Overall, there are all kinds of different choices James has and that even includes his Nike contract. There has been quite a bit of attention paid to the fact that his Nike deal also ends in 2010 and many have assumed he'll negotiate that new deal at about the same time.

However, James has a three-year extension clause in the Nike deal he can activate if he so chooses. His yearly salary with Nike could actually be higher now than what he could get with a new deal, especially considering the state of the economy and the general downturn in athlete endorsements.

In addition there is no clause in James' Nike contract that will pay him more if he plays in a major market like New York or Los Angeles, another fact that has been misreported at times. When James first signed with Nike, there were some incentives for being in New York, Chicago or L.A. but those have since expired.

There is still a good chance James will do a brand new deal with Nike.

Some of it may depend on what friends Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh do, they both will have the same chances to sign early. But he is pleased with the Cavs' franchise, off to its best-ever start at 22-4 heading into Sunday's game against the Thunder in Oklahoma City.

In the wake of setting the franchise steal record last week and already owning the scoring record, James was even joking this weekend with his teammates about his future. Especially Zydrunas Ilgauskas, who just took over the franchise rebounding mark. But maybe not long-term, James hinted.

"By the time I get done," James said. "I'm going to hold all the records."

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The media wants him in New York so bad.

However, I think it would be better if he stayed in Cleveland. Michael Jordan built the Bulls into a premier team in the NBA, no matter what happens. Hakeem did the same in Houston. LeBron could do it as well in Cleveland. He doesn't need to go to NY or a top-3 market in order to be a superstar.



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The media wants him in New York so bad.

However, I think it would be better if he stayed in Cleveland. Michael Jordan built the Bulls into a premier team in the NBA, no matter what happens. Hakeem did the same in Houston. LeBron could do it as well in Cleveland. He doesn't need to go to NY or a top-3 market in order to be a superstar.

Exactly. It's not like people outside Indianapolis don't know Peyton Manning. Being in Green Bay certainly didn't hurt Brett Favre's ability to get endorsement deals. Dale Earnhardt Jr. doesn't even have a home "market" yet we see the dude doing commercials all over the place. LeBron will be a superstar and get plenty of coverage and endorsements no matter where he plays. If ESPN wants to suck his **** that badly they can get on a plane and fly to Cleveland. I think these media idiots tend to forget that Lebron grew up about an hour from Cleveland. Maybe he just enjoys playing at home.




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I think what may keep him in Cleveland, is the Cavs look like they are putting a good team behind him, and does he really want to go to the disaster that the Knicks have become. I think if it were not for the Cavs great start this year, he would not even be considering staying, but now he sees what he may have and he may not leave.



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Thing is, they're good this year but he's not a free agent until after next season, so it won't really mean a lot, IMO, unless the Cavs are this successful next season.

I mean if they get a ring this seeason, it will play a huge part, bu if not, we're back to where we are now.



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Does this really need a thread? I mean he hasn't even signed, he's only thinking about it.

Why would this not need a thread?

LeBron is saying that now when the team has the 2nd best record in the league. Between that and with saying that he may stay in CLE, it'll quell some of the talk of him completely going to New York.

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The media wants him in New York so bad.

However, I think it would be better if he stayed in Cleveland. Michael Jordan built the Bulls into a premier team in the NBA, no matter what happens. Hakeem did the same in Houston. LeBron could do it as well in Cleveland. He doesn't need to go to NY or a top-3 market in order to be a superstar.

Exactly. It's not like people outside Indianapolis don't know Peyton Manning. Being in Green Bay certainly didn't hurt Brett Favre's ability to get endorsement deals. Dale Earnhardt Jr. doesn't even have a home "market" yet we see the dude doing commercials all over the place. LeBron will be a superstar and get plenty of coverage and endorsements no matter where he plays. If ESPN wants to suck his **** that badly they can get on a plane and fly to Cleveland. I think these media idiots tend to forget that Lebron grew up about an hour from Cleveland. Maybe he just enjoys playing at home.

Aah, exactly the Thanksgiving Day argument this year. "LeBron will go to New York for the endorsements" countered with the right answer of "Look how many times Peyton Manning shows up on commercials. He plays in Indianapolis, a small market."


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Exactly. It's not like people outside Indianapolis don't know Peyton Manning.

Peyton who? :P

I hope he does stay in Cleveland. For no other reason than I like seeing players (especially superstars) play their entire career with one team.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

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SHOCKING!!! Of course us Clevelanders feel this was an option all along. "Sorry ESPN, Brooklyn and NY". LeBron LIKES it here. He likes his friends and that his family is rooted here. He is global already. The Cavaliers are winning. The thing about this situation is that the Cavaliers are aligning themselves in a position to obviously keep LeBron AND make an offer to Bosh or Wayde. Let's just keep on truckin' this year. We'll see what happens.

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SHOCKING!!! Of course us Clevelanders feel this was an option all along. "Sorry ESPN, Brooklyn and NY". LeBron LIKES it here. He likes his friends and that his family is rooted here. He is global already. The Cavaliers are winning. The thing about this situation is that the Cavaliers are aligning themselves in a position to obviously keep LeBron AND make an offer to Bosh or Wayde. Let's just keep on truckin' this year. We'll see what happens.

Halleluja! Someone finally figuring that out!


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