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Dream Job


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Is anybody watching "Dream Job" on ESPN? If so, who are you pulling for?

I want Zacheriah Selwyn to win, personally. I think he's got the right type of humor, and he's proven he knows a lot about sports. The only one of the remaining people I DON'T like is Maggie Haskins. It always seems to me like she has a cold, or something.

Any other opinions?



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I think Zach is definately America's favorite right now, he made the commitment to changing his appearance to show how much he wanted the job and he has a definate knowledge of sports and humor. He definately has that "sportcenterness" some of you are referring to.

I definately agree that Maggie Haskins is probably going to be one of the next to go.

I think Zach will probably win in a last competition with Mike Hall.

I think Casey Stern and Aaron Levine will leave in the 2nd to last show (if that's how it works). And Kelly Milligan and Maggie will be out in the next show.

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I think Zach is definately America's favorite right now, he made the commitment to changing his appearance to show how much he wanted the job and he has a definate knowledge of sports and humor. He definately has that "sportcenterness" some of you are referring to.

I definately agree that Maggie Haskins is probably going to be one of the next to go.

I think Zach will probably win in a last competition with Mike Hall.

Aaron Levine will be the 3rd. Nick Stevens 4th. And Kelly Milligan and Maggie will be out in the next show.

i belive Nick lost this past Sunday because of his "smugness", im kinda upset, it was a "rama-lama-ham-dam"

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I think Zach is definately America's favorite right now, he made the commitment to changing his appearance to show how much he wanted the job and he has a definate knowledge of sports and humor. He definately has that "sportcenterness" some of you are referring to.

I definately agree that Maggie Haskins is probably going to be one of the next to go.

I think Zach will probably win in a last competition with Mike Hall.

Aaron Levine will be the 3rd. Nick Stevens 4th. And Kelly Milligan and Maggie will be out in the next show.

i belive Nick lost this past Sunday because of his "smugness", im kinda upset, it was a "rama-lama-ham-dam"

Yeah, I edited my post when I figured out that I put Stevens name in the place of Sterns and instead of giving them individual places I just said who'd go when and during what show.

I knew Nick got the boot though.

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Im glad Nick is gone he annoyed me and so did that Quigs guy all he did was scream an absolute horro if he won I would have not watched any Sportscenter he did, as for who I want to win Im not sure, yet I just vote agaisnt someone each week,a nd Ill see how I feel the last week.



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I like Aaron along with Casey and Kelley is pretty solid. I like Zach and have no problem with his long hair and I think that as an average sportscenter viewer I can say that most people out there don't have a problem with it either. He didn't get that much cut off anyway his hair is still long he just put a tie on.

I'm glad quigs is off the show, I didn't want to watch it when he was on because I didn't want to see him embaress himself on national TV, he just yelled and messed up don't tell me he was one of the 12 best of all the people who auditioned.

I vote for the upset and say that Aaron will win he's articulate, he has a nice prescence and he's solid doesn't make mistakes other than the seinfeld thing



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Quigs was irritating as hell I have no idea how he made the show either. All he did was yell nonsense words. I could not take him in 5 minute segments I would hav enever watched any Sportscenters he did if he won.



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