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Chicago Bears Concept


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I agree with the consensus on the logo critique. As for the uniforms, the numerals look great, but the way the piping connects with the collar makes it look like a cape. On the sides, where the striping tapers out, that should probably be just orange piping to match the other parts of the uniform where the striping tapers. I also agree that the wordmark should be kerned more tightly. Oh yeah, the belt loops on the white pants should probably be white. Overall, it looks good, but it's not one of your best.

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Very very cool design. Notice though that if the player lays down, Bears on the pants is upside down. Turn that around. (Or even better...get rid of the wordmark on the pants altogether)

You would immediately be put on the Chicago "wanted" list if this was publicized...but the design is very original and progressive.

This design would be sick for a college or high school team.

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These are great looking. I do agree with some of the others in saying that the bear needs some work. Other than that minor detail I can't find a lot wrong with this. I also agree that the Bears will probably never change their look. Classic as it might be, I think they could use a little upgrade.

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I knew it was a bear right away, and I love it.

I think it is a huge upgrade over the current set, and would see them wearing this season with no qualms.

The logo is amazing, and I envy the skill and time it took to make that.

Great job, don't change a thing. The whole set is just spectacular.


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aao - i think the eye is way too far forward...i think you should almost split the difference between its current position and the ear - the snout is also too "pointed"...broaden it out some, move the eye back and i think you've got a winning logo

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Nice to see some more stuff from you, Ian. I've been on a bit of a hiatus myself.

First, to the logo. I ain't no kind of zoologist, so I can't really speak to how a bear really should look. BUT, it does appear the head is bit more triangular, especially through the snout area. I'd suggest probably shortening that up and thickening it a good bit to make it look a little more compact. As for the eye, it does look a little, well, sad. I think hacking off one good chunk of eye at the hop would instantly help that out. I wouldn't suggest completely closing the eye, though. Hunters are never take their eyes off the target (*INSERT OBLIGATORY DICK CHEYNEY JOKE HERE*), so I wouldn't suggest doing it here. Also, one other thought, though this may be a bit of a reach: I was studying the pattern of the zigzags in the fur down around the neck area and thought to myself "could this guy possibly render those in such a way that it seems as if it's blowing in the wind???"--you know, being that Chi-Town is also the City of Wind (as Common says it; the Windy City to everyone else). That's just a wild random thought.

Now about those unis...

...I don't even know where to start.

Well...you most certainly achieved your goal of getting this one noticed, that's for sure. And I do applaud your creativity and cohones on sticking your neck out there and doing this here. To me, the whole look looks like "Bears on Steroids" (which I know ain't a good label to be using in sports these days). The first thing that jumped out at me was the overly large nameplate--may want to reduce that some. It looks like you took a hacksaw to those numbers--but for what you were going for, I actually like how they came out! Overall, man, this is, well...something different.

I think we all know this would never actually fly in Chicago; but sell this to a college or high school somewhere and watch them jump all over it!

So...in conclusion...I love the creativity angle. While not "right" for the Bears, it's certainly an awesome concept nonetheless.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Thanks for all your feedback fellas, I appreciate. I've been busy all week with school work, but my spring break starts as of Friday so I'll definitely be tweaking and implementing according to all of your advice as soon as I'm free. Brandon, I'm happy you took my cohones into account. Somebody had to, and I'm glad it was you! I was indeed experimenting with a quite out there uniform design. I should have an update within the next 2 days.

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As a bears fan, trust me, these could be a lot worse. Obviously, almost nobody here would go for these, but it could be worse. I think you have a great start if the Bears ever decide to modernize.

I would start by cutting out a bunch of lines. On the front of the jerseys, that random piping doesnt really fit. And on the pants, the Bears script is not fitting in. I think If you keep the almost "bear-piping" you have on the sides of the jerseys and the pants, and simplified it down, it could be great.

The logo is a little rough too, but It's a fantastic start, I think.


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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i like the logo on its own. (although he looks a little jowly)

but when you put it on the helmet it looks a little amorphus from distance and

doesnt feel like a bears logo.

i had a crack at this a while back and felt the same abut the logo i did.

i tried inserting it into the C and it felt a bit more like a bears helmet.

perhaps you could try something similar?


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i like the logo on its own. (although he looks a little jowly)

but when you put it on the helmet it looks a little amorphus from distance and

doesnt feel like a bears logo.

i had a crack at this a while back and felt the same abut the logo i did.

i tried inserting it into the C and it felt a bit more like a bears helmet.

perhaps you could try something similar?


I really don't think that looks like a bear but more of a tiger.



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i like the logo on its own. (although he looks a little jowly)

but when you put it on the helmet it looks a little amorphus from distance and

doesnt feel like a bears logo.

i had a crack at this a while back and felt the same abut the logo i did.

i tried inserting it into the C and it felt a bit more like a bears helmet.

perhaps you could try something similar?


I really don't think that looks like a bear but more of a tiger.

I agree. It looks more like a tiger than a bear.

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i like the logo on its own. (although he looks a little jowly)

but when you put it on the helmet it looks a little amorphus from distance and

doesnt feel like a bears logo.

i had a crack at this a while back and felt the same abut the logo i did.

i tried inserting it into the C and it felt a bit more like a bears helmet.

perhaps you could try something similar?


I really don't think that looks like a bear but more of a tiger.

I agree. It looks more like a tiger than a bear.

I also agree

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i like the logo on its own. (although he looks a little jowly)

but when you put it on the helmet it looks a little amorphus from distance and

doesnt feel like a bears logo.

i had a crack at this a while back and felt the same abut the logo i did.

i tried inserting it into the C and it felt a bit more like a bears helmet.

perhaps you could try something similar?


I really don't think that looks like a bear but more of a tiger.

I agree. It looks more like a tiger than a bear.

I also agree

I agree as well

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