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Formula One Championship to be determined by Race Wins


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Strange, to say the least. Could make for some interesting racing at the end of the year, when a guy who'd would normally "cruise" to 2nd or 3rd place points will now want to go balls-out for the win.

Eccelstone also had the idea of giving out Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals for each race, and the champion would be determined at the end of the year the way that a country "wins" the medal count at the Olympics. He was overruled, but that could have been cool.

Even before this annoucement, I think I'm more excited for this F1 season than any I can ever remember.

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This is pretty stupid, I don't mind, I actually encourage, the idea of a consistent driver rather than one who wins but is inconsistent.

The medlas idea is actually better than this, though that one isn't the greatest.

If they want to emphaize wins, a la NASCAR, then they should implement a points system that puts more emphasis on the wins than second place. There was talk of a 12-9-7 podium point system instead of the the current 10-8-7 (is that correct?). I think that eas mentioned in the article though.

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I can see more team orders than ever with the Big Three teams. Adjusting the points again still would not place that much of an emphasis on winning. "Size", you basically just expand point paying positions, while give only a 50% bonus from last years system. If the 1991-2002 system of 10-6-4-3-2-1 was their best system ever. The budget reductions for 2010 are the more important story to me as it could result in more competitive balance.

"fnz", NASCAR emphasizes winning races even less than this new or the old F1 system. Points for the sake of points is why a team is 45 laps down with no hood just driving around. The difference from 1st to 2nd in F1 is 20%; in NASCAR, it is at maximum 10% and there are other points to be given out for laps led and halfway winner.

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Strange, to say the least. Could make for some interesting racing at the end of the year, when a guy who's would normally "cruise" to 2nd or 3rd place points will now want to go balls-out for the win.

Eccelstone also had the idea of giving out Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals for each race, and the champion would be determined at the end of the year the way that a country "wins" the medal count at the Olympics. He was overruled, but that could have been cool.

Even before this annoucement, I think I'm more excited for this F1 season than any I can ever remember.

Technically, the medal count system is the same as most wins. In the Olympic a team with 1 gold and no silver or bronze, is ahead of a team with 0 golds, 5 silvers and 5 bronzes.

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It will certainly eliminate any sandbagging, or holding back to conserve equipment and cruise to a title. I think the overall idea is kind of dumb and ill thought out though. It should be an interesting season with the new car designs, new rules package, and now a new points system. I hope there's more parody than usual, and there are some "lower budget" teams up at the front sticking it to McLaren and Ferrari!

Can we just go back to the early 80s? Big engines, big tires, balls out all the time! Never saw the man race, but Gilles Villeneuve is my all time racing hero!

"I will drive flat out all the time. I love racing." ~Gilles

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It's a stupid rule change...but it'll definitely make the race for 1st more exciting. Watching an F1 race is fun, but there's probably little to no passing, and unless someone in the front makes a HUGE mistake, you basically know who's going to win the race by the 10th lap.



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Another new rule in F1 this year will be the "push to pass" button. But of course they're not calling it that because why would we want to admit we stole an idea from CART?! *turns nose up at other forms of open wheel competition*


F1 will instead be calling theirs the "Kinetic Energy Recovery System". Sounds like an excessively long, and overly fancy way of saying the "go faster" button.

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Not a fan of this at all. I never understood why they didn't do the points something like this, 12-8-6-5-4-3-2-1. However, if makes the racing interesting, then its worth a shot. I have loved how the last two championships have gone to the wire. My personal favorite being 2007, when Kimi won the title. :)

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Shouldn't winning be the be-all end-all?

I'd rather see the guy who won five races get the title over the guy who finished second 13 times without winning

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Shouldn't winning be the be-all end-all?

I'd rather see the guy who won five races get the title over the guy who finished second 13 times without winning

God I hope that Massa (for an example) wins 6 races, crashes out of all the rest. Raikonnen gets 3, Hamilton gets 3, Kubica, Heidfeld, Webber and Alonso each get 1, but Hamilton finishes second in every other race, and by this years scoring BLOWS Massa out of the water! But Massa gets the title?? Stupid system, I hope it blows up in their face. If Michael Schumacher things it's ridiculous, then you know something is wrong!

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Well, this lasted less than a week.

FIA Delays New Scoring System Until 2010

A FIA spokesman told BBC Sport: "The new scoring system has been deferred until 2010, but I'm sure this will be reviewed throughout the course of the season as any new rule changes have to have teams approval before we proceed.

"We're slightly surprised that the teams have taken this long to come forward as we were under the impression that they were happy with the rule changes."

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Why can't they just do the simple thing and just award more poitns or a bigger winner's purse or both to the winner? Make winning something, but keep the points. They think they're being so ingenious, but they don't think to ask the competitors what is best. It's an ego thing for Bernie, that's all it is and all it will be.



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F1 is just as bad as Nascar when it comes to rule changes and such.

So what's the last rule change NASCAR made that was this bad? If you're going to say the COT well, then you fail to see what the basis behind it was. If you're going to say the chase, well, it's worked.



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