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CCSLC Championship Ring Thread

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For their 20th season home opener, the Halifax Mooseheads are given all season-ticket and 15-game pack holders a free replica Memorial Cup Champions ring.

Of course this image is the just the replica for the fans. As much as I hate the team and it's name (which is ironic as I got to work at the Metro Centre during every home game this past season and got to watch the Presidents Trophy winning moment free) I never hated the logo. And if they can pull off the intricate detail of the moosehead on a ring, it could be very very impressive.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Hey where is everyone? It's been very quiet on this board.

I see there are two very cool Yankee rings for auction on ebay. I know the seller, he's a good guy. The two rings are totally real. One is a 2001 American League Yankee Player's ring, the 2nd is a 2009 Yankee Scout's ring.

Knowing the seller, he probably has a high reserve and there's a likely probability that these two rings won't hit their hidden reserves.

The 2000 Yankee World Series ring, the 2001 and 2003 American League Rings are extremely rare. George Steinbrenner was annoyed at front office rings going for sale on ebay in the late 90's so he cut back distribution quite a bit, making the 2000 - 2003 Yankee rings quite rare.

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I don’t blame Steinbrenner, It is ridiculous how many rings are some teams handing out. The annoying part is that every couple of years there are players that file grievance with NFLPA for not getting a super bowl ring despite being on the team or practice squad. Yet there are groundskeepers, accountants, marketing people and secretaries walking around with rings, sometimes exact rings as players.

I know Lakers and 49ers gave exact same rings to everyone including towel boys, and even cheerleaders got exact same rings as players. I think that is why Cuban did not want to make rings either. (I don’t know if people realize that or not, but the rings he made at the time were the most expensive in NBA history, about 90 grams and 10 carrot of diamonds….far surpassing any rings Lakers ever made. Miami Heat topped them last year with 115 grams and almost 11 carrots. I am sure those are just random facts, had nothing to do with Heat trying to one-up Mavericks rings….right)

I can respect teams sharing the wealth but I would keep Players ring different than everyone else’s ring. Pat Riley made a point of keeping the Heat’s players ring bigger than everyone else’s, even coaches and front office executives got smaller rings. They did however hand out a lot of rings as you can see them on ebay all the time, some gold with cz and some none precious metal with cz.

2003 and 2004 Patriots gave out completely different looking rings to staff than the ones that Players, coaches and high level executive got.

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As rings exceed 100 grams, they are very uncomfortable to wear. I met a famous Patriot lineman last year and of course all I wanted to talk about were superbowl rings. He was 6'4", and 300 lbs and he told me his Superbowl XXXIX ring, as georgous as it was, is too big and uncomfortable. He did not like wearing it, and preferred wearing the smaller XXXVIII ring.

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I love the Patriots 2004 ring, as a Patriots fan it is the Holy Grail. I can’t believe Pawn Stars bought a genuine players ring for 21K. I would have paid that guy 25K for it. I don’t know if Rick Harrison still has it, but I am sure he is asking for 100K.

Speaking of rings, any St. Louis Cardinals fan here? There is a genuine 2011 World Series ring for sale on ebay. It's a coach’s ring, same as players. First one I have seen up for Auction. Rather amateurish quality pics by seller, but never the less, great piece of Cardinals history.

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From what I can piece together, Rick probably did not buy that ring.
I have learned through other blogs that sometimes Rick will buy something on the show, and in real life a deal was not reached. It makes for better television apparently if they stay on script and not stay true to what actually occurred.
Thinking that they had purchased the ring, I called the store looking to buy and/or trade for the ring. I was told they never had the ring.
Rick really likes having super bowl rings in his shop. He feels that it attracts crowds of people and tourists if he can have amazing items on display. That's why the super bowl XXXVI ring has an asking price of 100,000. He gets to either keep the ring for a long time, or make a killer profit on the ring.
I have been approached by Rick's assistants to see if I would sell them any super bowl rings. Knowing that they would go in the window with a 100,000 price tag I asked in the low 30's. I found his staff to be a total waste of my time and nothing came of our conversations.
Rick has some college rings and is asking around 2 to 3 times the going rate for those rings as well.
Rick really does not know his stuff about rings: He was worried about the markings of that ring. Turns out that Jostens does more and more engravings in the hand-style seen on that ring. Jeremy, his latest expert, was also in the dark, claiming the ring was so big they had to engrave it by hand. If that's true, why didn't they engrave the ring before they joined it to the top? And, the Steelers ring the following year had the same hand-style engraving and that was a much smaller ring.

by the way, there is a youtube video floating around where Rick explains how the NFL makes teams get their first winning ring in 10K gold and that the Pats broke this rule. Once again, it shows Rick has no idea what he is talking about and there are numerouos exampales of first-time winning rings coming out in 14K gold.

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Thank you sports-rings, that was interesting stuff. I had wondered how come I had never seen the Pats ring on display, that makes sense now.

By the way, did you see the 1997 Broncos ring on ebay? I really can't believe how bad the quality of that ring is. It totally looks like a cheap knock-off.

I have no idea how T.J comes across so many rings, it seems like he has sold more rings than anyone else.

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I did see the ring. He and Tim Robins are very expensive. He is "asking" 29,999 on that ring and it's a front office ring! What's really cool about that ring he has for sale is that it comes with the original presentation box. Sometimes players throw out the oriignal presentation boxes. Most presentation boxes scream "I'm special, keep me" as they are made with cool graphics, wood and glass. The 1997 Bronco presentation box is a completely cheap little jewelry non-wood box. Most are thrown away but this ring comes with one. Check it out if you want to see the orignal box.

He also put up AFC rings today from the Titans and Steelers. I know the Titans presentation box is not the authentic box and I am not sure on the Steelers ring.

By the way, I think he has a 1976 Yankee A.L. Pennant ring that is at a good price.

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Just looked at the article, and consequently your web site for the first time in perhaps several years. While going through it I came across the picture of your Cincinnati Bengals AFC championship ring from 1988, and I can't help but tell this story... though to me at the time it was humiliating and even now it's kind of embarrassing to me.

In 2000, Arena Football came to Raleigh in the form of the Carolina Cobras, and one of their early games was 'nationally' televised (forgot who broadcast it). One of the game's commentators was Sam Wyche, and they happened to be positioned (inexplicably) atop the section I was sitting in (inexplicable because I was in the lower bowl of the arena, about 5 rows from field level). Bored with the game in the 4th quarter, my friends and I left our seats to get a few beers and hot dogs from the vendors... who were near the broadcast area.

Anyway, as we're up there, the network broadcasting the game took an extended break of some sort, and Sam joined us in the food line. I couldn't help but notice his ring, but I also happened to be wearing the other ring that commemorated that game - the one won by the 49ers, and bought by me roughly a year earlier. With my hands at my sides (and without prompting), my friend asked Sam about the ring. Sam dutifully stuck out his hand so my buddy could see it.

My friend, ever the smart ass, looks at me and says, "Yours is nicer," and smiles. Sam, somewhat smart-assedly himself, asks incredulously, "Yeah? What's he got that nicer than a ring commemorating a Super Bowl appearance?" My friend grabs my right hand, puts it alongside Sam's, which is still extended, and says, "a Super Bowl victory."

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What most fans of this forum do not realize is the 1988 Bengals AFC Rings were actually LARGER than the 1988 49ers Super Bowl Rings. Both rings were made by Jostens. Its the only time in the history of the Super Bowl Rings that the so called loosers ring was made larger than the winners rings. I have both rings and its hard to believe.

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I finally acquired a Yankee Player's 2009 Ring! Some long-time rumors can now be laid to rest.

There was some speculation that player's received a larger ring, even though the PR department said over and over they did not. I can confirm that Player's rings are the same size as the ones distributed to the front office personnel. There is a "B" version ring offered to workers at the stadium that can not really be considered front office workers. This "B" ring is made of non precious metals and not real diamonds. It is a far step down from the "A" version ring.

The other things I can confirm is that Jersey numbers are not found on the ring, and that the presentation box was made by the same company that has been making Jostens and Intergold rings. This is quite unusual.

(Click on the photo below for a larger photograph)

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I'm no sox fan, but I think the 2004 and 2007 Red Sox rings are amaizing! Very classy, while huge too! They dwarf the 2009 Yankee ring. But, hey, to each their own!

While searching ebay, I noticed there are a lot of new rings available. Sadly, most our priced at silly asking prices.

I noticed there's a Newark Bears ring. Kind of a cool looking ring! And TJ has a 1976 Yankees player ring at a very resonable asking price.

Happy ring hunting!

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There is something fishy here! I am on ebay 3-4 times a day. Yet somehow I missed out on a Seahawk’s NFC championship ring selling for 4K!? Rangers AL Championship ring selling for 4K!?

Argonauts CFL championship ring selling for 6500!?

I would have bought all 3! That is crazy! How would I have missed out?

To be honest I would have sold all 3 rings eventually for a profit but I don’t understand how I missed out!? I never saw them listed till after sales were done!

And then Argonauts ring is now listed for 24K?

And whatever happened to the Denver 1998 ring sold by TJ’s? I can’t find it anywhere?

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There is something fishy here! I am on ebay 3-4 times a day. Yet somehow I missed out on a Seahawks NFC championship ring selling for 4K!? Rangers AL Championship ring selling for 4K!?

Argonauts CFL championship ring selling for 6500!?

I would have bought all 3! That is crazy! How would I have missed out?

To be honest I would have sold all 3 rings eventually for a profit but I dont understand how I missed out!? I never saw them listed till after sales were done!

And then Argonauts ring is now listed for 24K?

And whatever happened to the Denver 1998 ring sold by TJs? I cant find it anywhere?

The guy who's selling that CFL is ring a moron!! He's got a bunch of stuff on eBay all over priced. And he changes the prices on a daily basis. He'll never get any where close to $24,000 for that ring. CFL rings don't command the same type of money as Super Bowl rings.


Part owner in the Green Bay Packers

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