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KC Scouts


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The other big relocation news after Phoenix to Hamilton is the Islanders to KC. (far less likely, but I just realized how close I am to 100 posts. After all these years.)

here are the logos -


and the jerseys


The template is too good to be lost once Buffalo goes to the throwback thirds full-time.

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It is a good template but TBH I think you went the wrong way with it. Curvy and straight stripes just don't work well together in this instance. I prefer the old colors. The whole way you did the different color switches looks random, and the back of the white jersey has two different side panel colors.

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It is a good template but TBH I think you went the wrong way with it. Curvy and straight stripes just don't work well together in this instance. I prefer the old colors. The whole way you did the different color switches looks random, and the back of the white jersey has two different side panel colors.

Yeah, I think you're probably right. I liked it a whole lot right when it was finished, but it does seem a little random and the stripes don't really work. I think I'll rework it a bit and see what comes out.

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It is a good template but TBH I think you went the wrong way with it. Curvy and straight stripes just don't work well together in this instance. I prefer the old colors. The whole way you did the different color switches looks random, and the back of the white jersey has two different side panel colors.

Yeah, I think you're probably right. I liked it a whole lot right when it was finished, but it does seem a little random and the stripes don't really work. I think I'll rework it a bit and see what comes out.

Okay, so I changed the colors back, replacing the light blue with gold


And to fix the jerseys, I ditched the stripes, and went with a feather design similar to the Hank Aaron-era Braves.


It's better than the first try. The colors do work a lot better. The striping is an improvement, but there's something about them that needs tweaking. I just don't know exactly what. Any thoughts?

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The colors are better, but I'm not feeling the template. I do like the Braves-esque feather element you've incorporated, but not the positioning. There's a reason no teams put any major design elements at the end of the sleeves. They would end up obscured by the gloves.

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The gold looks much better than the light blue--so good switch.

I think the red could be toned down a bit though.

I'm not too into the stripes & such--too much of the new RBK look--and I'm still not used to it.

But it's a good starting point. You should post more often.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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The gold looks much better than the light blue--so good switch.

I think the red could be toned down a bit though.

I'm not too into the stripes & such--too much of the new RBK look--and I'm still not used to it.

But it's a good starting point. You should post more often.

I would post more often, but I don't have a lot of free time on my hands. And the hobbies I do have are all time-consuming.

I've come to embrace the new RBK look, mostly. There are some elements (like the butt logo) that have taken a long time to accept. Others (piping that doesn't connect to anything) I'm still working on accepting.

I'm going to give this concept one more try before I disappear back into the ether.

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I would post more often, but I don't have a lot of free time on my hands. And the hobbies I do have are all time-consuming.

I've come to embrace the new RBK look, mostly. There are some elements (like the butt logo) that have taken a long time to accept. Others (piping that doesn't connect to anything) I'm still working on accepting.

I'm going to give this concept one more try before I disappear back into the ether.

I used to be on here a lot, but not so much over the last couple of years--for a variety of reasons--including hobbies, but also work, other responsibilities, and health.

But I do like to come back here & browse every now & then.

I think that last one would look better if that red line (piping) didn't extend down as far on the front--if it was about the same on the front & back I think that would look better.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I think it needs a different color scheme. I know those are the traditional colors of the Scouts, but every time I see blue, red, and yellow, i automatically think either A. Circus, or B. Wonder Bread.

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Okay, the changes I made were minor (removing a color panel and tweaking the feathers a bit) but it seems to me to be a major improvement.


I don't like the feathers at the tips of the arms and also wouldn't they be hard do see from the glove being in the way. Maybe try putting the feathers vertically up they side of the jersey.


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I really dislike how the logo and numbers on the backs of the jerseys are different colour. If you're going to have a red logo with white and yellow outlines on a uniform, why put white numbers with blue and yellow outlines on the back? Same with the blue logo with white and red outlines on a jersey that has red numbers with yellow and blue outlines. It just doesn't work at all.

These jerseys kinda make me feel like you took a Wonder Bread bag, used it as a palette and randomly filled in a very busy jersey.

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