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New Halifax Mooseheads jerseys


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Why dont they put the Reebok logo on the collar (where the NHL logo is on the NHL jerseys) or put it on the back part near the collar like the NHL? Does Reebok really need to have the logo on the front? REALLY?


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The Shawinigan Cataractes unveiled these beauties last week:


And there is very small picture on the Barrie Colts website of their recent draft pick in a Edge-style Colts jersey.

And also, to answer Linus' question, for a while, I think since at least 2002 (and I think even earlier but I can't definitively say), the jersey manufacturer has always had their logo on the front just under the shoulder panel (or on it if it's one of those large shoulder panels) whether it was CCM, Bauer, Nike or Reebok. However, when Reebok came along, they not only kept their logo there, they also added it to the back, just below the collar, just like on the NHL jerseys.

I dread to see what the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles come up with, though the Shawinigan jerseys give me hope.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Cataractes' are way better than the ones they had last year (the yellow one was ugly).

Can't wait to see if they were able to keep the multiple stripes on the shoulder for the Saguenéens.

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And there is very small picture on the Barrie Colts website of their recent draft pick in a Edge-style Colts jersey.

I posted the pic in the 2009/10 New CHL Jerseys topic. It looks new.


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