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Minnesota Wild Alternate


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Alright, so I made this to get back to a green jersey for the Wild, and to finalize what kind of animal is so very wild. I think the black bear is a good guess as to what inspired the Wild's current logo. I stretched their current logo out to include an entire body, I intended to do a standing bear, which I may still do depending on how the running bear is received. I began by removing the trees from the Wild logo and extending it to the body, but that ended up being a big blob of red, so I tried to add the trees back in, as well as some within the body. The jersey is pretty self explanatory, simple and back to the green. I tried something a bit more complex to include the pine tree motif that Minnesotans obviously love so much (wild, t-wolves, well I guess that's it).

C&C please




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this is really nice crosby! it looks great. your choice of a black bear works nicely. in someones nhl redesign they made the secondary logo a wolverine so I think it could go a lot of different ways. either way I think this looks really cool.


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It's a very interesting idea. You've got a well-done illustration too, but that's just an odd snap shot of the bear running. You caught him in a really awkward position. I think if you can render the body in a more open gait, it would look much better and have better balance.

I'm also having a tough time deciding if I like it with or without the trees. Without looks cleaner and more natural, but he looks a bit too sleek. I like the thought of continuing the trees throughout the body--and the look very nice tucked into his belly and tail--but they don't transition well from the head into the body.

Maybe if you tried a different position for the bear, it would give you more options for how to transition the trees.


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Thanks for the quick C&C everyone.

dgnmrwrw-I appreciate your comments, as your work is amazing. I looked around for a bear jumping/strided out a bit (I don't think strided is a word, but you get it), but the only bears I could find in a similar gait were polar bears, which are quite different from black bears, which is where I intended on taking this. Like I said before, I may work on a standing bear.

The trees were the worst part of all of this. Moving trees into body was the hardest, as it went from a lot of green into a ton of red. I think a standing pose would allow for a continuation of half green and half red, but with the legs bunched together in this set it would have looked very amoeba-like.

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i love the concept,

here are my 10 cents

-the size of the head and the size of the body is bugging me a little, and

-the size of the logo on the jersey, maybe shrink a little

-maybe try the bear in different color combinations

great concept

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Don't get me wrong, this is a very creative idea, but you have many different animal features in the logo. It looks like the "bear" has the head/neck of an otter, the body of a bear, and the legs of a kangaroo.

And if you look at it from a different perspective it almost looks as if the bear was running on his hind legs for awhile and he's putting his paws down by his knees to catch his breath.

Just my thoughts. Nice idea though, I'd love to see an update!

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Production is great, but...

...aren't you just giving the "haters" a new graphic to use to bring your team down? The image of a lifeless bear not really scaring anyone but maybe younger bears?

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