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2009 NFL Season Thread


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I suggest that everybody change the channel (or click over) to the 49ers/Seahawks game. Frank Gore currently has 206 yards rushing...in the 3rd quarter.

Thanks for pissing in my Cheerios, so to speak.

Ugh... That was a bad performance, considering a week ago they blanked the Lambs (Then again, it is the Lambs, so I guess you can't really use that as a measuring stick for the defense). I just wonder why Hasselbeck got yanked for Wallace? Please don't tell me the injury bug is back wreaking havoc again?


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I suggest that everybody change the channel (or click over) to the 49ers/Seahawks game. Frank Gore currently has 206 yards rushing...in the 3rd quarter.

Thanks for pissing in my Cheerios, so to speak.

Ugh... That was a bad performance, considering a week ago they blanked the Lambs (Then again, it is the Lambs, so I guess you can't really use that as a measuring stick for the defense). I just wonder why Hasselbeck got yanked for Wallace? Please don't tell me the injury bug is back wreaking havoc again?

I didn't see the actual play but Hasselbeck was lying on the ground for a good long while before he left the field.






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I suggest that everybody change the channel (or click over) to the 49ers/Seahawks game. Frank Gore currently has 206 yards rushing...in the 3rd quarter.

Thanks for pissing in my Cheerios, so to speak.

Ugh... That was a bad performance, considering a week ago they blanked the Lambs (Then again, it is the Lambs, so I guess you can't really use that as a measuring stick for the defense). I just wonder why Hasselbeck got yanked for Wallace? Please don't tell me the injury bug is back wreaking havoc again?

I didn't see the actual play but Hasselbeck was lying on the ground for a good long while before he left the field.

Hurt his ribs, I believe.


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I had a good football weekend.

Ohio State won

USC lost to Washington

Ohio University won

The Bengals won

the Steelers lost

the Browns lost

the Patriots lost

the only thing that could've made it better is if Baltimore would've lost.


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Yeah no kidding. Rivers forgets to look at the play clock, forgets how to check down and then Norv goes for two field goals inside the ten AND calls a run up the gut on 4th and 2 with seconds left. Enter Ray Lewis. Game. Over.

That hurt. Thank God we have Miami next week. We'll need it before facing a TOUGH Steelers team.

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Yeah no kidding. Rivers forgets to look at the play clock, forgets how to check down and then Norv goes for two field goals inside the ten AND calls a run up the gut on 4th and 2 with seconds left. Enter Ray Lewis. Game. Over.

That hurt. Thank God we have Miami next week. We'll need it before facing a TOUGH Steelers team.

Miami isn't exactly a day off. It's not like The Chargers are playing the Browns or Lions.






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Yeah no kidding. Rivers forgets to look at the play clock, forgets how to check down and then Norv goes for two field goals inside the ten AND calls a run up the gut on 4th and 2 with seconds left. Enter Ray Lewis. Game. Over.

That hurt. Thank God we have Miami next week. We'll need it before facing a TOUGH Steelers team.

Miami isn't exactly a day off. It's not like The Chargers are playing the Browns or Lions.

Or the Raiders... oh wait, they almost beat SD.


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I had a good football weekend.

Ohio State won

USC lost to Washington

Ohio University won

The Bengals won

the Steelers lost

the Browns lost

the Patriots lost

the only thing that could've made it better is if Baltimore would've lost.

You're my kind of fan. Except I would have thrown the Notre Dame victory in there as well. But anyway......WHO-DEY!

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I had a good football weekend.

Ohio State won

USC lost to Washington

Ohio University won

The Bengals won

the Steelers lost

the Browns lost

the Patriots lost

the only thing that could've made it better is if Baltimore would've lost.

You're my kind of fan. Except I would have thrown the Notre Dame victory in there as well. But anyway......WHO-DEY!

Jets win. Patriots lose. My fantasy team wins. Dallas loses their grand opening.

No complaints here either! :D


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I've been going to Jet games since I was 5 in 1990 as a season ticket holder. I can't ever remember it being louder there than it was today. That includes an AFC Wild Card 41-0 win vs. Indy and a Divisional Playoff win against Jacksonville.

Brady was confused most of the day, and we were fortunate to force 2 first 1/2 field goals that easily could've been TD's to make it 17-3 at the half instead of 9-3. The D was awesome, the offense got it going somewhat in the second half after a DREADFUL first half, and the Jets beat NE at home for the first time since 2000.

What an afternoon.


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Brady was confused most of the day, and we were fortunate to force 2 first 1/2 field goals that easily could've been TD's to make it 17-3 at the half instead of 9-3. The D was awesome, the offense got it going somewhat in the second half after a DREADFUL first half, and the Jets beat NE at home for the first time since 2000.

I know it's only two games into the regular season, but this has got to be the best Jets defense I have ever seen. The Jets D held the Texans (who lit up the Titans for 34 points today) to zero offensive points last week, then held Tom Terrific and the mighty Patriots touchdownless, limiting them to just three field goals.

I honestly was not onboard with Rex Ryan when he was hired over the likes of Shanahan and Cowher. But so far, I'm a believer in his methods. The fans were AWESOME. Bring on Tennessee!


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Brady was confused most of the day, and we were fortunate to force 2 first 1/2 field goals that easily could've been TD's to make it 17-3 at the half instead of 9-3. The D was awesome, the offense got it going somewhat in the second half after a DREADFUL first half, and the Jets beat NE at home for the first time since 2000.

I know it's only two games into the regular season, but this has got to be the best Jets defense I have ever seen. The Jets D held the Texans (who lit up the Titans for 34 points today) to zero offensive points last week, then helf Tom Terrific and the mighty Patriots touchdownless, limiting them to three field goals.

I honestly was not onboard with Rex Ryan when he was hired over the likes of Shanahan and Cowher. But so far, I'm a believer in his methods. The fans were AWESOME. Bring on Tennessee!

Ditto. I'm not old enough to remember the days of the Sack Exchange or anything like that. The earliest players I can remember on defense are the likes of Dennis Bryd, Marvin Washington, James Hasty, Kyle Clifton, et al...so this isn't really saying THAT much :P.

That being said I can't help but start to get a little bit excited. And Darelle Revis is a complete STUD to boot. I'd be a lot giddier if we had another receiver and a veteran QB though, so let's not start printing playoff tickets just yet...


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Brady was confused most of the day, and we were fortunate to force 2 first 1/2 field goals that easily could've been TD's to make it 17-3 at the half instead of 9-3. The D was awesome, the offense got it going somewhat in the second half after a DREADFUL first half, and the Jets beat NE at home for the first time since 2000.

I know it's only two games into the regular season, but this has got to be the best Jets defense I have ever seen. The Jets D held the Texans (who lit up the Titans for 34 points today) to zero offensive points last week, then helf Tom Terrific and the mighty Patriots touchdownless, limiting them to three field goals.

I honestly was not onboard with Rex Ryan when he was hired over the likes of Shanahan and Cowher. But so far, I'm a believer in his methods. The fans were AWESOME. Bring on Tennessee!

Ditto. I'm not old enough to remember the days of the Sack Exchange or anything like that. The earliest players I can remember on defense are the likes of Dennis Bryd, Marvin Washington, James Hasty, Kyle Clifton, et al...so this isn't really saying THAT much :P.

That being said I can't help but start to get a little bit excited. And Darelle Revis is a complete STUD to boot. I'd be a lot giddier if we had another receiver and a veteran QB though, so let's not start printing playoff tickets just yet...

Oh no, I'm not counting out the Patriots by any means, nor Miami or Buffalo for that matter. But for a what some would call a "rebuilding year" in New York, what a start! Coach Ryan has brought a whole new attitude to Gang Green, one I have yet to see in this lifetime. I mean really, one month ago, would you have ever thought that rookie head coach Rex Ryan, rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez, and this re-tooled New York Jets team would shut down the Patriots offense, let alone beat them outright?? I'm about as loyal as they come, and sure as hell didn't!


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I suggest that everybody change the channel (or click over) to the 49ers/Seahawks game. Frank Gore currently has 206 yards rushing...in the 3rd quarter.

Thanks for pissing in my Cheerios, so to speak.

Ugh... That was a bad performance, considering a week ago they blanked the Lambs (Then again, it is the Lambs, so I guess you can't really use that as a measuring stick for the defense). I just wonder why Hasselbeck got yanked for Wallace? Please don't tell me the injury bug is back wreaking havoc again?

When you loose your best players on offence and defence its tough. Credit goes ot 49ers though, they played hard and it looks like the NFC west isn't the worst division in football anymore.

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Brady was confused most of the day, and we were fortunate to force 2 first 1/2 field goals that easily could've been TD's to make it 17-3 at the half instead of 9-3. The D was awesome, the offense got it going somewhat in the second half after a DREADFUL first half, and the Jets beat NE at home for the first time since 2000.

I know it's only two games into the regular season, but this has got to be the best Jets defense I have ever seen. The Jets D held the Texans (who lit up the Titans for 34 points today) to zero offensive points last week, then helf Tom Terrific and the mighty Patriots touchdownless, limiting them to three field goals.

I honestly was not onboard with Rex Ryan when he was hired over the likes of Shanahan and Cowher. But so far, I'm a believer in his methods. The fans were AWESOME. Bring on Tennessee!

Ditto. I'm not old enough to remember the days of the Sack Exchange or anything like that. The earliest players I can remember on defense are the likes of Dennis Bryd, Marvin Washington, James Hasty, Kyle Clifton, et al...so this isn't really saying THAT much :P.

That being said I can't help but start to get a little bit excited. And Darelle Revis is a complete STUD to boot. I'd be a lot giddier if we had another receiver and a veteran QB though, so let's not start printing playoff tickets just yet...

Oh no, I'm not counting out the Patriots by any means, nor Miami or Buffalo for that matter. But for a what some would call a "rebuilding year" in New York, what a start! Coach Ryan has brought a whole new attitude to Gang Green, one I have yet to see in this lifetime. I mean really, one month ago, would you have ever thought that rookie head coach Rex Ryan, rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez, and this re-tooled New York Jets team would shut down the Patriots offense, let alone beat them outright?? I'm about as loyal as they come, and sure as hell didn't!

I've always been a fan of Rex Ryan. I originally wanted him to replace Billick here in Baltimore (but I'm happy now how everything has worked out). I think he learned a lot last year from John Harbaugh how a rookie head coach should handle his team and how to handle a rookie QB. I hope he finds success in New York.

Great game by the Ravens yesterday. Ray Lewis had one of the best plays of his career. Here's a link in case anyone missed it, I don't know how any team can let Lewis go unblocked:

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Great game by the Ravens yesterday. Ray Lewis had one of the best plays of his career. Here's a link in case anyone missed it, I don't know how any team can let Lewis go unblocked:

When my grandmother is questioning your play calling, you know you're really screwing something up. I'm glad Norv Turner isn't my coach.

As for that play...that was nuts. Untouched up the middle...how do you let that happen? I don't care what team you're playing, nevermind the Ravens...there's a reason why this will be his last year in the NFL.


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So, not only did Leodis McKelvin have his house vandalized, now Donte Whitner had his house broken into during the game on Sunday. The criminals got away with $400k worth of jewelry. This is absolutely pathetic, not only do they live in one of the safest neighborhoods in the area, they are our team, why would people do this to them? Thankfully Donte and his family were not home during the incident or we may have had another Sean Taylor type of incident.


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So, not only did Leodis McKelvin have his house vandalized, now Donte Whitner had his house broken into during the game on Sunday. The criminals got away with $400k worth of jewelry. This is absolutely pathetic, not only do they live in one of the safest neighborhoods in the area, they are our team, why would people do this to them? Thankfully Donte and his family were not home during the incident or we may have had another Sean Taylor type of incident.


I hate to say it but if people KNOW you're playing/on a road trip, there's a much smaller chance anyone is home.

Nobody would know if I was home or not, but they sure as hell would know that he'd be at the Stadium...


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So, not only did Leodis McKelvin have his house vandalized, now Donte Whitner had his house broken into during the game on Sunday. The criminals got away with $400k worth of jewelry. This is absolutely pathetic, not only do they live in one of the safest neighborhoods in the area, they are our team, why would people do this to them? Thankfully Donte and his family were not home during the incident or we may have had another Sean Taylor type of incident.


I hate to say it but if people KNOW you're playing/on a road trip, there's a much smaller chance anyone is home.

Nobody would know if I was home or not, but they sure as hell would know that he'd be at the Stadium...

True, but Buffalo news stations are saying that he had family and friends over before the game, they left, went to the game then came back and noticed an ipod was gone, then also noticed the jewelry. So they are speculating that is was one of his "friends" that did it. And that is the reason he may not press charges, which, in my opinion is ridiculous.

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