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2009 NFL Season Thread


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Is it me or do the Cowboys never win a close game.

Romo is anything BUT a clutch quarterback. I'm not sure what it is, but he's even worse now without Terrell Owens.

as a cowboys fan i have the right to say, he is :censored:ing overrated. why he is considered an all world qb is beyond me. the guy is only slightly better than quincy carter. his success is about that of Jon Kitna. Both are one in the same in my opinion.

In the modern, media driven world, thats what having a famous girlfriend will do for you, especially when you play for a big draw team like the Cowboys. But I do think Romo's career is coming toward something of a cross roads. He can't blame the Cowboys weaknesses this season on TO. If he really wants to be a top draw QB he's got to start showing that he is deserving of being in the same league (if perhaps a less good division) as Brady or Manning or Brees, then he has to start putting in the performances.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I know it's preseason...

I know the Bengals, Texans, and Raiders are not elite teams...

I know injuries can strike at any time...


...Gregg Williams is the Saints' new DC and his stated goals were to play more aggressively, create turnovers, and improve in scoring defense. In 3 games now the Saints have outscored their opponents 100-28 and have created 9 turnovers. If they can carry ANY of that over to the regular season, look out.

Time will tell but I'm really looking forward to the season.

I know the season is still young...

I know the Lions and Bills are not elite teams...

I know injuries can still strike at any time...

And I know I'm quoting my own post...


Through 4 weeks at least, life is good and three words that keep coming to my mind are Darren Freakin' Sharper. Thirteen years in the league and does he have anything left in the tank? So far I'm going with yes. :D

Have to give cred here too to one of the off-season's best but least heralded pickups, a guy many of you may never have heard of, CB Jabari Greer. He's not making flashy plays like Sharper but he's a solid corner who each week makes play after play after play.

But it's not all sunshine. This is hard for me, I'm pretty much to the point of writing off Reggie Bush. I don't know what the guy's problem is but he definitely has one. As a Saints fan, it's amazing to see the downward progression. His rookie year, the offense was literally built around him. He was in virtually every play as either the ballcarrier or a decoy. Now he watches most of the game from the sideline and seems to fumble every other time he touches the ball. My wife says based on production the Saints should make Bush and Pierre Thomas swap contracts, and she's right.

So TFoA is running scared thinking about that MNF date in the Superdome, huh? Love it.

Yes, life is good but I'm just going to enjoy the moments as they come knowing it could all go south at any time.

Saints-Giants...can't wait!


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Earlier this morning, I caught the tail end of a soundbyte from Ray Lewis in regards to some roughing-the-passer calls against the Ravens yesterday.

I just now saw the replays.

And you know what? Ray Ray was absolutely 100% correct.

And Tom Brady needs to be ashamed of himself.

Those flags were clearly, to me at least, an overreaction to Brady's injury last year. The first guy barely clipped Brady after he threw the ball (and it looked like he was trying to swat the ball out of Brady's hand before he threw it), and Brady did a helluva acting job on selling that "hit", too. The second call, however? Complete and utter horse manure. Terrell Suggs barely clipped the guy--hell, his forward momentum carried him into Brady, and that's only because he got bumped while trying to get to him. I don't hardly think Suggs was trying to go for Brady's knees, plus, Brady didn't even get knocked down by the "contact". But did anyone catch Brady's reaction after that play? Just as SOON as Suggs touched Brady, Brady looked up and looked around for the flag, and as soon as he saw it, he started pumping his fist, like he KNEW one of those officials would throw that flag.

Now somebody tell me something isn't wrong there.

I don't see that call being made on anyone other than Brady or Peyton--the two largely responsible for these new "ticky-tack" penalty rules even being in existence in the first place. (Actually, I believe it was Bill Polian who originally championed many of these new rules designed to "protect" QB's and open up the offense--can somebody confirm?) Either way, I ain't a fan of it, at all. I know the owners want to protect their investments and all, but daggone. Enough is enough.


I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Short answer? YES.

Check the previous page, where the discussion on this very topic first began.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Short answer? YES.

Check the previous page, where the discussion on this very topic first began.

Many thanks, having the chance for multiple 0-16 teams in one season would be phenomenal.

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If by that you mean phenominally bad, then I agree with you, cat. ^_^

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Just as long as they don't have to play the Rams, thats a free win for everyone.



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I know it's preseason...

I know the Bengals, Texans, and Raiders are not elite teams...

I know injuries can strike at any time...


...Gregg Williams is the Saints' new DC and his stated goals were to play more aggressively, create turnovers, and improve in scoring defense. In 3 games now the Saints have outscored their opponents 100-28 and have created 9 turnovers. If they can carry ANY of that over to the regular season, look out.

Time will tell but I'm really looking forward to the season.

I know the season is still young...

I know the Lions and Bills are not elite teams...

I know injuries can still strike at any time...

And I know I'm quoting my own post...


Through 4 weeks at least, life is good and three words that keep coming to my mind are Darren Freakin' Sharper. Thirteen years in the league and does he have anything left in the tank? So far I'm going with yes. :D

Have to give cred here too to one of the off-season's best but least heralded pickups, a guy many of you may never have heard of, CB Jabari Greer. He's not making flashy plays like Sharper but he's a solid corner who each week makes play after play after play.

But it's not all sunshine. This is hard for me, I'm pretty much to the point of writing off Reggie Bush. I don't know what the guy's problem is but he definitely has one. As a Saints fan, it's amazing to see the downward progression. His rookie year, the offense was literally built around him. He was in virtually every play as either the ballcarrier or a decoy. Now he watches most of the game from the sideline and seems to fumble every other time he touches the ball. My wife says based on production the Saints should make Bush and Pierre Thomas swap contracts, and she's right.

So TFoA is running scared thinking about that MNF date in the Superdome, huh? Love it.

Yes, life is good but I'm just going to enjoy the moments as they come knowing it could all go south at any time.

Saints-Giants...can't wait!

That's the thing: the only team that went 5-0 and didn't make it to the playoffs was, of course, the Saints. But it's just fantastic to see them being so VERSATILE in how good they are. The first week we could be the high-flying passing machine, the second game we were a controlled special teams/first-down offense, the third game a down-and-dirty running force, and the fourth game we were a defensive wrecking crew. We're more legit than I've ever seen us and it's a great feeling.

And our schedule has suddenly lightened up; the only games I could see us losing is the Giants, one against Atlanta, and New England. 12-4 is not only possible, but probable. And we're hellishly lucky to have a bye right before the clash against the Giants.


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Earlier this morning, I caught the tail end of a soundbyte from Ray Lewis in regards to some roughing-the-passer calls against the Ravens yesterday.

I just now saw the replays.

And you know what? Ray Ray was absolutely 100% correct.

And Tom Brady needs to be ashamed of himself.

Those flags were clearly, to me at least, an overreaction to Brady's injury last year. The first guy barely clipped Brady after he threw the ball (and it looked like he was trying to swat the ball out of Brady's hand before he threw it), and Brady did a helluva acting job on selling that "hit", too. The second call, however? Complete and utter horse manure. Terrell Suggs barely clipped the guy--hell, his forward momentum carried him into Brady, and that's only because he got bumped while trying to get to him. I don't hardly think Suggs was trying to go for Brady's knees, plus, Brady didn't even get knocked down by the "contact". But did anyone catch Brady's reaction after that play? Just as SOON as Suggs touched Brady, Brady looked up and looked around for the flag, and as soon as he saw it, he started pumping his fist, like he KNEW one of those officials would throw that flag.

Now somebody tell me something isn't wrong there.

I don't see that call being made on anyone other than Brady or Peyton--the two largely responsible for these new "ticky-tack" penalty rules even being in existence in the first place. (Actually, I believe it was Bill Polian who originally championed many of these new rules designed to "protect" QB's and open up the offense--can somebody confirm?) Either way, I ain't a fan of it, at all. I know the owners want to protect their investments and all, but daggone. Enough is enough.


Ray is gonna get popped $20K for simply being upset with a call(nice job NFL :wacko: )

Imagine if the same injury happened to Shaun Hill or Alex Smith last year, would you have seen any drastic rule changes?

Sorry for screwing up the quote boxes


2013/14 Tanks Picks Champion

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I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Gee, wish I'd thought of that. :D

Also, I think The Browns have a legitimate shot at going 0-16. The funny thing is they aren't the only team that could do it. I haven't looked at a schedule to see if any of the 0-4 teams play each other (I'm sure a couple of them do at some point) but we may be looking at the very real possibility of more than one team going winless for an entire season. Has the NFL ever had this many truly lousy teams?






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I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Gee, wish I'd thought of that. :D

Also, I think The Browns have a legitimate shot at going 0-16. The funny thing is they aren't the only team that could do it. I haven't looked at a schedule to see if any of the 0-4 teams play each other (I'm sure a couple of them do at some point) but we may be looking at the very real possibility of more than one team going winless for an entire season. Has the NFL ever had this many truly lousy teams?

Wish someone would discuss a thread that would thoroughly discuss the possibilities you've come up with :P

Oh wait, I found the thread: http://boards.sportslogos.net/index.php?showtopic=69565

Some jerk with 3s as Es and an 0 as an O in its name started it, that bastard! :P

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Is Brett Favre playing tonight? I can't find any news on him....

You know, i was just wondering the same thing . :P

seriously, enough with the coverage. Did Sportsnation really have to dedicate an entire show to him as "FavreNation"? It was tongue-in-cheek and they were in essence making fun of the overwhelming media coverage, but it didn't help me become less tired of it.


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Maybe it's because he's playing against the Packers, or maybe it's because he's finally playing for the team he wanted to play for last season; either way, Brett Favre has actually been pretty good. The ESPN hype is still sickening, but it's pretty obvious that the man still has it...at least until the would-be-inevitable midseason collapse. :P



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I'm not a huge NFL fan, but is it possible to have two or more 0-16 teams this season?

Gee, wish I'd thought of that. :D

Also, I think The Browns have a legitimate shot at going 0-16. The funny thing is they aren't the only team that could do it. I haven't looked at a schedule to see if any of the 0-4 teams play each other (I'm sure a couple of them do at some point) but we may be looking at the very real possibility of more than one team going winless for an entire season. Has the NFL ever had this many truly lousy teams?

Wish someone would discuss a thread that would thoroughly discuss the possibilities you've come up with :P

Oh wait, I found the thread: http://boards.sportslogos.net/index.php?showtopic=69565

Some jerk with 3s as Es and an 0 as an O in its name started it, that bastard! :P

Great minds think alike. I don't know what happened in our case. :D






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If the Packers can't get this O-Line healthy and smartened up we are going to have problems Rodgers still had is best performance in his short career but giving up 19 sacks and 4.5 tonight alone by Jared Allen it's not a good feeling.

But outside of that you have to hand it to Favre again a great performance by him to go along with many.




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I was just reading a column by Peter King on SI's website and he mentioned Bill Cowher. Seeing that reminded me of how in 2006 I said right here on these boards that Cowher was done for good. He was pulling a Madden and walking away. Many people here told me I was nuts. Cowher was only taking a year off and then he'd be back on the sideline. It's 2009 folks. Bill Cowher is still sitting in the studio at CBS every Sunday. By my count (unless he gets hired in the next few weeks) that's three seasons now. Come to think of it, you rarely, if ever, even hear his name come up for a coaching vacancy these days.

So I guess the question now is does anyone still think he's coming back?

Just sayin'... :D






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