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2009 NFL Season Thread


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And when you thought the Same Old Jets couldn't find any new ways to lose,


ALL Talk, NO Game!

Hey Rex Ryan and the Jets, have you heard of the term, Put up or Shut up?

Looks like yall should SHUT UP and


Before you even Think about opening your mouths!

Better idea for the Jets: Learn to do your job on Kickoff Returns.

No team should give up one KO return for a touchdown let alone TWO to the same guy.

That really was a mess. As much as I enjoyed it because I've adopted the Dolphins as my 2nd favorite team this season, that was just awful on the Jets part. If you give up 2 KO returns for a TD, you deserve to lose, no questions asked.



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I actually had hope this season for my Seahawks to do well this season. You know, as a fan, it's not much to expect that... What I get instead is a damn near repeat of last season: The Injury Bug turning the 'Hawks into their female dogs again and whenever they play anyone worth a damn, they stink it up (Case in point: San Francisco, Arizona, Indy, Dallas)

This blog post best describes how it feels to be a Seahawk fan right now... New season, same ol' crap


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nobody cares about your fantasy team

Yeah... That was kind of a little add on. I was pointing out MJD's performance so far, which people may care about. Either way, my post added more to the thread than yours.

Nah.....his had colors :P


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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nobody cares about your fantasy team

Yeah... That was kind of a little add on. I was pointing out MJD's performance so far, which people may care about. Either way, my post added more to the thread than yours.

Nah.....his had colors :P

And a point. We have fantasy forums to discuss fantasy teams.

Anyway the Chargers are rolling, but it's against Oakland so I'm not to excited.

Broncos lost to the Ravens. Woohoo!

Yet the Packers can't seem to get one over on the Vikings. The commentators lavishing praise all over Farve isn't making the game any more enjoyable <_<

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nobody cares about your fantasy team

Yeah... That was kind of a little add on. I was pointing out MJD's performance so far, which people may care about. Either way, my post added more to the thread than yours.

Nah.....his had colors :P

And a point. We have fantasy forums to discuss fantasy teams.

Does that not apply to his post? His had nothing to do with the 2009 NFL season, while mine did. Like I said, the thing about my fantasy team was a small afterthought. Had I not added that, nobody would have said a thing. I was pointing out the ridiculous amount of yardage MJD accumulated on only 5 carries, which is completely relevant to the topic "2009 NFL Season."

Anyways, the Titans looked a lot better with Vince Young at QB, but a lot of that probably had to do with Chris Johnson's 228 yards.


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Maurice Jones-Drew has 5 carries for 172 yards and 2 TDs. That is 34 yards per carry. :blink:

He may have just saved the week for my fantasy team.

He might have saved your fantasy team...but apparently he couldn't save his own.

And this is, and has been, my maddening and frustrating main vice with my team B since the turn of the decade...either they don't want to, or just plain can't, beat the teams they are supposed to. Now granted, the Titans aren't Oakland Raiders bad (I'll come back to that), but still...oh well, it ain't like I really expected the Jaguars to run roughshod through their division, either. Congrats, Titans.

Okay, back to the Raiders. I been down for a lil' minute, so I've been out the loop...but what in the HELL is going on with the Cable guy now? I just sat through a five-minute vignette of sorts basically profiling the Cable guy as a woman-beater, going so far as to interview ex-wives or whoever those women were. Wasn't he beating up on his coaching staff? How/when did this other stuff come up? (I will say that this circus that is the Oakland Raiders just gets better and better--read...funnier and funnier--each passing season.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Really tough loss for the Pack if we could have pulled this one out and beat the Bucs next week would have been all tied up in the North.

I love to watch Favre play but it sucks that he had to have another beauty of a game against the Pack and if anyone thinks that he shouldn't be a part of the MVP talk I think most of the naysayers got shut up today.




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Good point... When a team can run the ball like that, you'll win most of the time. Problem is, in Tennessee's case, is where has that been all season?

I also want to join on the 'I am tired of hearing about the commentators suck Farve's :censored: like it was a straw' bandwagon. Is there any room for me?


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Would we say that the Colts, Saints, Pats, and Vikings are the top four at this point? Just imagine those teams being the AFC and NFC championship games.

Seems reasonable to me but there is still a lot of season left. Anything can happen.




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I also want to join on the 'I am tired of hearing about the commentators suck Farve's :censored: like it was a straw' bandwagon. Is there any room for me?

Of course. I'll order your t-shirt :D

I love to watch Favre play but it sucks that he had to have another beauty of a game against the Pack and if anyone thinks that he shouldn't be a part of the MVP talk I think most of the naysayers got shut up today.

People were saying that at this point last year when he was with the Jets. So, um, yeah. Jury's not out yet on the BRET FARVE IZ TEH GR8ST! proclamation.

I mean granted he had a really bad game, but Kurt Warner became the first QB to throw over 14,000 yards with two teams. Where's his love?

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Really tough loss for the Pack if we could have pulled this one out and beat the Bucs next week would have been all tied up in the North.

I love to watch Favre play but it sucks that he had to have another beauty of a game against the Pack and if anyone thinks that he shouldn't be a part of the MVP talk I think most of the naysayers got shut up today.

It didn't help that the Packer defense couldn't cover or tackle anyone to save their lives. I lost track of how many short Viking gains turned into huge ones because the defender(s) didn't bring the ball carrier down, but I'm certain it would have been enough to have kept Green Bay in the game.

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