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2009-2010 NHL Season


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They face Ottawa.

Karma was on the Sens side tonight.

Even better news:

They face Ottawa.

Thank you for making this shellacking a much more enjoyable experience.

Eh, crow don't taste that bad. Ottawa always gives the pens grief, no matter how they do, so im not surprised. I actually half expected us to lose, especially considering the loss of McKee making it so 2/3rds of the defense is still out. And the continued loss of Kennedy and Kunitz is messing up the first and third lines.

But as long as nobody else gets hurt *KNOCKS ON WOOD*, we'll be back on track soon.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Eh, crow don't taste that bad. Ottawa always gives the pens grief, no matter how they do, so im not surprised. I actually half expected us to lose, especially considering the loss of McKee making it so 2/3rds of the defense is still out. And the continued loss of Kennedy and Kunitz is messing up the first and third lines.

If you knew that, you had no reason to be cocky.

Hi, how are you?

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Eh, crow don't taste that bad. Ottawa always gives the pens grief, no matter how they do, so im not surprised. I actually half expected us to lose, especially considering the loss of McKee making it so 2/3rds of the defense is still out. And the continued loss of Kennedy and Kunitz is messing up the first and third lines.

If you knew that, you had no reason to be cocky.

Its called fun. It may be a precious commodity around the boards these days, but please don't hesitate to have some.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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Eh, crow don't taste that bad. Ottawa always gives the pens grief, no matter how they do, so im not surprised. I actually half expected us to lose, especially considering the loss of McKee making it so 2/3rds of the defense is still out. And the continued loss of Kennedy and Kunitz is messing up the first and third lines.

If you knew that, you had no reason to be cocky.

Its called fun. It may be a precious commodity around the boards these days, but please don't hesitate to have some.

Actually, I'm quite enjoying this. Thanks again! :grin:

Hi, how are you?

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Derek Dorsett gets planted to the point of fainting by James Neal.

The story goes that in the first period Dorsett, 5'11 175, tried to pick a fight with Neal, 6'3 220 (who had no problem injuring Brassard for the season in a fight last year). Neal pusses out and instead lets Trevor Daley take on Dorsett. Derek Dorsett gets killed in every fight he's in, there is absolutely no reason to skate away from a fight with him especially if you've got size. Then in the second period after a very chippy first period involving a whole slew of fights (none of them involving Neal) James Neal comes back on Derek Dorsett with this


Cowardly if you ask me. He was immediately ejected, the Jackets were given 5 and netted 2 goals in that span, but still handle yourself like a man.

Exactly. Thanks for giving us the game though.


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On the Detroit goal, if the refs loose sight of the puck they blow the whistle. End of story. It doesn't matter if it's in the net. For a goal to count, you have to prove that the goal went in before the intention of the ref to blow the whistle. That precedent was set a long time ago, there is no argument over it. As soon as I saw the play, I thought, "No goal. The ref lost sight of the puck thinking the goaltender froze it against the post, and he blew his whistle and the play is dead." The problem wasn't the ref blowing the play dead, the problem was the ref was out of position on that goal and didn't check to see if the puck was in the net.

On the Anaheim stick fight. Ugh. Really people? This isn't a blast on Anaheim fans who are actually nice. It's just I ask the same question about being at a sporting event that I ask when I go to Disneyland and see just plain and stupid acts by people. When the turnstyle clicks and you hear a beep-beep, that's people's brains actually being sucked out. How mature are you, that you are fighting over a hockey stick. I don't care if it was suppose to be for your daughter. I'm so glad the Ducks dropped the MORON from their website. Yes, one of the guys in the fight was a skateboarder who blogged on the Duck's site. Just friggin' grow up! http://ducks.freedomblogging.com/2009/11/20/pro-skateboarder-mike-v-identified-in-fracas/23967/



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More good news for the pens as the Candyman himself, Brooks Orpik, comes back.
Just wondering, are these self made nicknames or are they nicknames that fans know the players by?

I was wondering that as well, I hope that an entire fanbase can come up with better nicknames than the ones he's said so far.

Haha, Candyman... :P

Hi, how are you?

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More good news for the pens as the Candyman himself, Brooks Orpik, comes back.

Just wondering, are these self made nicknames or are they nicknames that fans know the players by?

Fans know em by these names.

Candyman I kind of made up since pens fans refer to Brooks Orpik hits as "Free Candy". The origin of that name goes back a few seasons when on Pensblog, it was said he looks like a child molester, and this photoshop was made.

As far as Talbot as Superstar, that comes from

Gonchar as Sergeant comes from fans calling him Sarge, why im not entirely sure.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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More good news for the pens as the Candyman himself, Brooks Orpik, comes back.

Just wondering, are these self made nicknames or are they nicknames that fans know the players by?

Fans know em by these names.

Candyman I kind of made up since pens fans refer to Brooks Orpik hits as "Free Candy". The origin of that name goes back a few seasons when on Pensblog, it was said he looks like a child molester, and this photoshop was made.

As far as Talbot as Superstar, that comes from

Gonchar as Sergeant comes from fans calling him Sarge, why im not entirely sure.

Because they're from Pittsburgh and they can't pronounce Sergei? :P


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Yeah the league is out to get the Red Wings.

Given how efficient the NHL operates, having the league out to get a team is a sure guarantee of success.

A thorough criticism of the NHL salary cap system.

I'm slightly confused. Back in the "Yankees spend to much" thread you came down hard on the Flames in a way that seemed to be in favour of the current cap system. You're hard to figure out some times.

ANYWAY, I do agree with you that the NHL cap system is broken. I think that's fairly obvious. I would, however, argue for reform of the system rather then abandonment of it. I would look to the NBA's system as a model (plus it's one the Commissioner's familiar with).

The cold, hard fact is that the NHL cannot afford to operate without a cap.

There has to be some kind of artificial measure to keep salaries down. The NHL, on average, can't afford to spend the REALLY big bucks.

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