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That is why Chuck is the best, you never know what is coming out of his mouth. Too many times people try to create false enthusiasm, but not Charles he will say if someone sucks or the dunk contest was boring as hell.



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Charles Barkley & Reggie Miller's line about "I did this dunk last Wednesday at the rec center in Calabasas. Me, Pookie, & Snookie." were definitely the highlights of the contest. Barkley was dropping gems all night. Even in the HORSE contest, he wanted the poorly-thought-out shootout between Kevin Durant & Rajon Rondo (who was making 3s for the first time in his life) to go on for as long as possible because "TNT [was] sweatin' bullets right now!" Golden.



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Pretty pathetic when the highlight of All-Star Saturday is a guy who didn't even compete. HORSE was pretty horrible, no one could make any shots, Team Texas's final round was pretty alright, and the Skills and 3-Point contests dont really lend themselves to too much excitement. Barkley was on fire tonight.

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Just a thought.... Why doesn't the NBA end with the 3-point contest? I didn't even watch tonight, but from everyone's reaction, the dunk contest is only good as long as Sir Charles is tossing back a few.


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DirtyCurty is a sage. This year's dunk contest was probably the lamest it's been in years, which is saying something considering that there were some pretty bad ones over the past decade.

That dunk contest was almost as brutal as listening to Charles Barkley yap about nothing. They didn't even show the final dunk live, they were showing some other players and then all of the sudden you heard the dunk taking place in the background. Simply awful.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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Is it just me or do they make a HUGE deal out of the All-Star introductions?

In a way, I kinda wish the Super Bowl would do something similar to this (minus the Usher concert in between). Being introduced as a team is incredibly dull.


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Those All-Star uniforms are absolutely dreadful. No originality or creativity at all, and both teams are in in their road colors. (Red vs. Blue, no white.)

The only positive to them is that they're NOT those haf-and-half unis, as the NBA ASG has done in recent years.


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Is it just me or do they make a HUGE deal out of the All-Star introductions?

In a way, I kinda wish the Super Bowl would do something similar to this (minus the Usher concert in between). Being introduced as a team is incredibly dull.

You probably already know this, but the Super Bowl did introduce players individually. I think starting with the Tampa Bay vs. Oakland Super Bowl it was changed because the previous year the Patriots were announced as a team.

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Is it just me or do they make a HUGE deal out of the All-Star introductions?

In a way, I kinda wish the Super Bowl would do something similar to this (minus the Usher concert in between). Being introduced as a team is incredibly dull.

You probably already know this, but the Super Bowl did introduce players individually. I think starting with the Tampa Bay vs. Oakland Super Bowl it was changed because the previous year the Patriots were announced as a team.

It's pretty clear the Patriots won that Super Bowl over the Rams, not becuase they were introduced as a team, but because they spied and cheated as a team.


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The TNT team (Ernie, Kenny, Charles) are trying to do more than the NFL Network guys (Eisen, Irvin, Deion, and Mooch) since they are now better than the NBA guys.

The Who was bad; Usher was also bad. Shakira (who hadn't had a hit in 3+ years) and Alicia Keys...I likeee! Stern and his people know their demographic, and know it well! Sadly they are are in as bad as shape as the NFL cba, if not worse

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3 things:

1)Everyone was in their alternate jersey last night for the All Star Saturday night festivities if their respective team had one. i thought that was interesting and random.

2)The line Barkley slipped in when they were about to announce the dunk contest winner was better, "Maybe nobody will win"

3) They should make the dunk contest every other year, i think. That means they get a better selection of players, and they can be A LOT more creative. I mean, ever single dunk nate robinson does is the same. Bounce off the backboard, catch, pump, two handed finish. OR: jump over someone. Come up with something else please


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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Is it just me or do they make a HUGE deal out of the All-Star introductions?

Well the game itself is meaningless and in the NBA up until the final minutes if the game is close its not really that interesting with teams just shooting without any defense being played. However, the introduction is what certifies you as an All-Star and it is a time to put the players name in lights so to speak.



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Well, defense has long been optional in the NBA all-star game--or much any all-star game, for that matter (although someone forgot to give Pitbull that message during the celebrity game--and when did Common decide to become a legit baller?). I took in and enjoyed the All-Star game last night for the first time in years--and those players seemed very interested, like it actually mattered to them which side won, and I think it showed in their play. (And to think, after the show Bron-Bron and Flash put on, 'Melo almost won it for the West with that last-second three-point attempt). It may be meaningless to some individuals, but the allure of seeing (most of) the game's best going at it one one floor, competitive as they are, is enough to draw fans of the game (even those who've been away for a while, like me). Also, what does it say that with Bron-Bron getting the lion's share of media love this season, that D-Wade ended up as the game's MVP?

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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There were 108,000 people at that game. Even if it was an All-Star game, I'm sure that they'd try their best to put on the best show possible for all of those people.

Also, the crowd of 108,000+ easily broke the record for the highest attended basketball game in history.



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There were 108,000 people at that game. Even if it was an All-Star game, I'm sure that they'd try their best to put on the best show possible for all of those people.

Also, the crowd of 108,000+ easily broke the record for the highest attended basketball game in history.

Guess that's what happens when you hold an all-star game in JerryWorld. Still, that is INSANE. (What do basketball game attendance numbers normally run at--40 or 50 thou or so? I'm not really sure, just guessing.)

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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There were 108,000 people at that game. Even if it was an All-Star game, I'm sure that they'd try their best to put on the best show possible for all of those people.

Also, the crowd of 108,000+ easily broke the record for the highest attended basketball game in history.

Guess that's what happens when you hold an all-star game in JerryWorld. Still, that is INSANE. (What do basketball game attendance numbers normally run at--40 or 50 thou or so? I'm not really sure, just guessing.)

A regular NBA game is around 17-19k. A big one is about 20k, so for them to get 108,000 to go to the All-Star game is off the charts.

Whenever the Final Four's held in a place like a Dome, that's when they get 30-40 thou. That's mostly because they put the court in the "endzone" & put up some stands in the field. But now that they figured out how to get the court raised up in the center, they draw about 40-50 for domed games. I think last year's Final 4 had around 60-70 thou. The overall record for a regular season game was I think around 62,000 for Jordan's final game as a Bull in Atlanta. So yeah, once again this game's attendance just smashes any regular attendance & abnormal attendance.



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