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Birmingham Bees


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oval looks fantastic as well as highlight on ball

maybe try this for the highlights...non-ball hand...yellow for fingers (light hitting), thumb teal (behind fingers so darker), and delete the small teal triangle in the center of the chest

wordmarks look good, still could use a tweak here and there.

overall really good

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So not a lot has changed. I just wanted to post what Im thinking is the final version after taking all your feedback into consideration. there wasnt really a clear consensus and everyone kind of had there own favorite. I tried to see what it looked like without the chest highlights as you guys suggested, but the bee lost the effect that he was turning his torso which I felt was important and he looked like a blue blob. even the middle triangle seemed to have a place. thanks for all the feedback guys. i dont really have a lot of time to work on a secondary at this pt but I have some ideas for this and other basketball logos that i hope to post sometime soon.


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this is such a sick concept. maybe if you intend on showing more of your concepts, a nice little nba expansion series would be nice?

Thanks!! Im really happy it turned out. As far as your NBA expansion comment, I am actually have some more ideas I hope to work on and they are all basketball. Im just in a basketball mood so once I get them worked out I hope to post them. Maybe not necessarily an NBA expansion league but a fictional league or alternative league such as the ABA back in the 1970s, with divisions and things like that. I am just so slow at pumping out logos and dont always have free time so I post them separately rather than in a series.

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The all teal highlights are the best, by far. By making some of them a different color, it makes the brain do too much work in trying to figure out what is what. Making them all teal 'color-codes' your drawing in a way and makes it much easier to figure out. It helps it communicate better. The more I look at it though, the arm and chest highlights aren't quite cutting it. I would rework them.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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The all teal highlights are the best, by far. By making some of them a different color, it makes the brain do too much work in trying to figure out what is what. Making them all teal 'color-codes' your drawing in a way and makes it much easier to figure out. It helps it communicate better. The more I look at it though, the arm and chest highlights aren't quite cutting it. I would rework them.

I thought this concept had been put to rest but then I see harrington posted something and I was like "oh :censored:. now whats he got to say?" rework them. im not saying its perfect but rework them is about as vague as it gets. the color thing i understand

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing. Very professional! By far one of the best logos I have seen here for a really long time. Definitely in the top 10 best logos I have ever seen from these boards. I'd add the Manitoba Moose logo to that list as well as the Colorado Avalanche one that was like the C from the state flag if anyone remembers it.


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So I got around to making a court for this logo. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I wanted something relatively standard for my first court design. Kind of like the 1990s Knicks court with all the blue, except this has yellow lines mostly. Since I didnt make any secondary logos for this yet either it's just the primary at center court and the arena name in the 2 other spots. I guess the only thing different is the darker wood stain at the freethrow half circle. Not sure if I'll keep that or not. What do you think?


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The all teal highlights are the best, by far. By making some of them a different color, it makes the brain do too much work in trying to figure out what is what. Making them all teal 'color-codes' your drawing in a way and makes it much easier to figure out. It helps it communicate better. The more I look at it though, the arm and chest highlights aren't quite cutting it. I would rework them.

I thought this concept had been put to rest but then I see harrington posted something and I was like "oh :censored:. now whats he got to say?" rework them. im not saying its perfect but rework them is about as vague as it gets. the color thing i understand

They don't accurately or efficiently define the anatomy of the arms or the chest. I mean, I suppose I could sit here and tell you exactly how I think it should be done and eliminate all traces of vagueness, but there's no benefit in that. I could do that myself if I wanted to see it. Your work will grow and benefit more if you open your mind and interpret the comments on your own. Since you requested I be more specific, though, I think the chest and arm areas are too dark overall. In my opinion, the highlights need to cover more area so the chest doesn't look like such a purple void. The lines defining the arm need to better reflect it anatomically. I've seen good anatomic control in your other work, so I know you can do it, but this one looks like you drew what you think an arm looks like as opposed to drawing what an arm actually looks like.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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you should do a sublimated honeycomb pattern in the "paint"

i know, its cliche, but would still look badass

sorry to bump an old thread but i didnt see this when it was posted. did you get that honeycomb idea from the old charlotte hornets court in the mid or early 1990s? because they had that honey comb for a few seasons. it was so over the top but it worked for that era i guess. the teal fading into purple around the three point arch on the same court was too much for me together. i dont know if im feeling like making honey comb yet...maybe i want to see if i can fix the logo first.

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