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Turkey logo.


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Hello all. I am back, this time to present a new logo. This is a sketch I did in my Spanish class because I was bored and had free time. I'm looking to transform this into a decent logo but need your help.

So without further ado. My Turkey logo

C+C Please.


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On the neck area, where the black jets into the brown, on the outer part, don't have the black follow it in. Like where the beak connects to the head, you have the black part that comes in a bit and rounds to help shape the beak a bit. But on the outer edge of the black, it just connects regularly without going in. Repeat that on the bottom left part.

Honestly, I half expected to open this up and see a drawing of his hand. Guess little Spammy has come a long ways... sorta.

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Im very happy with how this is coming along so far. I think that this one is my best version yet. I know there are no eyes on it yet. but it is still a work in progress.


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Im very happy with how this is coming along so far. I think that this one is my best version yet. I know there are no eyes on it yet. but it is still a work in progress.


Are you ever going to give it an eye?

Did you read my post?

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I'm gonna second what Davidson said here, You need to go back and research what a turkey actually looks like because what you have right now is not a turkey and it's also not a chicken or rooster. It's a weird amalgamation of the two!

The style, shapes line width and everything you've used in the actual render of the piece are pretty impressive but none of that changes the fact that the thing being depicted is nowhere near factually accurate. I know and everyone knows that logos are not scientifically accurate to the Nth degree but in order for them to be truly successful they have to start from a factual point and then be stylised. If you stylise something that's inaccurate to begin with you get further and further away from the essence of the thing you are trying to represent and it becomes difficult to identify, thus defeating the purpose.

I'm pretty sure there are a number of members on here who are sick of me banging on about doing more and better research when they ask for C&C's on their logos, but no word of a lie it drummed into us EVERY DAY FOR FOUR YEARS on my graphics degree course and as a result ALL MY WORK got better MUCH MUCH BETTER! So if it was right when I was taught it and it worked for me then I'm gonna pass it on, because it WILL work for you too! Draw a real turkey then simplify that sketch down to the fewest number of shapes needed for it to still be recognisable then draw that sketch in Illustrator (or whatever you used for the current version) in the same style and I PROMISE you, you will have a logo that will kick this one into touch.

What you have now is well executed but due to it's inaccuracies will, no matter how much work you put in, only ever be just above decent, put the same amount of work into something which is more accurate and you're onto a winner. You owe it to yourself to try.


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