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Olympic Jerseys


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No third jersey cash grab from Canada? What the hell? That's not like them.

Considering they had to introduce these new ones to get rid of the Hockey Canada logo, and considering the sales for these are rather strong, I don't think the alt jersey is necessary at this point.

I'm sure there'll be a retro alt for 2014, hopefully one that looks like their 1987 Canada Cup jerseys-


sans blue pants, of course.

Also, there's something to be said for the simplicity of Latvia's jerseys. I rather like them, for some odd reason.

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I'm a big fan of the Swiss jerseys, but I feel that there is just a bit too much space on them. Maybe having a number in there would fill it out a bit. The only ones I don't like are China and Slovakia, mostly because it tries to do too much with the patterns, but I think they all look really spiffy.

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The Canadian leaf mesmorizes me everytime I walk by it. The detail within the logo is nice, and I will likely end up buying one of these for that reason.



New York Rangers. Stanley Cup Champions - 1928, 1933, 1940, 1994. Saskatchewan. Cold. 1905-2022.

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I've liked the Swiss retros ever since they wore them at the Worlds two years ago. Good choice for the Olympics. Most of them are acceptable. I wish Latvia, the Czech Republic, Belarus and Slovakia did the same sleeve update as Germany and Russia, just to switch things up from last year. That would have easily made Latvia's the best of the bunch. Very disappointed in Norway. They took the boring, safe way out. Blah.

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