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Here is my latest logo in my basketball series. It took me forever to get this to fit together this way for whatever reason. My original planned kept changing as I made progress. Condors are relly ugly birds in reality, but they have such big wingspans that the name seems perfect for a basketball team to me. As far as a location, I was thinking California (because California Condor is the name of a certain kind of condor) or maybe more specifically Anaheim.


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Very nice start. I have to disagree with GFB, I actually think the size of the ball is spot-on. I love the colors, and the render of the bird is very well done. The type treatment is also very, very good. My only small nitpick would be that the three "highlights" on his wing seem slightly generic in shape and placement, as if they aren't tracing the shape of actual feathers, but they're just there for the sake of having something there. But that's a very minor complaint; this is a well done logo.


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Not gonna echo whats been said for the logo, but the wordmark is fantastic!

Agreed, very well done.

Love the color choice too


---Owner of the NHA's Philadelphia Quakers, the UBA's Chicago Skyliners, and the CFA's Portland Beavers (2010 CFA2 Champions)---

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Because it looks like he is carrying the basketball, and not perched on it, I think the wings should be spread. Otherwise, good work.

i actually agree with you on this. the claws on the ball were the last thing I did and my original plan was for it to be perched, but once i started working on them, perched talons would have to be more on top of the ball thus lowering the ball more so the talons would be visible. thats when i decided to move them down to the side of the ball. IDK maybe he's just soaring now. is that possible here??? i will also see about making the feathers less generic like dgnmrwrw suggested. at first I did have more detail in the wings but it became gaudy IMO, but this may be too little detail here. thanks for the feedback

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OK. So I left the ball the same size to make the bird itself appear big in size and not small in comparison to a larger ball. I attempted to add wings spread out like bohob suggested, but it just started to look like every other bird logo out there so I decided to keep the wings more in a perched manner. condor do have enormous talons so if he is perched on this ball his talons would likely wrap around the ball a little bit. maybe not quite as much as i have here but it seems minor and the wings just looked better to me unspread. i changed the detail on the wings after looking at some more pictures of condors and hope this is better. oh and mixed the colors around and have only one green color now. before i had two and it just didnt make sense to have two, so hopefully these changes work


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I like the update. The changes you made to the wings really worked out well. I agree with the thinking behind eliminating one of the greens, but I wonder if you kept the correct one. I really liked that brighter green. You'll probably want to get more feedback on this, but I definitely vote for the brighter green.


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I lightened up the green and it seems to work a lot better. here I have some different color schemes. I think I personally like #3 best but I tend to be in love with red too much and that's why I originally went with orange here, but think I like red better. I'd like to hear from you as to which number you like better, if you like the colored words of silver/gray ones better. ????


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First let me say that you'd be fine picking any of these options. The lighter green really helps. It's tough for me to pick which one is best, because I think the green and red look sharper as a color combo, but I think the orange looks better specifically when used on the ball and the condor's beak. If silver/gray is going to be a prominent part of the scheme, then I'd definitely go with the silver highlights on the lettering. I think it looks brighter, and there's less of a jarring edge where it meets the white.

I think, if forced to pick, I'd pick option #2. However, I like the orange outline of number one. If you thought green would be the primary color, I'd leave the outline green. If orange were to be dominant, maybe consider switching the outline to orange.


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