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Toronto Maple Leafs Concept

Number 8

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thats definitely not for traditionalists, or those that like good clean aesthetically pleasing designs.

the logos?

lolz. wut. :blink:

lets see you have the arbitrary use of black. oh yeah that'll go over with the leaf faithful.

Navy and vegas gold. oh yeah thats original.

oh look, light blue. i would have never thought of that.

thats not even my favorite part of this pile of flop. no no, my favorite part is the sloppy fill job.

dude the leafs fans shat all over the use of silver and the TML logo. i couldn't imagine what they would do to this.



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The alternate logo on the shoulder (which I am guessing is an ML monogram) looks too much like an M for a team whose big rivals are the Montreal Canadiens.

Overall, the unis just don't sing out 'Toronto Maple Leafs'.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Idea is there. That gold isn't working with that blue and the side section is a little awkward but the secondary is appealing in a weird way. Totally scrap the primary though. Looks more like clip art than a logo.

P.S: Above responses are reasons why I find myself not posting here as often. Jesus Christ, sometimes I wonder why I come back.



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Two blues, black, and sand. Not to mention the mismatching arm stripes. The logos are a major downgrade, the leaf you're using doesn't translate well to a jersey crest and the ML is just not attractive.

I'd take this back to the drawing board. Simplify your color scheme and work a little harder on the presentation.

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What I would say is that as a hockey uniform per se, its not bad. Yes the art work needs some work, but looking beyond that its ok.

The issue I have is that its not a uniform the Leafs should go anywhere near. Whether or not you think its dull, the Leafs uniform is bound up in years and years of history and image and brand definition. You simply couldn't go as radically different as this is.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Whether or not you think its dull, the Leafs uniform is bound up in years and years of history and image and brand definition. You simply couldn't go as radically different as this is.

Wouldn't that defeat the idea of a "concept", though?

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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Whether or not you think its dull, the Leafs uniform is bound up in years and years of history and image and brand definition. You simply couldn't go as radically different as this is.

Wouldn't that defeat the idea of a "concept", though?

Basically. Fact of the matter is, Number 8 can make this concept however radical he likes. There are just people who are not going to like his idea and people who are going to like it. It's as simple as that. And apparently he's caught much negative criticism with myself included. All I can say out of this is to improve the concept. Change up your color scheme, go back and look at what you can do to fix the logos, and try to make the concept and template more clean cut.


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Whether or not you think its dull, the Leafs uniform is bound up in years and years of history and image and brand definition. You simply couldn't go as radically different as this is.

Wouldn't that defeat the idea of a "concept", though?

I get what you are saying, and to an extent I agree. BUT some teams are so bound up in there own history that to break out of it as totally as this would be totally unrealistic. If it was say royal blue with a bit of a change to the design, then this concept mightn't have got such a panning. I was trying to explain why so many people jumped up and down on this concept. I think part of sports uniform design is maintaining the traditions, the brand if you will, whilst making a uniform look current. This concept swings far too much in the direction of producing something modern rather than maintaining the Leafs brand. (People panned the turquoise Pistons unis for similar reasons).


2011/12 WFL Champions

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