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The Cornucopia of Possible NBA Logo Changes


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Something is fishy on those All-Star jerseys. I believe that is the general design, but look at them again compared to the D.Howard/D.Rose photo from before. "THE" on the East jersey was Black in the original leak, now it is Silver. The East jersey has no NBA Star logo patch on it. The West numbers look photoshopped to me. And lastly, why would adidas show a Derrick Rose jersey(adidas athlete, All-Star) and a Kobe Bryant jersey(Nike athlete, All-Star)? If they're going to bypass LeBron, Bosh, Wade, KG, Rondo, Joe Johnson, and Paul Pierce (and even their own athlete in Dwight Howard) to market a Rose jersey...wouldn't they bypass Kobe for Tim Duncan or Chauncey Billups. And yes, I know most of those guys could end up out west after free agency, but I'm trying to think of everything here.

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As you know to my dismay (along with many other logo enthusiasts), the Jazz released a crappy retrace of the old note wordmark as their unofficial primary logo on June 15th. And after staring at that sorry excuse for a re-release for over a month now, I?ve taken the liberty of recreating and perfecting the wordmark myself! Please take notice of the correctly aligned ball elements, along with the discontinuation of the curvatures around note attaching to the ball.


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As you know to my dismay (along with many other logo enthusiasts), the Jazz released a crappy retrace of the old note wordmark as their unofficial primary logo on June 15th. And after staring at that sorry excuse for a re-release for over a month now, I’ve taken the liberty of recreating and perfecting the wordmark myself! Please take notice of the correctly aligned ball elements, along with the discontinuation of the curvatures around note attaching to the ball.


MY take on these types of situations, is , why not just avoid confusion and outline in plain old black. Using grey outline says, "We want to outline said logo, but we dont want it to be to obvious." If you are gonna outline, make it clear and not fuzzy. Outline in black.


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As you know to my dismay (along with many other logo enthusiasts), the Jazz released a crappy retrace of the old note wordmark as their unofficial primary logo on June 15th. And after staring at that sorry excuse for a re-release for over a month now, I?ve taken the liberty of recreating and perfecting the wordmark myself! Please take notice of the correctly aligned ball elements, along with the discontinuation of the curvatures around note attaching to the ball.


MY take on these types of situations, is , why not just avoid confusion and outline in plain old black. Using grey outline says, "We want to outline said logo, but we dont want it to be to obvious." If you are gonna outline, make it clear and not fuzzy. Outline in black.

Because in some particular situations it just doesn?t look right and this is one of them.


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Why does the logo even need a silver outline?

My thoughts exactly. It looks so much better without it.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Maybe no change for the Clips unis? I was lookin forward to one, dammit...

actually, now that I look a tad closer, those unis have the old primary mark on the shorts...so WTH, Los Angeles?

Possibly just placeholder unis until the new ones come out? IDK if teams would really do that, but they ARE the Clippers....


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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Maybe no change for the Clips unis? I was lookin forward to one, dammit...

actually, now that I look a tad closer, those unis have the old primary mark on the shorts...so WTH, Los Angeles?

Possibly just placeholder unis until the new ones come out? IDK if teams would really do that, but they ARE the Clippers....

Adidas is releasing their new material uniforms around August 16th when the Jazz will be unveiling their new jerseys. I imagine this will be the same for the Clips, Cavs and whoever else in changing up their jerseys.



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That Jazz logo will forever remind me of NBA Jam. The Stockton and Malone combo always ran a train on you. :cursing:

It's probably my age (!), but I always think of Pistol Pete:


Poor Pete, his knees really gave out on him towards the end of his career, and this picture is a real testament to that. A brace on one leg and a pad on the other, yeesh :(

Funny thing about him is, though he only played maybe half a season with the franchise while here in Utah, he's still quite a legend around here. Mention Pistol Pete and you'll always get a happy response. We're really proud that he's a part of our history, even if he spent the bulk of it in New Orleans. I know personally, he's right up there with John Stockton as my favorite players.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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That Jazz logo will forever remind me of NBA Jam. The Stockton and Malone combo always ran a train on you. :cursing:

It's probably my age (!), but I always think of Pistol Pete:


Poor Pete, his knees really gave out on him towards the end of his career, and this picture is a real testament to that. A brace on one leg and a pad on the other, yeesh :(

Funny thing about him is, though he only played maybe half a season with the franchise while here in Utah, he's still quite a legend around here. Mention Pistol Pete and you'll always get a happy response. We're really proud that he's a part of our history, even if he spent the bulk of it in New Orleans. I know personally, he's right up there with John Stockton as my favorite players.

Speaking of that, does anybody have any photos of him in a Celtics uni?

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