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You have a state drink???

While trying to decide on an idea for my team location I learned many things. One of those things is that states have some pretty crazy ideas. The most common state drink is in fact milk. One state had an official beverage and an official soft drink which was Kool-Aid.




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So, now that we have expressed our hatred for PETA, let's hear it for GREENPEACE. I must confess I am more of a tree-hugger than an animal lover, but believe me, they are NOT as bad as PETA.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Peta is the same orignization that asked teh Packers to change their name to Pickers.

They are a walking joke everytime they do something its stupid.

They once had a billboard of Rudy Guilliani saying Got Cancer, and Rudy threatened to sue and they were forced to take it down.

They recently had another add dipicting a Pig as Jesus, saying he died for your sins to eat Ham on Easter.

You know I have no problem if people choose to live a life without eating meat, but these milliant vegitarian losers need to get a life. If they dont want meat its their choice they shoudl give meat eaters the same respect.



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I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)

Watching their skins being peeled (having their insides revealed)

Grated and steamed with no mercy (burning off calories)

How do you think that feels (bet it hurts really bad)

Carrot juice constitutes murder (and that's a real crime)

Greenhouses prisons for slaves (let my vegetables go)

It's time to stop all this gardening (it's dirty as hell)

Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade is a spade)

"Carrot Juice is Murder" by the Arrogant Worms...


Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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I wonder what some of these PETA losers would think if they saw some of the things I see on a daily basis, like say,.....a rat caught on a victor trap thats two weeks into rigor mortis :rolleyes:

Ahhhh.... the Victor trap, nothing but the best !

I saw, I came, I left.

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Thats part of the privilage of being at the top of the food chain. Everything else is below you. If a certain species isn't meant to be eaten, it should evolve some way to defend itself.

For example, we typically don't eat bears. bears are big. they have big teeth. they have large claws. If someone wants to eat a bear, good luck!

a cow is fat. a cow is slow. if you walk up to a cow, it will moo. They aren't doing alot to try and dissuade us from eating them. so we do, with gusto.

On another note, if the entire human race where to convert to vegitarianism, there wouldn't be enough food to sustain the Earth's population. If you want to be a vegitarian, all the power to ya, more chicken and ground beef for me!

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On another note, if the entire human race where to convert to vegitarianism, there wouldn't be enough food to sustain the Earth's population. If you want to be a vegitarian, all the power to ya, more chicken and ground beef for me!

That's really not true. Actually, there would be more food, since we would convert the land used to raise animals and grow feed for them into land to grow food for ourselves.

It takes more food to raise an animal than we get out of it. If you think of the food chain as a energy-transfer process with a percentage of energy lost as waste at every stage, you 'll see why.

Look at it this way... suppose the grain used as cow feed has a 'value' of 100, and all living things use food the following way: 50% is burned as energy, 40% becomes waste, and 10% builds the body. If you feed a cow that "100", only "10" becomes beef. But, if you raise that grain to feed humans, you still have a value of "100".

Now, throw in the fact that you can convert the land used for livestock in to farmland, and you get far more "100"s to be used for human consumption.

This is an extremely oversimplified way of looking at it, but you can see that by skipping a step in the process, we would actually be using more food energy for ourselves.

That said, we've evolved as meat eaters. Our bodies grow and repair themselves by using animal proteins, and raising domestic livestock to meet our needs is far more efficient than hunting and fishing.

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Not to turn another thread toward Maddux, but one of my favorite rants of his is against PETA and rabid vegetarians..

for the reasons most of you have stated.....not because people can't cut out meat if they want, but because they presume to tell us to as well.

In this rant, he sites an article in TIME magazine that details the hidden "horrors against animals" that PETA conveniently forgets. Even in large crops like soy beans, literally tens of thousands of animals are killed or maimed with every pass a combine makes to harvest them. Rabbits, snakes, mice, birds, deer, foxes, ......all ground into paste without warning so that a couple dredlocked sandle-wearing "everything is my business" hippies can feel better about their lives.

Its an awesome read. I'm with you guys. Circle of life baby. Burning puppies with cigarettes is one thing.....but just eating. come on.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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Look at it this way... suppose the grain used as cow feed has a 'value' of 100, and all living things use food the following way: 50% is burned as energy, 40% becomes waste, and 10% builds the body. If you feed a cow that "100", only "10" becomes beef. But, if you raise that grain to feed humans, you still have a value of "100".

Now, throw in the fact that you can convert the land used for livestock in to farmland, and you get far more "100"s to be used for human consumption.

This is an extremely oversimplified way of looking at it, but you can see that by skipping a step in the process, we would actually be using more food energy for ourselves.

That said, we've evolved as meat eaters. Our bodies grow and repair themselves by using animal proteins, and raising domestic livestock to meet our needs is far more efficient than hunting and fishing.

Actually, you must remember that because our farmers are smart and keep their cows ins talls no bigger than their own bodies, they don't use much energy and thus less food is burned off.

...Genius, I say.




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