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I do recolors.


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yeah goforbroke this is a pretty shotty job. i know.

So why post it? Take your time... an extra minute... and clean them up. Recolored logos are usually pretty lame to begin with especially ones that have been posted a dozen times like that Sabres one, but if you're going to do them at least take the time to do it right.

To be honest... it looks like crap. The yellow outline around the 2nd "F" in Buffalo, the black at the bottom of the B and around the trademark R and on the cheek, the inconsistant silver outline, and the red eye. just lazy, sloppy, rushed work.

Obviously you dont have a ton of experience, which is fine, but what little skills you do have (basically the paintbucket tool) can still create a half-decent concept if you take your time.

Post some more concepts when they are really a nice representation of what you are capable of, not a half-assed, cliche, mess.

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