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NFL playoffs


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You're whining about their fans acting like fans act when their team wins.

Ok so the next time any of my teams win a big game I'll start a thread about it and brag like crazy.

And we'll mention Florida State and point and laugh.

And I'll metion last year and point and laugh.

Show some class dude.

Ah, I get it. Because I'm making fun of Jets fans for having no class.

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Anyone else hate all the teams left in the playoffs?

Eh, it's 1.5 out of four for me. I hate the Steelers and am temporarily still mad at the Jets for beating my Colts out, but I still cheered for them to beat the Patriots (the team I hate the most in the league). I have nothing against the Packers or Bears personally at all.


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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You've already played into Lights Out's game if you associate him with real Jets fans. He's a bandwagon jumper who, I'm convinced, hates the teams he hates more then he likes the teams he likes.

False. Believe me, I hate the Raiders just as much as the next guy, but I've supported the Chargers since birth.

I'm very negative about the state of the franchise now, but that's because I think the Chargers can do better, not because I don't like the Chargers very much.

Cool. Shocking as it may be for someone in southern Ontario, I've been a Chargers fan "since birth."

My bandwagon remark comes from, well, a couple of observations. The Seahawks, the Jets, and Bosie State (you bleeding blue and orange ring any bells)?

Look, I'm all for jumping on someone else's bandwagon comes playoff time if your team doesn't make it. I don't know, with you it just seems like you're trying to hard. You've always had a soft spot for the Seahawks? Can't you just say "I like this team best of all the ones that are in the playoffs" or "go 7-9 for the lulz"? The "soft spot" remark seems as genuine as you bleeding blue and orange.

According to Lights Out no team he hates has ever won anything simply because they earned it.

Really? Would you mind pointing out where I've said that?

The Patriots only win because they cheated and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Steelers only win because they juiced and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Yankees only win because they buy the best players.

Auburn only won because their QB is a cheating scum-bag and they buy their players.

More times then not when a team you dislike wins you come up with some excuse for why they won. Very rarely do you admit a team you dislike won because they're simply good enough to win.

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The Patriots only win because they cheated and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Steelers only win because they juiced and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Yankees only win because they buy the best players.

Auburn only won because their QB is a cheating scum-bag and they buy their players.

The Raiders earned their sweep of the Chargers by outplaying and outcoaching us.

The Jets earned their playoff win against the Chargers, also by outplaying us.

Nevada earned their win over Boise by not choking in overtime.

I could go on all day here, but you get the point. You also happened to pick out four examples that a large majority of sports fans would agree with if polled. There's also proof for every assertion there.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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Look, I'm all for jumping on someone else's bandwagon comes playoff time if your team doesn't make it. I don't know, with you it just seems like you're trying to hard. You've always had a soft spot for the Seahawks? Can't you just say "I like this team best of all the ones that are in the playoffs" or "go 7-9 for the lulz"?

The mass-explosion of NFL fans' heads if a 7-9 team were to win it all was the main reason. But I also rooted for the Seahawks the last time the Chargers missed the playoffs in '05, and Matt Hasselbeck has long been one of my favorite NFL players, hence the "soft spot" thing.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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The Patriots only win because they cheated and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Steelers only win because they juiced and the NFL gives them special treatment.

The Yankees only win because they buy the best players.

Auburn only won because their QB is a cheating scum-bag and they buy their players.

The Raiders earned their sweep of the Chargers by outplaying and outcoaching us.

The Jets earned their playoff win against the Chargers, also by outplaying us.

Nevada earned their win over Boise by not choking in overtime.

I could go on all day here, but you get the point. You also happened to pick out four examples that a large majority of sports fans would agree with if polled. There's also proof for every assertion there.

I happen to pick the examples you're the most vocal about.

As for proof? Is this proof of the same calibre you used to prove the NFL has been in the Steelers' back pocket since the 1970s?

Oh, on the bandwagon thing. What's your connection to Boise State University? I'll save you time on my end. My sister's been a student at Auburn for three years. When she went there I was excited to finally have a NCAA team I could support. You see I find it difficult to root for a university's sports team if I don't have a connection to the school. I'm still in the dark as to particulars of NCAA sports, but I know there's one team out there I have some sort of connection to. So when they made it to the big game I was excited.

Look, I'm all for jumping on someone else's bandwagon comes playoff time if your team doesn't make it. I don't know, with you it just seems like you're trying to hard. You've always had a soft spot for the Seahawks? Can't you just say "I like this team best of all the ones that are in the playoffs" or "go 7-9 for the lulz"?

The mass-explosion of NFL fans' heads if a 7-9 team were to win it all was the main reason.

See, that's a reason! Again I'm not harping on you for having a bandwagon playoff team or two. I just cringe when people try to make their playoff bandwagon jumping seem like something more then it is.

But I also rooted for the Seahawks the last time the Chargers missed the playoffs in '05, and Matt Hasselbeck has long been one of my favorite NFL players, hence the "soft spot" thing.

Out of curiosity, why? They were the Chargers' divisional rivals for years. It's been ten years, but I vividly remember viewing them in the same light as the Broncos, Chiefs, and Raiders.

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Oh well, there's always next year. But it's still nice to know we've got more rings than the Jets or Chargers.

You've also got more asterisks than the Jets or Chargers.




Yeah, nice story. I think we all know that already, but you simply like to argue thinking you've made a point, when in reality you're just a bandwagoner who suffers from an over-inflated sense of self-worth because his teams have never won anything of value. By the way, you do know that your Chargers (unlike the other 31 NFL teams you root for) were found guilty of using performance-enhancing substances too. So they're no cleaner than the Patriots. Once again, I'll direct you to our conversation that was had about Super Bowl XL yesterday to see my comments about legitimacy in professional football.

Funny, how people who like to use asterisks in professional sports never seem like they care to use them for the "Modern Era in Football" as if every team before and since the Patriots won their titles was completely clean and never did anything wrong. Not to mention the "Modern Era of Baseball" where african-americans were not allowed to play, which means all of those records that Babe Ruth established and the title the Yankees won were against the best players in the world, Because as we all know white players are the only real athletes in the world. :rolleyes:

Lights Out, this conversation is over, you're an insult to people on this boards, Charger fans, and sports fans in general. Clearly, the way you flame LaDainian Tomlinson, Antonio Cromartie, and the other former Chargers who have done more for your team then you ever will, just shows you have no class, no loyalty, and will probably never contribute anything to society. Thanks for playing, you just lost the game.

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Craaaaap. Just like I feared, the Pats plain didn't show up to play -- this ain't on Belichick. I absolutely cannot stand that this vindicates the Jets' obnoxious shtick, but there's no way around the fact that they backed it up and the Pats had another Super Bowl XLII-type no-show, so they can do whatever the hell they want. Ugh.

I think that at some point, moronic plays like Shonn Greene scoring that last TD will come back to bite the Jets. If he falls down right past the first down line, they can finish the game off with kneeldowns, but instead he greedily went for the TD and soon enough, the Pats were a close onside kick away from having a very solid chance of tying. I was really hoping he would pay for that and Brady would get a miraculous poetic justice TD. It didn't happen, but that was plain stupid. To beat Pittsburgh, NY will have to play smarter.

Nope. Had the Pats recovered they would have needed a huge pass or two from Brady. Yeah, the score was close at the end, but the Patriots would not have a "solid chance of tying" had they recovered the onside kick.

Alright so I'm being a little generous, but the point is that that left around 90 seconds and the Patriots had 1 timeout. It's certainly conceivable that Tom Brady could have scored twice in that span with an onside kick thrown in -- once it took over a minute to score the first, not so much, but they took their feet off the Patriots' throat to get more points.

I'll just throw this out there.

The media's been more or less carrying on about how the Jets' arrogant bombast will lead them to ruin. Given how the Patriots conducted their 4th quarter offense with a deliberate lack of urgency, but rather with the mental sense that it would work out in the end, would it be fair to say that the Patriots let their own mental arrogance and bombast get the better of them?

I have zero explanation for that drive; it was agonizing to watch. Call it arrogance, call it patience, I think it was just a little too lacksidasical. I believe the on-field influence of "arrogant bombast" is greatly exaggerated for all sides. (Edit: And when I said "this ain't on Belichick" I wasn't thinking about that drive -- I take it back a little bit.)

Also, its safer to score the TD than risk some mischance or another striking the Jets offense against the Patriots.

100% no -- there was 1:40 left, it would have been 1st down, and the Patriots had one timeout. The Jets could have run out the clock with kneel-downs. Instead, they let "Mr. Clutch" have another chance. A small chance, but infinitely greater than zero.

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Anyone else hate all the teams left in the playoffs?

Nope. I really like three of them (Packers, Jets, Bears) and outside of wanting the Browns to beat them, I don't really have any issues with the Steelers. (That ought to get me a stern lecture from ESTONE and Akronite)

How exactly am I whining that they won? I'm annoyed at their fans for acting like this.

Let's set something straight here, you of all people should step away from calling anyone annoying. The truth is that you are annoying most all of the time no matter what you're talking about. Get over it and shut the :censored: up about it.

You've already played into Lights Out's game if you associate him with real Jets fans. He's a bandwagon jumper who, I'm convinced, hates the teams he hates more then he likes the teams he likes.

False. Believe me, I hate the Raiders just as much as the next guy, but I've supported the Chargers since birth. I'm very negative about the state of the franchise now, but that's because I think the Chargers can do better, not because I don't like the Chargers very much.

According to Lights Out no team he hates has ever won anything simply because they earned it.

Really? Would you mind pointing out where I've said that?

Lights Out, this conversation is over, you're an insult to people on this boards, Charger fans, and sports fans in general. Clearly, the way you flame LaDainian Tomlinson, Antonio Cromartie, and the other former Chargers who have done more for your team then you ever will, just shows you have no class, no loyalty, and will probably never contribute anything to society. Thanks for playing, you just lost the game.

OK, I never saw myself doing what I'm about to do but... You all dragged Lights Out into this for no real reason. From what I could gather while reading the thread, the dude was minding his own business and hadn't said :censored: about any of this "Jets fans only" thread. How about we only bash the guy when he's doing something that calls for it? He was more or less an innocent bystander in this one.

EDIT: For what it's worth Drakonius, you've been coming across like a real sore loser and a bit of a douchebag over this. You want to bash Lights Out but he never acted like you are right now when one of his teams lost a big game. The guy took a pretty good beating when Boise lost to Nevada but he never got nasty about it and he handled it a lot better than anyone here would have bet he would have. And he handled it a lot better than you are right now.

You all need to relax.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Also, its safer to score the TD than risk some mischance or another striking the Jets offense against the Patriots.

100% no -- there was 1:40 left, it would have been 1st down, and the Patriots had one timeout. The Jets could have run out the clock with kneel-downs. Instead, they let "Mr. Clutch" have another chance. A small chance, but infinitely greater than zero.

But since Greene did decided to push it past the goalline, we all got to witness Rex Ryan sprint into the endzone to celebrate with this team. The only thing that would've made that score even nicer is if he had actually handed Coach Ryan the ball to spike it.


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Also, its safer to score the TD than risk some mischance or another striking the Jets offense against the Patriots.

100% no -- there was 1:40 left, it would have been 1st down, and the Patriots had one timeout. The Jets could have run out the clock with kneel-downs. Instead, they let "Mr. Clutch" have another chance. A small chance, but infinitely greater than zero.

But since Greene did decided to push it past the goalline, we all got to witness Rex Ryan sprint into the endzone to celebrate with this team. The only thing that would've made that score even nicer is if they had handed Coach Ryan the ball to spike it.

Fair enough. For :censored:s and giggles, right? Good ol' Jets football. I guess that was a pretty extraordinary sight if you're a Jets fan.

Edit: Although that would still have made it so much sweeter if the Pats had somehow tied.

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100% no -- there was 1:40 left, it would have been 1st down, and the Patriots had one timeout. The Jets could have run out the clock with kneel-downs. Instead, they let "Mr. Clutch" have another chance. A small chance, but infinitely greater than zero.

There's always the chance of a fumbled snap or something. Now, to be fair, I advocated that the Jets take 3 kneeldowns and kick the figgie with 30 seconds left after the kick, but ultimately you take the points when you can get them against Brady.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Lights Out, this conversation is over, you're an insult to people on this boards, Charger fans, and sports fans in general. Clearly, the way you flame LaDainian Tomlinson, Antonio Cromartie, and the other former Chargers who have done more for your team then you ever will, just shows you have no class, no loyalty, and will probably never contribute anything to society. Thanks for playing, you just lost the game.

First of all, thanks for giving me a more-than-adequate way to fill the void in my sig. Much appreciated.

Second of all, really, dude? Just because I don't fit in to your arbitrary definition of "loyalty," I'm not contributing to society now? It's just sports, not nuclear warfare. Calm the eff down and lighten up.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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I have to admit, seeing Rex sprint to the endzone made my day. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in sports. It was about a 40-yard sprint, in I'd wager around 13 seconds flat? :P


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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100% no -- there was 1:40 left, it would have been 1st down, and the Patriots had one timeout. The Jets could have run out the clock with kneel-downs. Instead, they let "Mr. Clutch" have another chance. A small chance, but infinitely greater than zero.

There's always the chance of a fumbled snap or something. Now, to be fair, I advocated that the Jets take 3 kneeldowns and kick the figgie with 30 seconds left after the kick, but ultimately you take the points when you can get them against Brady.

Honest question -- has there ever been a turnover on a kneeldown? It seems like once the kneel play is lined up the defense is already resigned to defeat and doesn't actually try to get to the QB or anything, and the "victory formation" has a RB a few yards back to prevent such catastrophes. It just seems like a kneeldown is the closest thing to a sure bet in sports. (and I also doubt Greene was worried about a potential kneeldown fumble when he decided to take it to the house)

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I have to admit, seeing Rex sprint to the endzone made my day. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in sports. It was about a 40-yard sprint, in I'd wager around 13 seconds flat? :P

Maybe less, even rooting against the Jets I got a chuckle out of that one.

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I have to admit, seeing Rex sprint to the endzone made my day. It's one of the funniest things I've ever seen in sports. It was about a 40-yard sprint, in I'd wager around 13 seconds flat? :P

More like 27 seconds but the point remains. :D




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