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NFL playoffs


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I've already apologized, so everything's cool. Hopefully, Lights Out or Infrared aren't too upset.

Not at all. I found it amusing.

Infrared, as I stated before, I dont plan on getting banned, so yeah sure I'm worried about it. You win. If you wanna argue further PM me because I'd like to stay active on the boards.

First off, I don't have the authority to ban you. Second, I was goofing on you kid. Relax.






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I see some PM warnings or possible "time outs" resulting from this thread...

Holy Christ there are some sore losers in here...

I can honestly say that it was some of the sorest losing I've seen in six years of hanging around this place.

Sorry, man. Didn't mean to come off quite so harsh.

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This was by far the most gratifying win in my years rooting for the Jets. Right out of the gate the Jets D did everything they had to and got Brady off his game with consistent pass rush, the first-drive pick, a bunch of sacks, and tight coverage. Really glad to see LT get the win as well. The game just seemed to play out perfectly (minus the last Pats possession but regardless...)

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Packer fans couldn't hope for a better team to battle for the Halas trophy vice versa for Bear fans. It will be a war of rubbing it in until the next time either team has an opportunity to get to play for Lombardi.

Cannot wait for next Sunday!!




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To borrow a wrestling term, the New York Jets would make a great heel.

I'm pretty sure they're playing that up deliberately. As I said before (but probably got lost in the great northeastern whine-off), I want the Jets to make it to the Super Bowl because they'll draw the entire media circus on to themselves and give their opponent nothing to do but focus on beating them. But hopefully the media can resist the temptation to whore themselves to a loud-mouthed New York team (yea... I'm not holding my breath) and put the Packers-Bears game in the proper historical context. This is like Game 7 of the Yanks/Sox or Dodgers/Giants or Cards/Cubs in a LCS or the Canadiens/Leafs fighting it out for a trip to the Stanley finals. If ever there was a time for the NFL to acknowledge its pre-merger history, it's right now.

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...but there's no way around the fact that they backed it up and the Pats had another Super Bowl XLII-type no-show, so they can do whatever the hell they want. Ugh.

So the Giants defense in XLII & the Jets Defense have nothing to do with the victories? It's just that Brady and the supermen decided to take it easy.


Fans is crazy...

Is it not conceivable to you that a statement about the losing team's bad performance in a football game is not a condemnation of the winning team's performance in the same football game, or should I spell it out for you? No :censored:. Both of those teams' defenses vastly outplayed the NE offense (a.k.a. "backed it up"), and they both won. What a concept! I'll let you snarkily fill in the hidden subtext of this post for me, though -- take it away.

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...but there's no way around the fact that they backed it up and the Pats had another Super Bowl XLII-type no-show, so they can do whatever the hell they want. Ugh.

So the Giants defense in XLII & the Jets Defense have nothing to do with the victories? It's just that Brady and the supermen decided to take it easy.


Fans is crazy...

Is it not conceivable to you that a statement about the losing team's bad performance in a football game is not a condemnation of the winning team's performance in the same football game, or should I spell it out for you? No :censored:. Both of those teams' defenses vastly outplayed the NE offense (a.k.a. "backed it up"), and they both won. What a concept! I'll let you snarkily fill in the hidden subtext of this post for me, though -- take it away.

Damn. These New England fans sure are in a foul mood tonight.






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OK, I never saw myself doing what I'm about to do but... You all dragged Lights Out into this for no real reason. From what I could gather while reading the thread, the dude was minding his own business and hadn't said :censored: about any of this "Jets fans only" thread. How about we only bash the guy when he's doing something that calls for it? He was more or less an innocent bystander in this one.

Drakonius brought him into it, by equating him with the Jets fanbase. As Lights Out has stated himself, he's not part of said fanbase.

I jumped all over him for entirely unrelated reasons. I don't mind if you jump on a team's bandwagon if your own team doesn't make it to the post-season. Nothing wrong with that. Heck, I did it myself.

What rubs me the wrong way is when people then go out of their way to try and make their post-season bandwagon hopping seem like something more then what it is. Just say "hey my favourite team didn't make it in this year, and I like Seattle best of all the teams that did make it, so go 'Hawks!" or "7-9 team for teh Super Bowl lol." Don't try and pretend like you've always been a fan of theirs all along.

Stuff like that, coupled with the constant whining on his end regarding teams he doesn't like apparently cheating their way to wins at every opportunity just caused me to go off on the guy.

He's not a bad guy by any means, just overzealous in some aspects. I apologize if I came off as overly harsh, but I still think the points I made were valid.

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The Jets did what I never thought was possible today they psyched out Hoodie and Brady and all the Pats fans were psyched out too and that is what you are seeing.



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The Jets did what I never thought was possible today they psyched out Hoodie and Brady and all the Pats fans were psyched out too and that is what you are seeing.

I'm not psyched out, getting equally as disgusted with the Jets fans gloating over one victory, as how poorly New England played tonight. They played with no effort at all.

I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

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The Jets did what I never thought was possible today they psyched out Hoodie and Brady and all the Pats fans were psyched out too and that is what you are seeing.

I'm not psyched out, getting equally as disgusted with the Jets fans gloating over one victory, as how poorly New England played tonight. They played with no effort at all.

I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

If the Jets lost, you'd bee all over them for being lippy.

The Jets won? You're killing them and their fans for gloating.

It's a lose-lose situation. You'd be killing the Jets and their fans no matter what...

Also... You're already trying to put Belichick on the hot seat? Wow, you New Englanders panic at the drop of a hat. HAhahAHahAHaha!

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The Jets did what I never thought was possible today they psyched out Hoodie and Brady and all the Pats fans were psyched out too and that is what you are seeing.

I'm not psyched out, getting equally as disgusted with the Jets fans gloating over one victory, as how poorly New England played tonight. They played with no effort at all.

I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

I despise Hoodie to the very core, but he is one of the top 5 Coaches in NFL history if the Pats fire him I hope Jeff Ireland is on the phone the next minute inviting him to bring his homeless clothing line to South Beach.



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Tnak makes the point.

The moment Belichick becomes available, 31 teams, no matter what their coaching situation happens to be, will give Bill a call.

Let's hope Kraft is that fu*king stupid...

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The Jets did what I never thought was possible today they psyched out Hoodie and Brady and all the Pats fans were psyched out too and that is what you are seeing.

I'm not psyched out, getting equally as disgusted with the Jets fans gloating over one victory, as how poorly New England played tonight. They played with no effort at all.

I will say this though, despite the team being very young and Brady still being in his prime, Bill Belichick will be on the hot seat if he's one-and-done in the playoffs next year. Since anything less than a championship with that kind of talent around him is unacceptable.

If the Jets lost, you'd bee all over them for being lippy.

The Jets won? You're killing them and their fans for gloating.

It's a lose-lose situation. You'd be killing the Jets and their fans no matter what...

Also... You're already trying to put Belichick on the hot seat? Wow, you New Englanders panic at the drop of a hat. HAhahAHahAHaha!

Actually, no. I wouldn't be killing them for being lippy. If you'd look at my posting history, and I've been on here since the start of the season, you'd know that I've done been ragging on the Jets or Rex Ryan for shooting his mouth. Had the Patriots won I'd just breathe a sigh of relief, as I was expecting it to be a close game no matter what. However, it's not panicking as this has been an issue in three-straight playoff losses. Under-prepared, lack-luster play-calling, and once again a serious lack of effort from the players.

The Jets despite being the six-seed have a team that's just as good as the Patriots, so it comes down to the gameplan, and Rex had a better gameplan than Belichick... it falls on him.

So don't assume you know me, or know how I'd act, because you don't.

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So don't assume you know me, or know how I'd act, because you don't.

...but i do know you. You're a typical over-reacting sports fan who doesn't know how to handle a loss, and then, when called on it, trys to show how you're not a over-reactor or a sore loser...

You ARE a sore loser, and you ARE an over-reacting fan. That much is known to me.

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So don't assume you know me, or know how I'd act, because you don't.

...but i do know you. You're a typical over-reacting sports fan who doesn't know how to handle a loss, and then, when called on it, trys to show how you're not a over-reactor or a sore loser...

You ARE a sore loser, and you ARE an over-reacting fan. That much is known to me.

Do you see me making excuses for the Patriots? Nope. Do you see me calling you names or assuming thinks about you? Nope. If I did, that would make me a sore loser. If I choose to vent and state that this kind of "effort" by the Patriots is unacceptable, that doesn't make me a sore loser or an over-reactor.

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