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She's Just 17 you know what I mean


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So... we're supposed to take a 17-year old girl who was hanging out at an over-21 club at her word that she was upfront with Sanchize about her age? :rolleyes:

As someone whose had more than his share of friends get in trouble (even locked up in a few instances) because of these wannabe-grown a** skanks with fake ID's, I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

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As someone whose had more than his share of friends get in trouble (even locked up in a few instances) because of these wannabe-grown a** skanks with fake ID's, I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

I'm not sure what exactly that says about the crowd you run with but I'm pretty sure it says something. :D




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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So... we're supposed to take a 17-year old girl who was hanging out at an over-21 club at her word that she was upfront with Sanchize about her age? :rolleyes:

As someone whose had more than his share of friends get in trouble (even locked up in a few instances) because of these wannabe-grown a** skanks with fake ID's, I'm more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

The fact that the little missy had a cigarette in hand on her facebook profile might give some added meat to your argument.

Well, that's the Jets with you. Those QBs sure have a way with the ladies.



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I read the extended version of this girl's story and it just confused me. She tried to sell it, went on record, then asked her name be left out because she was still "close to Mark & the Jets" and didn't want him to be mad... then she freaked out and said she no longer consented to the story, and that she was worried she wouldn't get into college if it ran. Um, what?

I have a feeling Mark Sanchez saw a hot girl and went for it, and that hot girl simply thought "ooh, a rich quarterback!" She just happened to be 17.

It's still wrong and all that jazz-- but I agree with illwaulk (bad circle of friends or not). I doubt she was 100% forth-coming while trying to sink her claws into him.


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And finally (although I think this is a bit down the rabbit hole...),


1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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I think about 25% of Steely Dan's back catalogue is about either getting with or trying to get with teenage girls. Probably most of their catchiest songs, too.

If Mark Sanchez were traded to Chicago, would he have the best nickname an NFL player has ever had?

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I'm not sure what exactly that says about the crowd you run with but I'm pretty sure it says something. :D

It's still wrong and all that jazz-- but I agree with illwaulk (bad circle of friends or not). I doubt she was 100% forth-coming while trying to sink her claws into him.

Hey... what have you heard?!? :P

In all seriousness, I outgrew all of those friendships some time ago, but none of them were terrible people per se... just a bunch of young dudes who let their lives revolve around how often they could get laid. In each instance, they met some girl at a bar who used a fake ID to get in (or not... seeing as how a lot of bouncers are more concerned with getting as many hot girls inside as possilbe than they are with actually checking for proof of age) and took her home. Eventually the girl's parents... completely unwilling to consider the idea that their little angel was skankin' around in places she shouldn't have been... would find out and press charges. I guess I'm just not so quick to laugh about it knowing that a lot of relatively decent people have to live the rest of their lives with that on their record (even having to register as sex offenders in some instances) over something that wasn't even their fault. Just thank goodness Sanchize is in the clear at least as far as the law is concerned.

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