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Put Pat Tillman On The Cover Of Madden 2005!


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Ehh...while I understand the desire to honor somebody who is certainally deserving of honor, I don't think this is completely appropriate mostly because, by all accounts, Pat Tillman actively avoided this kind of exposure for what he did. Certainally, that's what makes him so honorable in the first place, but it mustn't just be considered an admirable trait...it should also bear on the means by which he is honored.

Pat Tillman article

I totally understand how his family feels. His image has been so thoroughly pimped (through speeches, bumper stickers, posters, etc.) as an example of patriotism or sacrifice, which has to suck moreso because Pat specifically didn't want this kind of attention.

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I don't like the ide aof putting Tillman on the cover. While he certainly was an extraordinary athlete and especially a remarkable man, it would be inappropriate to put a deceased player on the cover of a game that will be played for enjoyment. It goes against Pat's wishes of not being celebrated for his actions, and also creates an awkward feeling in anyone who buys the game hoping to play as an American hero and then discovers his character is not in the game.




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I cant support this pettition because everything they said about Pat Tillman is against this. Perhaps they could find another way to honor him, but he never wanted this attention thats why he did no interviews. Its a nice thought but at one point it could look like he is being exploited and not honored.



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no no no no no no no no no no no......

Putting the guy on the cover of a Video game is not honoring him, it would be exploiting him and everything he stood for.

EA Sports or any other computer gaming company should never pretend to be anything more than simply just a game. Stick with putting the current "flavor of the week" on the cover of Madden 2005 and keep Tillmans picture where it belongs.... in the hearts and minds of every American who understands what he and every other soldier is or was doing over there. (geez that sounds corny, but I think you get the picture)

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The Madden Curse is retroactive?

That's why I wouldn't do it-- a tribute in the game, yes--but too many nut jobs would be serious about the non existenet--so called "Madden Curse"

(But that's a discussion for another place--out of respect for Tillman)

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I DO think, however... that they should go back in and add his patch to all the NLF teams' jerseys. No matter what the league plans to do, they should add them.

THAT I could get behind.

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Personally, I think that having him on the COVER would be a dishonor, not only would it be a dishonor to him, but a dishonor to his family. It'd be like using the words "Let's roll" on a motorcycle.

Instead, if he's honored at all, it should be.........

Having the national anthem put in before a game.

Something like "The NFL and EA Sports would like to honor every man and woman over seas, thank you for sacrificing so much."


In otherwords, don't say his name.

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