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Logolympiad: Event 10

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Not 100% sure why I did this...


I just learned how to make bling in Photoshop and I've been blinging everything lately. That, and I had some mixed drinks and spent a lot of time in the sun this weekend.

AWESOME! I've got to learn hot to make bling!

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Wow. It seems some people are doing the flame motif on the 'A'. I was thinking of doing that, but I realised one of my paper designs had flames on the 'Z' so I chose that one.

And remember.....


I saw, I came, I left.

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Here's mine:

(I changed it)


I like that, really looks like the whole city would be taken over by the blaze.

Want to try it with a little more "brightness"? I know it's a good idea to move away from the Calgary Colours and introduce the Purple, I would bring it down, maybe even to a shade of blue, look at the colours below:


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Here's my version.

You'll see by the quality of the brush (lack of...) That the lower-case "b" in shape of a flame, is an original drawing.


Please! Don't say it looks like an Hershey Kiss... Man that makes me hungry...

Had to say this,

It look like a Hershey Kiss.

Now that you said it, I can't NOT see it... Still a couple pf days to fine tune it...

Hummm! Chocolate!!!! ( 8(|)

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Here's mine:

(I changed it)


I like that, really looks like the whole city would be taken over by the blaze.

Want to try it with a little more "brightness"? I know it's a good idea to move away from the Calgary Colours and introduce the Purple, I would bring it down, maybe even to a shade of blue, look at the colours below:


I tried playing around with it... and i added some blue but I didn't think it looked better. Too rainbowy.

I also increased the brightness but I didnt like the ugly shades of pink coming out.

Maybe I'll fiddle around some more. MY MODIFIED ONE IS SHOWN ABOVE.

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Please don't let your voting preference be influenced by my daddy.

He's drunk tonight.

Thank you


...and a fine daddy he is, i'm sure!

pretty good spelling for a 9 year old, i'm sure MoJoTo is proud of you.

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Please don't  let your voting preference be influenced by my daddy.

He's drunk tonight.

Thank you


...and a fine daddy he is, i'm sure!

pretty good spelling for a 9 year old, i'm sure MoJoTo is proud of you.

That raises the question, why wasn't she in the national spelling bee?

I saw, I came, I left.

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Here's my first entry into the Logolympiad and the entire board.


Welcome on Board (literally).

And here's your FIRST Critique...

(as a new member as well, I know how important it is to get acknowledged here...)

This is a wicked font.

2 things I'm not too sure about:

-Shadow of Buffalo: gives it a strange perspective that doesn't match Blaze

-"B" of Blaze: the section between the two circles, shape looks like a heart...

Keep them coming!!!

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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I went back and forth with the shadow idea and I figured it would symbolize a smoke effect seeing it was for the blaze. The heart shape wasn't planned. It was just a result of my font tweaking.

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The problem is with any of these woodmark concepts, the ones that will win are the ones that stand out among the rest, cause I can see about 15 ors so of them that are good enough to be used.


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The problem is with any of these woodmark concepts, the ones that will win are the ones that stand out among the rest, cause I can see about 15 ors so of them that are good enough to be used.

And we al know when entering, that the better "production artists" have a greater chance, but that's fine with me.

As long as I get some critique on my cioncept as well, and it doesn't feel like a popularity concept.

Heck, the world of sports have seen many Dynasties, but these teams have provided for exciting games...

It's all fun and games, until somebody loses an eye (or a wife... for those of you who are moonlighting for the Logolympiads...)

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Here's my first entry in logolympiad at all. Finally had time for something even if it was only about a half hour. I hope you like it!


good luck to all! I hope to enter the rest as well!



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