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Bolts win Cup


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I was agreeing with you until you called one of the top rising player, the next Ambassador of the game: "Overrated"

Give me 3 players league-wise, who come anywhere close to this guy...

It is perfectly fine to disagree.

I'm not saying the guy sucks, I just think the hype people have about him is a touch over blown.

Oh, and for your own personal reference, my first three picks from the NHL would be St. Louis, Kovalchuk, and Niedermeyer. But thats just me.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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And at that second 30 million people are crushed, and about 10,000 are happy.


Whoa is Canada for not getting the cup. You know what i'll agree that most of the fans that were there (Tampa) most likely were Bandwagoners. But i'll tell you that a lot of people like ME, loved the fact that the CUP is the furthest south it's ever been. Sit that bad boy on the beach for the summer and enjoy it boys.

CAL-GARY played an outstanding series. I have a new found respect for that team. They have a bunch of good guys on that team.

One final thing, seeing Tampa Bay hoist the cup was the strangest thing i've ever seen. I thought i was trippin'. What is next the Devil Rays gonna win the World Series........ewwwwwwwwwwwww!

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throw me on the pile of people who would have never imagined in a hundred years that the Tampa Bay lightning would have won the Stanley Cup...

but I must say, this has been the most emotional, and exciting finals I've seen in a long time. First off, I did want Calgary to win. why? because I wanted to see a Canadian team win the Cup. and they came within a goal of doing just that.

When it got to game 6, it became Calary's series to lose, and props to Tampa Bay, they pulled off two great wins with their backs against the wall in order to win. Both teams deserve alot of recognition and respect for this series. IMO and from what I heard around, not many people gave them a snowballs chance in hell of getting there.

congrats to all the great speedy youngsters that the Bolts have for showing just what smart management nad drafting cvan do for a team

congrats to Calgary for upending the top dogs of the West and coming to the brink of greatness

as for the reffing, I gotta say I was more than dissapointed. both sides got away with stuff they never should have, and the calls that were called were questionable. aside from two that you would have to call, they picked the lightest infractions to call. but somehow, both teams played in spite of it and made it a good series.

hopefully, this fast style of offensive hockey will begin to catch on. I know the trap works well, and you can win with it, but i'd rather watch grass grow, or Hulk Hogan wrestle than the trap. heres hoping :hockeysmiley:

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I love that. Nothing better than Sports teams in the same city respecting and supporting their brothers...

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But their championship isn't that far removed.

I had to laugh heartily at the idea of Gruden in a suit. :D

My friend, he's been doing print ads for Jack Victor (a manufacturer of high-end suits) for a little over a year now. I've seen the ads in Esquire and GQ, although it may have been a few months since the last one ran.

I got to learn firsthand over the last couple of days that Tampa is a great sports town. Hell, they even love the Devil Rays down there!

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