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2013 NFL Off-Season Thread


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If DirecTV no longer has the Sunday Ticket in a few years, I really do not know how I'd watch football. Unless the Cowboys are playing an early game, I literally live on the RedZone channel. Didn't read the article but I'm guessing the NFL would make some other sort of viewing platform available for people to watch out-of-market games.

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If DirecTV no longer has the Sunday Ticket in a few years, I really do not know how I'd watch football. Unless the Cowboys are playing an early game, I literally live on the RedZone channel. Didn't read the article but I'm guessing the NFL would make some other sort of viewing platform available for people to watch out-of-market games.

That's because, for football purposes, the Red Zone Channel is the greatest thing ever invented, and also probably the worst thing imaginable for a league that is suffering from increased attendance problems in some markets. It's so much easier to watch your own team on the tube or computer, with the Red Zone Channel on the other, keeping track of your scoreboard watching purposes with, well, actual live footage of every game. I've been using the Red Zone Channel since 2009, and I can't imagine watching football without it anymore.


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They obviously would, but a potential replacement isn't the subject of that article.

What I don't understand is why they don't make games available on iTunes the next day.

I am not sure that they have solved the copyright issue with putting them on iTunes. However with NFL Game Rewind, you get the game about an hour after it ends and they have apps for both iOS and Android.

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They obviously would, but a potential replacement isn't the subject of that article.

What I don't understand is why they don't make games available on iTunes the next day.

I am not sure that they have solved the copyright issue with putting them on iTunes. However with NFL Game Rewind, you get the game about an hour after it ends and they have apps for both iOS and Android.

They sell selected games, they sell half-hour recaps. I don't think licensing is the issue.

Game Rewind doesn't help me, I'd rather buy than rent. But I don't see it anyway - what do they call it?

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They obviously would, but a potential replacement isn't the subject of that article.

What I don't understand is why they don't make games available on iTunes the next day.

I am not sure that they have solved the copyright issue with putting them on iTunes. However with NFL Game Rewind, you get the game about an hour after it ends and they have apps for both iOS and Android.

They sell selected games, they sell half-hour recaps. I don't think licensing is the issue.

Game Rewind doesn't help me, I'd rather buy than rent. But I don't see it anyway - what do they call it?

Game Rewind is great. For $40 it's golden to have access to every game each season. Personally if there's a crazy ending (like Detroit-Tennessee last year) I don't want to watch the whole game so in that instance I watched the last six minutes and OT. But one of the great features is being able to watch an NFL Replay-style version of the game with everything cut out between plays. Takes an hour or less to get through a game.

I started a thread on it a few years ago and everything you'd want to know is probably in there. One thing to check if mobile access is important to you is whether they've updated the mobile apps from tablet only. At least initially they would not work on either my iPhone 4S or Kindle Fire.

Edited to add: They say the memory goes first, right? Was rereading that thread and ran across this:

Very cool. I'm definitely getting in on this.

Wish I could download them as well.



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What I'm hoping is that the NFL will recognize Sunday Ticket for what it is: a good idea back in the day but woefully outdated now. They need a PPV system across all platforms where anybody anywhere on (cliche' alert) any given Sunday can decide they want to watch whatever game, hit a button and get a live feed with the reasonable (I can dream) fee charged to the credit card they have on account. This business of forcing people to patronize one (p***poor in my experience) provider and buy a comprehensive package of all the games is ridiculous and obsolete.


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I get he's Tony Gonzalez, but if I'm Dimitroff I tell him to take a hike. You're maybe the 6th most important player on this team. He can be replaced I'm sure. Or if they think he's still that piece to the Super Bowl they think is near, go for it.




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So now Tony "99% Sure I'll Retire" Gonzalez says he might come back to the Falcons if they give him a $2 million raise (to $7 million) and allow him to skip training camp.

What's your opinion: should the Falcons kow-tow to Tony?

Gonzalez was 95% set to retire, and the way the season ended.....finally getting to experience a playoff victory and coming a couple minutes and 10 yards away from getting to the Super Bowl.....he'd have been hard-pressed to retire on that note.

The Falcons are built to win now. For a franchise not really known for going balls-to-the-wall, it would be a great thing for the team and the city to announce "We're serious about going all-out for the Super Bowl this season!", even if it doesn't work out in the end. The team wasn't that far away from a championship. Why not go for it?

He'll probably settle for $6 million or so, and I'd be alright with him not having to go through the entire training camp schedule. Gonzalez knows the offense, hes known for keeping himself in shape, and he'll get his work in.

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Yeah, I bought Rewind two years ago. Was good for what it was, but not really what I was looking for.

And no, from what I can see there's no iOS version. Desktop only.

What I'm hoping is that the NFL will recognize Sunday Ticket for what it is: a good idea back in the day but woefully outdated now. They need a PPV system across all platforms where anybody anywhere on (cliche' alert) any given Sunday can decide they want to watch whatever game, hit a button and get a live feed with the reasonable (I can dream) fee charged to the credit card they have on account. This business of forcing people to patronize one (p***poor in my experience) provider and buy a comprehensive package of all the games is ridiculous and obsolete.

The NFL is somewhat stuck through 2013-14 season as it relates to US rights and mobile/broadband streaming. Their current contract with Verizon prohibits multi-platform distrubution through other cable/satellite operators. This contract was part of the hold up in the NFLN getting on TimeWarner Cable and Cablevision. If the current Verizon contract is not renewed, the NFL could start to look at bringing in what they offer overseas, NFL Game Pass. With Game Pass, one can pay the equivalent of $199 and stream games to their mobile devices, tablets, laptops and PCs.

Keep this in mind. Currently, NFL revenues are at about $9.5 Billion. When the new TV contracts kick in, in 2014, revenues will rise to go over $12 Billion. In 2010, NFL (the 32 owners and Goodell) set a goal to have revenues to be $25 Billion by 2027 and they have to find ways to do it since ticket sales is not going to do it.

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I think the one good thing about the Apple-ization of media content is that it normalizes a la carte purchases. I think a pay-per-game situation is more possible now than it was just a few years ago.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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So looks like Minnesota found a buyer for Percy Harvin. The Seattle Seahawks! They best hope they get a healthy, non diva Harvin. Though he does seem like a player that would be working with a team that employs Pete Carroll.




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Reportedly it's for a first, which is steep, but I'm still happy. He is one of the most explosives players in the league and will make all the other receivers that much better.

He is explosive that's the one great thing he brings to the table. The Vikings had to do this, he wanted to be making a reported 16 mill per. First WR ever to make that much money without a single 1000 yard season, granted if he stays healthy, he probably goes over 1000/500 every year.

Damn, this makes Seattle dangerous. Vikings are probably in on Mike Wallace or Greg Jennings now.




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The deal is contingent on him signing a new deal so I'm hoping the Hawks didn't give him that much money. That would make him the highest paid player on the team when he is maybe the 4th best player on the offence.

Wallace seems certain to go the Dolphins. Jennings a possibility though. Would suck for Packers fans to see him go there.

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