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I should have said a Division II or even III team. We are in the system so to speak, but we don't have a team that would just naturally be bumped up to MLS. Though with 7 years between now and the expansion, I suppose there's time to start one were the various parties interested in that.

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Yeah, I don't mean to down play the stadium issue, but I'm just very confident a SSS would be built if the ownership were there. So if a realistic ownership bid steps up, I think the momentum would really build.

Last time we had a guy who really wanted a team, but didn't have the pockets or connections to make it happen. And that's why the lower division team he did land basically fell apart. We'll see if we have better luck this time.

There's been some talk of putting an MLS stadium right behind Union Station, and the Rams stadium just across 20th street from that, creating the best sports street in the country (Cardinals, Blues, Rams, and MLS would all be on Clark Ave.)

But we'll see how it all pans out (or doesn't).

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I think St. Louis is ideal for NASL right now. Get that established and then hopefully some deep pockets can step up and get a MLS team going.

Right now I just feel like there are 5 other markets that could be ahead of them (Orlando, Miami, Atlanta, Minnesota, San Antonio) I don't know if I believe in the Sacramento and Detroit as much as others do. I think Detroit works very well in the NASL or moving up 1 level to USL Pro.

As for Indy, I'm perfectly fine with them in NASL. Don't get me wrong it'd be awesome to see them in the MLS, but I don't believe there is enough support for a MLS club at this time. 4,500 season tickets is nothing to sneeze at but I don't think there is enough corporate dollars here to go around for 3 pro sports teams, even if 1 is a step below the others. Maybe in a few years. Again I just think there are more viable cities in line.

My main concern is the NASL losing some great clubs in Atlanta, Minnesota and San Antonio.

Too much demand is never a bad thing for American Soccer. Perhaps this starts us on the road to promotion/relegation.

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Do you think that both Miami and Orlando could work in 1 round of expansion? I'd think that MLS would be shy to put 2 teams from Florida in after what happened with Miami and Tampa last time. I know they really want one, but I'm not sure about 2.

I have to think that Atlanta won't get passed up this time. I don't know if Minnesota has MLS ambitions but it seems like that could be a strong market.

I really don't see Detroit happening, I just don't feel like a stadium is happening unless it's all private money.

We haven't mentioned Carolina, do the Railhawks have ownership that has the money to move them to MLS? They seem to be one of the more stable NASL franchises with a SSS.

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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I think Atlanta's being very overrated in this discussion; I just don't see MLS working there.

Interesting point about two Florida entries... though the Northwest entries have shown that rivalry does go a long way towards drawing in people.

Carolina doesn't have the money, and I don't think MLS would be very interested in Raleigh-Durham as a market.

As for Minnesota... I just don't know. The Wilfs paid lip service to MLS during discussions for the new stadium, but I think that's all it was. I'm not sure if Dr. McGuire (MNUFC owner) is all that interested in MLS at the present time; he seems to have some of those (in my opinion) counter-productive "NASL can be a top-division league" thoughts from what I've picked up.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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I think Atlanta's being very overrated in this discussion; I just don't see MLS working there.

Out of curiosity.... why?

Also, I figured you might know a little something about the Minnesota situation Mockba. That's why I threw it out there :)

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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I don't know if I'm really in the know, per se, with what's happening in Minnesota; just the impressions I'm getting. It's cool that the spring season saw a big increase in attendance, but I'm waiting to see if that extends into the fall season; there won't be any games at the Dome, and it's on the heels of a very disappointing team performance in the spring.

As for Atlanta... well, no offense to the Atlantans here, but that's a messed-up town when it comes to sports. Plus, they're making plans to build a replacement for the Georgia Dome (already!), so I don't know that I see another stadium being built in a similar time frame. It's a big market, but I just don't think it's currently set up to support an MLS team.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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Well, I can't say that I am any kind of expert on the Atlanta situation but I figured, seeing as the stadium was built with the potential to increase seating to 15,000, that it wouldn't be that expensive to get done and it would be a fairly easy transition.

But you do make a good point about replacing the Georgia Dome.

You know what I'm really thinking(the more I try to think who the 4 teams will be)? 2 more is probably the way MLS should have gone. Outside of just "promoting" the first 4 teams that can show they have the money and can get a stadium deal in place, I think 4 is too many.

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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The first round of expansion will be Florida, both Orlando City moving up and Beckham's Miami franchise. The second round is going to be wild. Two Sacramento possibilities - both the USL Sacramento Republic and the city of Elk Grove have mentioned building MLS-capacity soccer stadia - Oklahoma City - with their USL and NASL teams being on record of moving up - and Minnesota - Vikings ownership saying they'd not mind a second tenant in their new building. Plus, we have no idea of who else has expressed interest in teams.


Oh what could have been....

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You're presuming that the Silverbacks are going to have anything to do with an MLS bid; my impression is that the potential MLS bid would have nothing to do with them.

We're also talking four more teams by 2020; it's quite likely they won't all come in together.

We can only hope that it'll actually be five new teams, one of them being formerly known as Chivas USA.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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You're presuming that the Silverbacks are going to have anything to do with an MLS bid; my impression is that the potential MLS bid would have nothing to do with them.

We're also talking four more teams by 2020; it's quite likely they won't all come in together.

We can only hope that it'll actually be five new teams, one of them being formerly known as Chivas USA.

You right, I am assuming that......guess I shouldn't as we all know how that old saying goes.

I know it's by 2020...I donno, I guess I'm just scared that due to the success of the last round of expansion they are just going for more and assuming that it will go well. They basically "promoted" Montreal, Vancouver, Portland and, Seattle and it worked because they had natural rivalries and established fan bases. For that matter Philly had an established fan base too. I'm just concerned they kind of tapped out those markets and are over-reaching.

I'm 200% with you on the Chivas thing. Just get rid of the owner, move them to San Diego and re-brand.

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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You're presuming that the Silverbacks are going to have anything to do with an MLS bid; my impression is that the potential MLS bid would have nothing to do with them.

We're also talking four more teams by 2020; it's quite likely they won't all come in together.

We can only hope that it'll actually be five new teams, one of them being formerly known as Chivas USA.

During halftime of the All-Star game, The Don, Commissioner Don Garber, politically side-stepped Alexi Lalas' scathing questions on Chivas, on how they've racially set up the team on the field and off. I have a feeling the franchise might be terminated and be awarded to someone else, perhaps to Beckham and his people.

We can only hope.


Oh what could have been....

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Yeah, I actually said out loud "what the f%^@" when Lalas said "Thanks for your honesty and transparency" (or something to that effect) when he ended the interview.....what transparency?

GTA United(USA) 2015 + 2016 USA Champions/Toronto Maroons (ULL)2014, 2015 + 2022 Gait Cup Champions/Toronto Northmen (TNFF)

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Yeah, I actually said out loud "what the f%^@" when Lalas said "Thanks for your honesty and transparency" (or something to that effect) when he ended the interview.....what transparency?

It came across to me as sarcasm, which was definitely appropriate.


Oh what could have been....

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As much as I would love for Atlanta to get an MLS, I doubt it will happen. Don't see the Silverbacks moving up to MLS all by themselves, so they'd need some help. Not sure how receptive they would be to it.

Arthur Blank was our best bet for an MLS owner, but with all his future efforts going to Dome 2.0, the MLS isn't on his radar.


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