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My houston astros uniform concept


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I used current colors, but replaced the sand with vegas gold.

I used a cursive font that looks more "futuristic" then the current one. Two features from the past, three colored piping arranged to resemble those hideous rainbows, and an "H-star" hat logo.

the only resource outside the template I used to make this concept is the colors from the SSUR site. all logos and typefaces are completely new

unfortunately I didnt like how the conversation turned in this thread, so these links are removed. check the new thread for the concepts

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I've always liked the 'Stro's most recent color set and your proposals work with it very well.  It's got kind of a retro, "space age" script which certainly ties in better with the Astros' theme than the present scheme does.
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I'm sitting here at my desk eating a bowl of Crunch Berries (40 year-olds can eat Crunch Berries!), and I'm just staring at these designs.  I think these are one my favorite designs I've seen on these boards.  I love the '50s sci-fi styling touch to them as well.
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I hated how they went traditional and all that with the name Astros. They went from a futuristic look and ballpark, to an old looking look. You have come up with something that fits their traditional theme, and the name. I tried to do that with a design I made about 8 months ago, but I used the Blue and Orange.
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(40 year-olds can eat Crunch Berries!)


SHB - Once again you come out with a great design. I have said this over and over but you have some of the best baseball designs I have ever seen, not to mention great designs for other sports.

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you guys sure know how to fuel one's ego!  :D

when designing these, I took into account that the name of the team is futuristic, whereas the ballpark they play in is classic in style.

My goal was to create a look that would fit both the name and the ballpark. while the current astros look works for the ballpark they are in, the name doesnt fit that well with the look. I figured a jetsons-esque neon sign looking script would do the trick, as well as replacing the "sand" with a mettalic gold. I also wanted to add some features that were reminiscent of some uniforms from the team's past, which is why the piping is colored black-brick-gold in that order. (to give a rainbow effect without being a rainbow)

I allready completed my yankees concept  (please dont burn me at the stake!) and plan to work on a cardinals concept soon

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Hmmm, overall it's good, but as always I find details to nitpick at.

The primary has too much white space, IMO... the script should be enlarged (it could even overlap the circle a little) to fill some of the space. The only thing about any of the jerseys is that the gray jersey would be better without the star on the second 'o' of Houston... it works better with Astros where there's only one 'o'. Personally I think it'd look best using an oversized star in place of the A of Astros, but that's been done I guess. Last and certainly least, the alternate logo would be best presented on a lighter background, makes it look too dark overall.

However, those things said, I think this is a well designed concept. Lots of good work there, hopefully my suggestions are helpful.

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Sharkie the man!  I like it.  Has that Jetsons / 1960's futuristic look.  I agree with my other posters, when they went retro on the look, it was like an oxymoron with their name.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

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syphi could write a book with as many nitpicks as he has come up with for various logo concepts!  :P

Actually, it's going to be a books-on-tape series called "Things I Probably Will Like" by SyPhi.

And if you already haven't submitted to the craze, hit www.homestarrunner.com and find out what you've been missing.

What was Roger's logo. Oh, you mean that one? The one with the extra 's'?   :D

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
Excellent stuff, Sharkie. Only thing I really have to say is I don't see the retro/futuristic thing that everyone seems to be mentioning. I do understand, however, that their current unis are a bit too traditional to be called the Astros. This is the perfect modernization. I say call the Astros up. Maybe you'll get royalties.  :cool:


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