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Rite of Spring 2013 (NHL Playoffs): "You have no fear of the underdog, that's why you will not survive."


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when a team made up of Canadians and eastern Europeans wins the Cup for an American city.

You have a valid point, but to me, it is not about the origin of the players, rather the fan base of the team. I find great joy in seeing Canadian fans not winning the cup year after year.

That's kind of a jerka$$ move isn't it? I get the US/Canada hockey rivalry but Jesus. I don't go into deep mourning when American teams (seemingly inevitably) win the Cup. Honest to G-d I wouldn't think twice about a US-based team winning the Cup if you didn't pull that LOL CANADA crap every team a Canadian team's eliminated.

"It's OUR sport, Canada is the best for hockey..blah blah blah.." I understand that Canada is hockey's homeland, but there's a difference between being proud to be in the home of hockey, and being snooty/arrogant. That is all.

I think you may be imagining slights that don't exist. Like imagined insults from the CBC broadcast crew or you claiming that Wayne Gretzky was rude to you because he "knew" you were a southern American hockey fan.

I don't see us as being snooty or arrogant at all. I just see us as being proud of what you yourself said, being the homeland of hockey. If you're getting any snooty/arrogant vibes, again you're seeing/reading into something that's not there. Problem's on you, not us.

Anyway the fact of the matter is that 23 of the 30 NHL teams are American. Simple mathematics dictates that the Cup winner will hail from the US more often then not. That's fine. Taking "great joy" (and I'm not talking about friendly US/Canada ribbing) in the fact that we can't get one Cup champion in over two decades though? THAT'S being snooty/arrogant. That is all.

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You have your opinion, and I have mine. I respect your well outlined view and you make good points. I may have exaggerated by the 'great joy' part. I don't make it a HUGE deal to see the cup be won by an American based franchise, but I like seeing it happen more so than Canadian franchises.Done speaking on this. As for the Wayne Gretzky comment, yes, it did happen. Believe me or not, I know it happened and i know what he meant.


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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Even as an American by birth, I'd rather see places like Toronto celebrating Cup victories than almost any market in the southeastern U.S. (excluding Tampa, of course :) ) and Phoenix.

But that's because (if my comments a few days ago about Lebron/Miami didn't indicate this already) I take a market-based approach to almost everything. Markets like Toronto, which is brimming with passionate devoted sports fans, will always draw my support (when all else fails) than a market like South Florida. That's just obvious. To me, there's almost no difference between Americans and Canadians, other than some line on the maps and the climates. This is why I have no problem rooting for the Canadian team in national competitions (I root just as hard for the Canadians as the Americans, with the only exception being head-to-head matchups). Aside from Quebec, we're all much the same kinds of people.


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My only point is people will find reasons to root for or against something. To sit there and call someone and idiot for having their own reason for rooting is in itself a statement of idiocy.

But it is Ads were talking about... sooooo, not surprised.

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My only point is people will find reasons to root for or against something. To sit there and call someone and idiot for having their own reason for rooting is in itself a statement of idiocy.

But it is Ads were talking about... sooooo, not surprised.

Okay, let's hear him justify it.

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I've always rolled my eyes at all of Canada rallying behind the last Canadian team standing -- pshyeah, as if Vancouver's parade route will include Toronto. By the same token, reveling in none of Canada's teams winning is malicious and ignorant and dumb. As mentioned already, most teams' rosters are at least 50% Canadian, and they get their day with the Cup back home, so if your dream is to deny Cup-related joy to Canadian hockey fans, who have kept this stupid league going while our dollar crapped out, it'll never come true. They just haven't had parades -- which they would theoretically have, as opposed to a parking lot FanJamâ„¢ or whatever stupid Raleigh did. But if you're a hockey fan, part of you should want to see Toronto finally win another, or Edmonton, or numero vingt-cinq for Montreal, because it means more to them than it does to us. It's their game, which they're polite enough to loan us.

Screw Vancouver, though, big bunch of babies.

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I don't like how Canadian fans do that either. I remember during the 2011 cup finals where I was 1 of 2 or 3 people in the school cheering for Boston (that cup run was when I started to be a serious Bruins fan) and people were accusing me of hating Canada because I wasn't cheering for the Canucks. It was pathetic.

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Thanks for all you've done Ference, but your spot has been taken over for next season. Loved Krug since he played his first NHL game. Awesome to see him obtain this success.

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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