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New Olive Garden Logo


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Just saw this (via Complex Magazine's Twitter):


I'm limited to mobile right now; apologies if it's been posted.

I like it, but it doesn't scream "Italian Restaurant" to me, at all.



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Just saw this (via Complex Magazine's Twitter):


I'm limited to mobile right now; apologies if it's been posted.

I like it, but it doesn't scream "Italian Restaurant" to me, at all.

So you're saying it's perfect for Olive Garden?



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Just saw this (via Complex Magazine's Twitter):


I'm limited to mobile right now; apologies if it's been posted.

I like it, but it doesn't scream "Italian Restaurant" to me, at all.

So you're saying it's perfect for Olive Garden?

Well said, sir. Haha

& plant shop was my initial reaction as well



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Just saw this (via Complex Magazine's Twitter):


I'm limited to mobile right now; apologies if it's been posted.

I like it, but it doesn't scream "Italian Restaurant" to me, at all.

It's a pretty nice upgrade I'd say. It's friendly, elegant, and very subtle. I like the colors, too.


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Some may say the old one was classic and more "Italian" looking, but I do like the new one a lot more. A rebrand like this isn't going to just stand by itself -- I think they're more than likely going to make a push to be known for more fresh and simple dishes and decor. If that's the case, the logo succeeds handily, IMO.

To be honest, old and classic Italian imagery just says dated decor and dense dishes to me. It might be because I live in a state where Italian food isn't common, but it's rare that I walk into a family-owned (or chain) italian restaurant that goes for the "classic" feel and it doesn't look like the last time they updated was in 1985. If this is signalling a new direction for Olive Garden's branding, I think it's very smart.

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I really like this logo, and here's why:

1) It's simple. Instead of printing a high-res jpeg at every turn, you can switch to a 2 or 3 color vector. From a business point of view, you save LOADS by eliminating colors.

2) It's got a stronger silhouette than the original. You can break it down into a 1-color version much easier and lose less detail.

3) Movement. Though slight, this logo draws your eye in to the center - which is exactly what you want in a logo.

Does it SCREAM Italian restaurant? No, but does Pizza Hut's logo scream pizza?

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The old logo actually looked Italian, while the new seems generic.


Call me stupid, but I fail to see what makes this look "Italian." It's just a flowing script...

It's not as much the script or icons themselves as the textured/visual style is very reminiscent of Tuscan art.




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As for the logo itself, I like the script, but all the components don't really add up into one cohesive mark. You first see the white script, then your eye see these two strange branches coming out of nowhere (the secondary branch just ends really awkwardly), and then you have ITALIAN KITCHEN just randomly floating around down there, like it's too far down and right aligned. It's really a random collection of type and iconography.

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Looks nice, but the color scheme reminds me more of a tea shop or cafe than a restaurant.

Ya, poop brown isn't a good color for a restaurant.

Very mature assessment.

As for the logo itself: I like the simplification and the colors but as others have said it just doesn't scream "Italian restaurant," contrary to it literally saying "Italian Kitchen" at the bottom.

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