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Toronto Raptors Gold and Black.


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Most of my concerns have been addressed so far, but I'm not a huge fan of the raptor logo. The claw marks across the eye seem unnecessary and the raptor's pose kinda throws me off. It almost looks like he's holding an Xbox controller. Maybe if you had his hands holding the ball from more of a side angle it would look better. The CN Tower roundel logo isn't really working for me either, it's hard to distinguish from a distance. Other than that, I just echo what others have said, try altering that shade of gold.

I do like the uniform design though - simple and modern.


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Most of my concerns have been addressed so far, but I'm not a huge fan of the raptor logo. The claw marks across the eye seem unnecessary and the raptor's pose kinda throws me off. It almost looks like he's holding an Xbox controller. Maybe if you had his hands holding the ball from more of a side angle it would look better. The CN Tower roundel logo isn't really working for me either, it's hard to distinguish from a distance. Other than that, I just echo what others have said, try altering that shade of gold.

I do like the uniform design though - simple and modern.

I understand what you're saying about his hands but the arms of the Raptors is a bit band. I'll try to change the arms to do something better if I can. look at the arms


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In my opinion either lighter or darker one works (old hands too on old logo too). Old hands is how I or most professionals (Mike for example) would properly hold the ball.


And you are right. Raptors have small arms so your 1st version is more accurate.

The new version looks like he's pregnant or doing Sam Cassell's dance.


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IMO, you should combine "Update" and "Hands". I like the hands of "Update", but I like almost everything else about "Hands" better, except I think the raptor should be centered a little bit more. It looks kind of off. But I just want to say that everything you've done so far is REALLY great. Seriously, keep it up. It's all been looking really good.

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The hands one looks slightly asymetric. It's slightly off centre and its driving me nuts lol. The hand location is almost right though, once you get that, it will lool real nice

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I wouldn't pay too much attention on the real anatomy of the raptor...the current one is not accurate at all but still looks good !
However, I would try to make those hands a bit better, maybe changing the angle of one of them to make them closer to the one on MJ picture.

I like the "Update" version but I would definitely take off the CN Tower...there's too much going on and you don't want to mess too much with the identity.

The concept should be as clean and as direct as possible: either you go with the raptor or you go with the CN Tower.

The maple leafs could stay because you find a good way to "hide" them in the design and they looks like part of the greenery.

Finally, I really think you should consider adding some white on the wood mark...right now the "TORONTO RAPTORS" is the perfect size but everything it's too flat...I think you need something that breaks a bit the design and stands out.

By the way, you should add some white (as tertiary) on the uniform as well.

P. S. - I don't like the gold and black combo but that's your choice :D

Darker version it's better.

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The new primary logo looks really good, except for the stroke on "Toronto." I would make it plain white or plain gold.

The wordmarks and numbers look good as well, though I would vertically arch "Raptors" to match the "Toronto" wordmark. I like the vertical arch better than the radial arch.

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OK, I've change his hands, had white I also added the top of the leg to show that he's stand up.


I think you might have hit it with this one. The hands look a little odd, but much better than before. I like that you took out the towers, as that was just making it too darn busy. The gold color works. You should probably use a little of that darkest gold to shade on the head and body, or take it out entirely, as it's a little jarring how you currently only have it on the one hand and tail. I think it would look nice if you thinned out/toned down the teeth a bit, but it's not a huge deal.

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