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My High School Logo concepts


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These are designs I've been working on for 2 of my former schools (the 2 high schools I attended). The first is for the school I attended from grades 4-10, the Sparta Trojans of Sparta, Missouri (yes, the I know the irony of the "Sparta" "Trojans"). One of my brothers' had been teaching and coaching there for the past 5 or 6 years, and when I told him I was creating a logo set to post on dribbble simply for fun, he mentioned how he and other coaches and faculty were tired of using the same old clipart Trojans they've been using for years. He, being an artist himself, though not being as familiar with computer designed artwork as I am, was given the task of overseeing the "imaging" of the school's logos and such. So as I worked on this set, I consulted with him and he through some of his co-workers, and this was the final product. This summer he accepted a job at another school, but they still wanted to use the logos, to which I was more than happy to oblige. So here it is.


And now for my other High School, the one I attended for my final 2 years and graduated from, the Strafford Indians of Strafford, Missouri (both schools, btw, are in the Springfield, MO area). My other younger brother (I have 3 total plus a sister), teaches here and next spring, will be the new Golf coach. As with Sparta, I was planning on designing a new logo simply to post on dribbble, but he asked me to design a new logo for the golf team. He showed me some logos that he liked, though they were either copyrighted or common clipart. So I began my own. There is no intentions at the moment for this to be used by the school, but who knows.

Anyway, this one I do need some advice on, mainly on the shadows/highlights, which are kind of my weakness, and maybe just the overall logo in general if there are any flaws noticed.


Any C&C is appreciated, even if I don't use it. Thanks.

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Hey! Glad to see some more Missouri High Schools getting some action on the boards!

Your Trojans (Seriously they couldn't go with Spartans? :D) are beautiful. Love the secondary.

For the Indians logo at first glance I think you have too much shading under the chin. Especially going towards the pony-tail. Maybe around the eye too. It's definitely a great beginning rendering though! Great work on both.

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Pretty bad.

And by pretty bad I mean pretty good.

And by pretty good I mean pretty amazing.

My only suggestions that don't even have to be made, i'm just trying to picture them in my head.

The Trojans one is really nice. He has a determined and fierce look like he's ready to go into battle. I like that. What if you made him angrier though almost like the Indians one.

The Indians one, again, awesome. Though this one I think looks too angry in the eyes but doesn't look angry in the mouth area and i'm probably not going to explain this well but theres a tad bit that looks like he's squinting off in the distance rather than being angry. However, like I said those two changes wouldn't even have to be made because I really like them as it stands.

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Just for the record, the Trojans set is finalized. There's not really changes to be made. But I still appreciate any critiques made. As for the face, for both perhaps, I didn't want want them to be overly "angry" or necessarily show a ton of emotion, but rather a muted sense (can't exactly put it into words I guess) of determination or pride. I kind of felt like anything further may cross them over into a cartoonishly angered look. I wanted to keep it on the side of simple, but still emotive... I think.

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These are both perfect in my opinion.

I really like that secondary logo for the Trojans, and that primary is ready for College level (I would say NFL level, but lets face it, a majority of those logos are horrible)

The Indians look is pretty amazing as well. I didn't really see any shade issues unless I look for them. Even so, I don't see how you can change the neck shading. I'd say leave it as is, not really a huge issue.

Hope Strafford uses your concept.

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When I look at somebody else's concept, I just need two seconds to say whether I like or love it or not. In your case it was an instant like!

Great execution. Nice typeface and secondary logo, let alone the Trojan and the Indian. I don't know if there's anything to criticize about the shading or something else. At least I couldn't find anything yet! All in all I just have to give this concept a 10 out of 10. Kudos!!!

Never argue with an idiot! They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.––George Carlin


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Sparta looks great. The primary is very well rendered, and you managed to make it unique compared to other spartan/trojan logos. And I love the secondary logo -- very clever.

The Strafford logo is best Native American logo I've seen in my 4+ years on these boards. The expression on his face is perfect -- he doesn't look bored, but he's not too angry. The only issue I see is the red streak going down the neck...not sure how to deal with that though. Maybe make it thinner?

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First off, thanks for all the wonderful comments. Here's a slight upgrade to the Indians logo. Not too much, but I did a little work on the neck and under the chin area, removed the gray shading from around the eyes and just did a few clean-up tweaks here and there. To help simplify things by reducing some of the shading, for this one I made the feathers solid gray. But if the consensus is they should be white again, I can change them back.


UPDATE: Same updates with the feathers returned to white, per kewp80's suggestion.


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Hmmm... I'm on the fence about the color of the feathers. I guess I'm leaning towards white just to give it a little more balance.

Taking away the grey around the eye was a great call, and the chin area looks tons better. Great update sir!

Planning on doing a secondary or wordmark?

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Totally understandable. I usually do the same.

Yeah and the white feathers look great IMO. Adds a little more depth and balance. Like the feathers are actually on the head. The grey just blended in too much with the maroon hair.

Cardinals -- Rams -- Blues -- Tigers -- Liverpool

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