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Saskatchewan Roughriders


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so i was bored, made this up

i started with the logo they have now, the S and the shield and i tried to make an S that resembled a shield. That is now the secondary logo, since it's fairly boring. I stole the hat and beaver from the Ottowa Renagades 'ruffy the beaver' logo. Saskatchewan has a groundhog for a mascot, so i shortened up the teeth and recycled a good idea. I tried to keep the jerseys and helmet fairly simple.

as always C&C is greatly appreciated


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I like how you incorporated the "wheat" design into the RR logo and into the numbers.

The hat on the RR logo and the beaver head are taken right from the old Ottawa Renegades. I don't see what that has to do with Saskatchewan.

The stripe on the helemt is a little "out there" for my tastes, but it does match the stripe down the sides of the uniform, so at least it is tied into another design element.

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Great concept - I love the wheat stalks within the numbers. Nice touch. Ruffie never looked so good!

Well done 9.3/10

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You really went all out with this concept, something I love to see.

I love how you emphasized the wheat, because in Saskatchewan that is all there is. The hat on the double R is a good idea, very Ottawa though, and the beaver, mehhh. There are no beavers in Saskatchewan so having one in a logo makes no sense. Why not a farmer in there, and with a piece of straw coming out of his mouth. That would make more sense then a beaver.

But I am just being picky, a real good concept.



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I don't like the RR simply because it's Roughriders, not Rough Riders.

That may seem picky, but it's significant here because it differs from the old Ottawa Rough Riders.

Also, I'd rather see you use the wheat more for the helmet striping.

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I know there's not much else there, which is why this is funny:


However, for mine, there's just too much of the wheat design thing.

It's on the logo, it's on secondary, it's on the sides of the uni, it's on th stripe down the middle of the helmet.

It just seems a little too much to also have it on the numbers.

I feel like saying to it "OK, I get it, the place is only known for wheat."

As for the Beaver Mountie (?), I guess with the RCMP Training Office being based in SK, you could have cause to make more of that somewhere in the package, other than just a secondary that is apparently unseen.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it, I was just thinking of things that could make it better.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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I know there's not much else there, which is why this is funny:


However, for mine, there's just too much of the wheat design thing.

It's on the logo, it's on secondary, it's on the sides of the uni, it's on th stripe down the middle of the helmet.

It just seems a little too much to also have it on the numbers.

I feel like saying to it "OK, I get it, the place is only known for wheat."

As for the Beaver Mountie (?), I guess with the RCMP Training Office being based in SK, you could have cause to make more of that somewhere in the package, other than just a secondary that is apparently unseen.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it, I was just thinking of things that could make it better.

That GTA is awesome. oh yeah, the concept looks slick too, aside from the animal needing to be Gaffer the Gopher instead of Bucky Beaver or whatever his name is, but others have already stated so.

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Great job with these (especially the second one). I wish the Rough Riders would have been wearing one of these when they won the Grey Cup.

Oh well, at least they weren't wearing those bfugly uniforms that the Blue Bombers were wearing. They weren't even blue!

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Great job with these (especially the second one). I wish the Rough Riders would have been wearing one of these when they won the Grey Cup.

Oh well, at least they weren't wearing those bfugly uniforms that the Blue Bombers were wearing. They weren't even blue!

I hate those Bombers uniforms, they are awful at hiding the players sweat.



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rmered, just wondering if you liked the first version better, the jersey and helmet stripe were less wheat and more design element, in my opinion i liked that better. I like the numbers with the wheat though, U of Hawaii-ish is good

Yeah, I guess I like the first version better.

But the wheat thing is still there, in as many places, it's just like the arrow in the FedEx logo, it's there, but you've sorta gotta be looking for it.

I'm a less is more kinda guy when it comes to uniforms.

I'm thinking the wheat motif would look good around the cuffs, and perhaps the collar, where it's more subtle and understated, but numbers, and the sides, and the logo, and the helmet stripe, it was just getting too much of it.

And as I mentioned above, it's there in both, just the second version is even more in your face than the first.

Oh, and I've got a site.

Footy Jumpers Dot Com

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I am a huge Riders fan, and it is nice to see a Rider concept on here. The mascot name is Gainer the Gopher, and no it is not a beaver. I like the updated version you made with the S on the helmet, if you were to use that logo and make the helmet all green with black bars, that would look nice. The numbers look cool, I really like those. A little bit of green on the white pants would look good as well. Overall good job with this concept.

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