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Meet the Mets!


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As some of you may know, I really dig mascot logos. The other day, I wanted to have a vector Mr. Met, so I started to trace one I found off the main site here. However, about halfway through, I decided I was going to upgrade Mr. Met into something a bit more suitable for today. So, rather than just making a Mr. Met concept, I opted to work a Mets concept up over the weekend. I wanted to keep things pretty classic, but modern enough for today's MLB. The black is gone, the racing stripes are back (a bit subdued, however), and Mr. Met is back in full force (and a little angrier). Without further adieu....

Mr. Met: I vastly preferred the running Mr. Met to the old batting version, so I started with that and just kind of ran with it (no pun intended). I wanted to keep the whole concept blue and orange (although I did add some slight gray shading). In general, I love the original, but I decided to make it a little different by making him slightly more menacing, while still kid/fan-friendly. You'll notice that his uniform matches the uniform that he'll be placed on (except for the alt jersey). I did lose the outline on the home script, basically for the sake of legibility.


Home Version


Road Version

Uniforms: I love the 80s set of the Mets' uniforms (seen here), but I really don't think they'd translate into the modern MLB so much. I wanted to keep the racing stripes going, but I made them thinner and got rid of the ones running atop the arms. I'm generally not wild on piping with pinstripes, but for the Mets, I think it works (probably because they won a World Series with that look). I added stripes to the socks because, well, I like striped socks. I wanted to do an alt jersey, and I always think blue before orange with the Mets. I didn't do an alternate cap because I think the solid blue cap/orange "NY" is about as classy as you can get with the Mets. That's about it....as I said, the concept was more about Mr. Met, but I figured I'd throw together some uniforms while I was at it.




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Love the Mr. Met logo; one thing I haven't seen very often in sports are mascot logos that have the "angry" (lowered?) eyebrows with a smile. I think ASU's Sparky is one of the best examples; aggressive, but not really detracting from the athletic environment. Doing this with Mr. Met makes him more aggressive, yet at the same time doesn't stray into "I'm not here to play (insert sport here)...I'm here to RIP YOUR HEAD OFF!!" territory.

I also like the dumping of the black; you've managed to make it look coherent yet modern.

As for the uniforms, the road script's trim hardly shows up at all. Make it a touch thicker, and you've got a good looking set.

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