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Everything posted by McCall

  1. Hey, at least you can say the Mets are on fire...
  2. Can't believe I'm defending LeBron, but Jordan IS still alive, so...
  3. If y'all get divorced, send your lawyer's bill to MLB. May be the catalyst we need to get the uniforms changed back.
  4. How would they get "shafted" when they last hosted the game in 1993 and Wrigley in 1990?
  5. Yeesh. Sounds like things could get Messi.
  6. Honestly, I still believe that the Brewers are gonna end up on top due to the "experience" that they have and just because of how young the Reds are, who, I, too, believe will come back down to Earth. Although, this division is not very good. I still have a sliver of hope that the Cardinals can mount a run, but I'm also realistic. The low quality of the division could actually allow the Reds to come back to reality, yet STILL win the division. But, regardless, they're gonna be good for awhile... unless ownership says otherwise.
  7. What's scary (for division rival fans such as myself) is that these guys are so young and controllable that the team has plenty of time before they have to start paying them, which delays any firesale for awhile.
  8. Third world countries will finally get shirts from the actual champions.
  9. I grew up in the Springfield area (moved there in 1990, moved away 2009), and I have literally never heard of this at all. Guessing it's either someone's attempt at messing with people, or is some fan-fiction thread that someone outside took as serious history.
  10. I meant that although they wear Houston Astros uniforms, they don't actually play in Houston... they just dress up like them... like 5 of the 8 USFL teams.
  11. The USFL is no different than this little league team wearing Houston Astros uniforms.
  12. Not even a remotely accurate statement. In fact, I'd say it's probably the most recognizable marathon in the world. Far more than New York. And I say that as someone who lives in the middle of the country and doesn't pay attention to marathons.
  13. That city was named after the gas station.
  14. Move 'em to the birthplace of hockey: Mexico City.
  15. Cardinals were the home team for both games. Plus for the second game, the Cubs wore gray.
  16. And they may not want to have to share it in the fall AND winter/spring.
  17. I, too, doubt the Gamblers will ever play in Houston. But Houston does have two alternatives to the NFL stadium (NRG Stadium). 1. TDECU Stadium - Which, currently, the Roughnecks of the XFL lay claim to spring league use, so probably unavailable. 2. Shell Energy Stadium (Houston Dynamo) - Not truly sure of the availability for football use, but it's an option. As mentioned, the availability of these stadiums is another story, but, unlike Pittsburgh, they do have alternatives. Pittsburgh is Acrisure or bust.
  18. I either abbreviate/refer to Pittsburgh as PIT, PITT or BURGH. Never PGH. Looks weird.
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