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Everything posted by McCall

  1. At least... maybe... is what was proven...
  2. " but these past two games have proved we may see AT LEAST a Game 7..." "
  3. Well, to be fair, I think he might be using "rabid" in the literal sense in regards to Philadelphia fans, and not just figuratively...
  4. If UCF had changed to "Citronauts" going into the Big XII, Big XII fans, and power 5 conference fans nationwide, would never take them seriously and look at them as nothing more than a low-level FBS playing Power 5 "seat filler". This would be like an MiLB team with a non-cartoony name being promoted to MLB... and then changing their name to something whacky and cartoony.
  5. I mean, Nashville Brewers could make sense... ... But, no. I just... I mean... no. Why? The stadium is only 21-years-old. Where are they needing $448M in repairs that could trigger a relocation?
  6. This is what gives the XFL the advantage. Guys like Luis Perez and Jordan Ta'amu, who both played in the USFL last year, came back to the XFL this year because it allowed them time to sign with an NFL team and attend OTA's and minicamps after the season was over.
  7. Oh, I thought you were gonna say there was a 'T' at the end of yours.
  8. They'd probably refer to Ryan Leaf in the same manner.
  9. Helmet's ok. Pants are ok. But that jersey. Can't not see this...
  10. At this point, they really don't need to. Any new stadium anywhere probably isn't going to be complete until 2027/2028 at the earliest. They can very well just finish out the lease then move. Whether it's St. Pete, Tampa or elsewhere.
  11. When Ta'amu rejoined the XFL this season, which was after the draft, it said he was "assigned" to DC. How they would've been chosen, I'm not sure of the process in that. https://xflnewsroom.com/news/xfl-officially-assigns-jordan-taamu-to-dc-defenders/
  12. The only thing about a "3 conferences of 10 teams" alignment is that it still doesn't split well. You only have 9 teams from the Pacific Coast to Colorado, meaning one team from either the Midwest or Texas would be put into that "West Conference", separating them from their geographically closer opponents.
  13. Am I the only one who, from this angle, sees a giant lizard hand holding a globe?
  14. Why would you separate the Blues and Blackhawks and send the Blues and Wild out west while putting Dallas, a city farther west than St. Louis AND St. Paul, in the Central with the aforementioned Blackhawks? I get this is how it was for the 2020-21 COVID season, but that was extenuating circumstances... and even then didn't make any sense.
  15. Why would their owner not pick the same colors as the NFL team, that he also owns, and that aforementioned MLS team shares a stadium with?
  16. Is there any interest for a second Bay Area franchise, like in San Francisco at the Chase Center? Or is it even suitable for hockey?
  17. I think UNC could end up in the SEC with Clemson, Virginia Tech and Florida State. Duke, Virginia and Georgia Tech to the Big Ten. The rest will fall where ever I guess. Miami could end up in the Big Ten (I know, right? But if they're desperate enough to get a foot into the Florida market...) or the Big 12.
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