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Everything posted by McCall

  1. What's that got to do with the crappy stadium?
  2. No to that last part. Even if they were privately funding everything and intended to spend $300 million on the best players, they STILL wouldn't change the identity. No owner would. It's literally one of the oldest and most historic in pro sports. It's basically had an "impression" added at each stop, but there would be no drastic changes no matter what.
  3. Like others have mentioned, I think the only change (other than "Las Vegas" on the roads), would be to switch to kelly green. They'll probably keep the same shade of gold, but might simply call it "Vegas Gold".
  4. -They have a lease. -He’s not breaking the lease. (Plus they’ve already made the schedule) And this means he has no shame? I’m sorry, but since when is honoring the lease you agreed to a bad reflection you? At worst, it should be a non-issue. We knew they’d either play it out or leave early. They’re playing it out. Ok. On to the next issue…
  5. What’s that got to do with him having “no shame” for not breaking the lease and leaving early?
  6. They've never used dark orange. I think he's referencing the red from the creamsicle era, which would make no sense to do since their regular uniform is red and would defeat the purpose of throwing back to the creamsicle era in the first place.
  7. They're moving because the stadium is literally a s***hole and them and the city have never gotten on the same page as far as building one. Same thing with the Raiders. Now you can put blame on either side, more on one if you want, but it's 100% the stadium and has been for many, many years.
  8. They have a lease through 2024. He's simply not breaking that lease. If the city wants to kick them out before then, then that's on them. I fail to see how this is proof of "no shame" on his part.
  9. Not necessarily, other than simply replacing "Oakland" on the aways/alts with either "Las Vegas" or "Athletics". Yes. That name will not ever change. No matter how many cities it's been in. Whatever one's opinion on whether or not they should move, you can't really compare the two cities. Major League baseball in Vegas has never happened, so it's complete speculation whether or not people will show up. I'd say it's more likely they do, for awhile at least. Long term is anybody's guess.
  10. Thought Kirk Elmquist might be involved in this. I knew him personally when he was head of marketing for the Springfield Cardinals when I worked at Hammons Field.
  11. No it would probably remain 2 games (home/away) against 3 rivals for 6 games. Then just fill out the rest however; conference/interconference. I don't think we're ever gonna see a scenario with no interconference games. But if you add 4 (Euro) teams only for 36 and keep divisions, the only other way that would work is 3 conferences of 12 teams (3 divisions of 4 teams in each conference) with one getting the Euro division. Not gonna lie, I've done an alignment plan like this, but it works better in theory than when you think of it in reality. Too cumbersome and awkward, especially when it comes to the playoffs. My main point was, when it comes to adding a 4-team Euro division, you either have to go 2 conferences of 18 withOUT divisions, or add 4 more North American teams (or go 8 Euro teams, I guess, which is extremely drastic rather quick) and create 2 conferences of 20 teams split into 5 divisions of 4 in each conference. Or more simply put, it's not as easy as simply just adding a division of 4 Euro teams.
  12. Never gonna happen. Much of the current division alignment is based on rivalries. Even if you did away with actual divisions, the scheduling would have to remain as such. Rivalries like the Chiefs/Broncos/Raiders, Cowboys/Giants/Eagles/Commanders, etc., are to ingrained in the fabric of the league. Playing each other only once wouldn't be enough. Many of those games are the most anticipated games and account for some of the highest attendance at each home stadium every year. Having each team play their rival at home only once every other year would never fly.
  13. The arena's in Glendale. It borders Bettman Town... aka the parking lot.
  14. No... It means they can't prevent the organization that has been around for 123 years and originated it and still uses it to this day, can't take it with them if they relocate.
  15. Still not theirs. The colors even started in Kansas City.
  16. The only way that would work without adding four North American teams as well, would be to do away with divisions, put the European teams in one conference and move two teams from that conference over to the other giving each one 18 teams... with no divisions. Then essentially, just schedule as if there were divisions, meaning the 4 Euro teams would only play each other home and away. Btw, that Euro division-talk is nothing knew. Been going on for years.
  17. That still doesn't look good since the helmet looks completely out of place.
  18. Yeah, I've always known that they shared a birthday and were both born there. But never thought of it in statistic form before til I saw it somewhere. Unreal when you think of something THAT specific and Junior is only second.
  19. Actually, the NBA has a decent amount of legit markets to choose from if they so desire, probably more than any other league. Obviously, Seattle and Las Vegas lead the list. But then you have markets like Pittsburgh, Kansas City, St. Louis, Montreal, New Jersey (again), as well as secondary markets like Louisville, that all have good arena situations (some newer and better than others), but they're options. I'm not saying all should get a team, by any means, but people around here just take the whole NBA being in markets like Sacramento, OKC and Memphis, etc, to mean that any city should get a team when they shouldn't... like Albuquerque and Des Moines.
  20. Only if Rockapella is the house "band".
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