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Everything posted by McCall

  1. The Rams relocation back to LA had more to do with Kroenke wanting to move to LA than the stadium itself. True it wasn't up to the standards that the Rams eventually added to the lease, terms that may never have been in there with the Stallions. If the Stallions had been brought into the league as an expansion team, there's no guarantee that that ownership, or any after, would have a target market like LA to move to, especially since there's a strong change the Rams had stayed put to begin with and LA never lost both teams. I mean, yeah, they still could've been sold and moved elsewhere, but it's not a stretch to think this scenario could've wound up with both markets keeping their teams.
  2. How is the Rangers' identity NOT western-themed? Yes their colors are red and blue, like the state flag of Texas. And they're named after a state agency. Yet they use western style/influenced fonts and numbers. They actually do a pretty good job of blending state-driven aspects with the typical western imagery (outline inconsistencies and drop shadows, notwithstanding, of course).
  3. It seems like there has been quite a few instances of batters hitting catchers with backswings this year. This isn't intentionally hitting someone after they hit a home run of you (Which is nothing more than an ego thing and I'm against that. If they take you yard, they've earned the right to celebrate. Only issue is when they're getting blown out and they act like they just hit a walk-off. And even then it's just sad, not getting hit-worthy). He literally knocked the catcher out of the game. And yes they hugged it out because they used to be teammates. Plus, it's not like he threw a heater at his head or upper back. He basically floated one in at his butt. And to Happ's credit, he understood and took his base. No staring him down or arguing. The Cubs dugout didn't even complain at that point. It really would've been just a "it happened, they 'retaliated' and now it's over situation" if the umpire's hadn't decided to interject themselves in more than they needed to. A warning was the most that was warranted.
  4. Is a single sport still not "athletic"? Also, the fact that you used the singular "athletic" instead of "athletics" kinda contradicts your own question. Also, they can call themselves whatever they want. You might literally be the only person I've ever heard complain about something like this.
  5. Cal? I mean, possibly. But Stanford? Now way. They're pretty big in sports other than football (basketball, baseball...). They'd either go Independent or end up in the Big Ten or Big XII. I think the Big XII would love to get in the California market and Stanford would be a good choice, good standing in athletics AND academics.
  6. "SUNS" actually pops more, pushes the white to the front. I would think they'd prefer that.
  7. Don't really like the white basketball, that it's cut off too much to really look like a basketball, or the fact that the sunburst is actually purple instead of orange. Other than that, not bad.
  8. In the initial post, I thought he was referring to some kind of actual pit/trench and I was trying to remember when they ever used those. Almost created some kind of Mandela effect in my mind until Sport clarified what he was talking about.
  9. Stanford and/or Cal could either one end up in the Big Ten if they decide to add more west schools. Big XII or Independent would most likely be their back-up options in a Pac-12 dissolution. That would only leave Oregon State and Washington State, who seemed destined for the Mountain West. Honestly, they're probably Mountain West teams playing in the Pac-12 now. Kinda like Vanderbilt in the SEC.
  10. Yeah, like fans from markets other than the one they desire to move to, are gonna convince them to sell.
  11. Are you asking if the cut outs/sliding pits would work on natural grass fields? Because, as others have already pointed out, they wouldn't. The grass will get so worn down on the base paths, much more than the outfield. Just growing up playing baseball in our backyard, I can confirm this to be the case. This is the whole reason for the mostly dirt infields to begin with.
  12. Yeah me too. I've literally never heard them called "sliding pits" outside of this thread.
  13. True, but the money may change his mind. I mean, we're talking about the GOAT. If he gets a big enough cut from potentially packing Hard Rock, he may just be on board.
  14. How can they "preemptively" take something AFTER someone already took it?
  15. I don't think these Colts uniforms are quite this fancy.
  16. Seems their true inspiration was revenge: "You copy our best look, Duke, we (mostly) copy your worst."
  17. Might have to bring in the Majestic 37. They're 3.083333333333333 times more powerful than the Majestic XII.
  18. I don't know. I think the Saudis could be very attracted to USL, with markets like Edinburg, TX and the massive metropolis that is Rogers, AR.
  19. Mozeliak (President of Baseball Ops) is not going anywhere. Owndership has already said he'll be here through is contract. Not to mention, he's their guy and basically makes the moves they want him to make, to an extent.
  20. I could definitely see 23 being retired after he passes, if not before. I mean, the NHL has already retired 99 for Gretzky and the NBA has set a precedent by retiring 6 for Russell after he died. And Jordan's arguably the greatest professional athlete of all-time, so I'd say it's more a matter of when than if.
  21. Hey, at least you can say the Mets are on fire...
  22. Can't believe I'm defending LeBron, but Jordan IS still alive, so...
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