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Everything posted by McCall

  1. No. It's not. St. Louis can actually support a football team, despite what Stan Kroenke says.
  2. "Fun" fact: He was born in the town I used to live in and where I first started school.
  3. Pacific Soul (Using the Atlantic Coast Conference geography)
  4. I started thinking it was the angle as well, but they're in pretty similar positions, just reversed, yet the old one seems like it has a more severe skew than the new one. If you look at the new one on it's own in the picture above, without a direct comparison, it does seem less skewed than the "old" one.
  5. And straightening/de-italicizing the script some.
  6. Yeah, I mean, the "A's relocation" possibility has been there for about 20 years now, at least. Yet nothing has ever come to fruition IN Oakland. I think there are people who are generally against relocation who may actually not side with Oakland here. It's getting a little old and repetitive.
  7. I think he means the use of two grays by Ohio State relative to the use two grays by the Lions.
  8. Hypothetically, even if they succeeded in him selling the A's (and getting an expansion team in Vegas in return), in about 10-15 years, you could probably copy and paste this article, swapping out "Las Vegas" with whichever city they're trying to relocate to to get out of the Coliseum.
  9. How many Fred Durst posters do you up on your wall?
  10. Seriously, a personal, private journal would probably be a more appropriate place for you to share your thoughts rather than a public forum where other people can actually read them and form an opinion because it's never going to end well for you.
  11. Nobody has any cause to force him to sell, so I see no chance of him doing so unless the Vegas deal just utterly falls completely apart and he just wants to be rid of the team. That seems like it has little to no chance of happening at this point.
  12. To be fair, the USFL calls Detroit "Philadelphia", Canton, OH "Pittsburgh" and "New Jersey", Memphis "Houston" and Birmingham "New Orleans". So...
  13. First, Game 1 of St. Louis vs Kansas City is on at 9pm on a Sunday night. Now, Game 2 is on at 4pm on Saturday while (CFP)#12 Mizzou is playing (CFP)#2 Georgia. At least this time, I can put it on one of my side TVs. And I guess I didn't really miss anything from Game 1.
  14. I'd rather it go back to Texas. Let them win it in front of their fans.
  15. What do you mean? Are you saying they should've traded him to Miami, no matter what, for whatever they offered, regardless if it is what they wanted in return?
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