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Everything posted by McCall

  1. It's Independent League ball. They need something interesting to draw in an audience. I'm sure they can live with your disapproval.
  2. Oregon's only real hope is that they beat Washington and then Alabama, Texas and Florida State all lose. If they lose to Washington again, then I'd say they'd have the best chance to become the first 2-loss team to make it, but the odds are still stacked against them as a 1-loss Ohio State is probably considered more appealing. Plus so much else would have to happen for that to even come into play.
  3. I'm new to MLS, but St. Louis had like a 2-&-a-half week break between their final two regular season games. Then you have these breaks in the playoffs. Is there any rhyme or reason to this scheduling? Why not just be consistent with each weekend (& occasional Wednesday). MLS Cup would've happened by now.
  4. That's impossible because Oregon is gonna be in the Big Ten and need to put all of their focus on those schools. (/sarcasm.)
  5. WTF are you talking about? Are you seriously that insecure or just so full of yourself that you can't handle anyone bringing up a counterpoint to your opinion? Teams play non-conference games. Washington-Wazzu are in the EXACT same situation as Oregon-Oregon State and yet they ARE continuing their game, so it's nowhere near out of the realm of possibility that they could continue as well, at least until the schools involved say otherwise. If you were the college football expert you seem to believe you are, you would get that and wouldn't make some smug, nonsensical comment that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, because you would have something of value and relevance to say. You have just lost any credibility you may have had because you have set yourself up as someone you is incapable of having a rational conversation that involves differing opinions than yours.
  6. But my point was Washington and Washington State ARE continuing to play, so there's no guarantee, until they announce for certain, that Oregon and Oregon State won't continue to play. At this point, at least. And playing other Big 10 teams would have no effect on Oregon playing Oregon State. They'll still play non-conference games, so if both are interested in continuing the series, they can do so. Just like Washington and Washington State.
  7. Have they announced they won't continue playing? If not, then there's no guarantee it will be the final game. Washington and Wazzu have already announced a continuation through at least 2028, I believe.
  8. Oregon has the best shot at being a 2-loss team to get in, as both would have come to undefeated, playoff team Washington. But I think Texas, Alabama and Florida State would all have to lose next week. It would probably, then, come down to them and Ohio State for the final spot. Honestly, objectively speaking, either team would have a legitimate claim for it.
  9. Louisville lost to Pitt and Kentucky. Winning the ACC won't change anything. They're out. If Washington loses to Oregon in the Pac-12 Championship, they're still ahead of Ohio State, IMO. One could argue the same for 2-loss Alabama and Texas, although that's far from a slam dunk.
  10. They may take a 2-loss Oregon or Texas since their second losses would have come in the conference championship. Especially for Oregon since both of their losses would've come to playoff Washington.
  11. Why would Tulane want to go from one Group of 5 conference to another? There's been interest in the past from the Big 12 and I could see the ACC wanting to get in New Orleans as well, so I can't see them making a lateral move when they can potentially move up. The Pac-# is not going to be a power conference again. Not happening. Adding Washington State and Oregon State to a bunch of G5 schools will not change that. Any school, like Tulane, San Diego State or Memphis, for example, would NOT join another G5 without some assurance that they can leave at anytime for a power conference. And all are potential power conference expansion candidates.
  12. The "new" D-Snake for 2024 doesn't have the drop shadow from the original, only an outline. https://ibb.co/MgVh1Dy
  13. As someone who grew up in the Springfield area and worked at Hammons Field for the team's first 5 seasons... No.
  14. NCAA rules set a 6-team minimum for conferences. Although they are given a 2-year grace period, so they could stay a 2-team conference for the next couple years. However, they won't have Power status and the CFP has already been proactive to set an 8-team minimum to eligible for one of the conference champions spots and to go from the top 6 conference champions + 6 highest ranked teams to 5 and 7.
  15. It's the home of bleached buttholes. It's not that fartetched to believe "chrome buttholes" are a possibility.
  16. Well, confirmed what we already knew, at least.
  17. Nice tertiary logo for the Utah Astros... I mean, Archers.
  18. The Rams left because Kroenke wanted to build his own stadium in Los Angeles. The support was there until they left. They still averaged around 51k in the final season even though it was apparent Kroenke was leading the city on and had every intention of moving them.
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