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Everything posted by JayMac

  1. Lol only Seattle is being considered for expansion...it is amazing how he will bend over backwards for any American city (especially the sun belt) but gives the middle finger to the successful Canadian cities.
  2. I was honestly hoping for another opponent. The Rangers, Islanders, and Devils all would have been good. Instead we are left with the Flyers/Penguins rivalry that has been milked to near death.
  3. Why do the timeout markers need to be long bars? Why not just dots? That way, you can center the record a little more to be underneath the team abbreviation.
  4. But wouldn't this hurt Bettman and Company's precious East/West balance???
  5. Yeah, I'm not sure that the south side was too happy.
  6. I am from the Philadelphia area and I have never really felt a connection with the Eagles. I can watch their games in a objective manner, and not care one bit if they win or lose. I agree to a certain degree about your Cubs example and how that unites a city. However, if the Eagles win a Superbowl, I just won't feel any kind of excitement. So, I think that most people would feel a sense of unity, I cannot say that I would feel the same.
  7. I'm not a fan of her at all but good for her for at least trying. However, you know ESPN had no choice because she attempted to him them in the wallet.
  8. Please tell me again why there is a hockey franchise in Raleigh, NC?
  9. I think that there are so many variables involved when comparing and contrasting the Rays and the Coyotes. But, IMO, neither are good markets for their respective sports.
  10. I just noticed it. It is jarring. Come on! What are we...commies???
  11. I remember hating the royal blue and athletic gold when I was growing up. I never thought I would ever prefer them in that look over anything. However, it's miles better than the drab St. Louis look. In short, I completely agree with you. They haven't looked great in anything, and the blue and white is the best look.
  12. I bet that is an awful sight for Avalanche fans. I know it makes me cringe and im not a huge fan.
  13. I didn't even know he pitched into the days of the powder blues in the early 70s.
  14. This would have been great a few years ago. But I feel that it is a little too late for a city like Atlantic City. The city has been struggling for years due to dwindling numbers of visitors. Having casinos open up in the Philadelphia area contributed to that. I am a little over an hour away from AC and used to go there often. Now, I probably only go once every couple of years. It is basically a ghetto with a beach, boardwalk, and a few casinos. Legalizing sports betting would help AC but not enough. It's a shame, too. I think that AC could have been a 'Little Vegas" of sorts.
  15. But I could see Nike doing that for the Patriots. We all know Nike loves to mismatch TV numbers with numbers on the front and back (Seahawks, Jaguars).
  16. I agree. A deep royal blue would work great for the Sabres. The navy that they use currently is way too dark.
  17. I'm sure Bettman and Co. will do everything they can to keep the Flames in Calgary.
  18. It wasnt right the first time you said it, why the hell would it be right the next ten times!?
  19. That is awful news. I'm not a huge Berman fan but my heart goes out to him.
  20. Or Rickey Henderson of the Newark Bears fame
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