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Red Comet

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Everything posted by Red Comet

  1. So the investment banker is on the verge of wearing a barrel. Unlike that guy at the Broncos games, I don’t think he’s going to do it for fun.
  2. How long before a new account called BanEvader shows up?
  3. Considering that Manfred basically said “No comment” to recent events (probably because taking the stance that would align with taking the All-Star Game out of Atlanta wouldn’t go over well with the Hispanics and relatively conservative whites who make up a lot of their player base I imagine), I think he’s saying that era of getting involved with politics is over and it wouldn’t surprise me if Atlanta is awarded an All-Star Game in the near future.
  4. Considering the trend is smaller and smaller ballparks? I could see them using the Sounds ballpark and charging up the wazoo for All-Star Game tickets with the atmosphere of Nashville being Vegas with a twang as the selling point. These games don’t mean a damn thing so why not play into everything else about the All-Star Game?
  5. Wouldn’t surprise me if it winds up being Atlanta. Seems like Manfred is trying to put as much distance between any outside influences that could impact such a decision as he can and MLB itself. Should, though? Maybe Nashville? Maybe the All-Star Game should be in prospective markets rather than current ones?
  6. I can respect that. Better to be despised than pitied.
  7. I think I’d sooner get castrated than cheer for the Yankees in any capacity.
  8. About two and a half weeks late due to the more interesting topics of interstellar expansion and former members posting on YouTube videos, MLB is reportedly going to waive the relocation fee if the A’s do leave.
  9. Laughs even harder at the waived relocation fee
  10. I, for one, look forward to the Laughing Joking Numbnuts Bowl next year.
  11. Rolling Rock Stadium? What’s next, this guy as the mascot?
  12. Ah. Misread it, my mistake. Still hard to believe an alt-league football team would be worth $400,000,000. I’d like to see Season 3 before any grandiose promises come to pass.
  13. The Chiefs are worth less than $3 billion. And I’m supposed to believe a USFL franchise is going to be worth more than an NFL team? Let’s see how this plays out.
  14. Can absolutely confirm this. Mainly because a lot of Nebraskans moved down to Kansas City for work like my grandparents among many others. Unrelated, there also a lot of Michigan fans here too for similar reasons. Heh, tell me more about the Bootheel though.
  15. Thanks for explaining the joke, my tiny Middle American brain didn’t know there was no one on the Moon.
  16. Yeah, and if wishes were fishes we’d all have fins. History? It’s a business, man. If they could put a team on the Moon they would’ve done so already.
  17. An organization where fame, money and power intersect is corrupt to the core, hated by the people who consume their content and the leader of that organization has an abysmal approval rating? And they’re interrogating the NFL? Sounds fun.
  18. Holy hell, that sightline looks horrible for a 30,000 seat stadium. I’ve been closer to the field from the upper deck at Arrowhead than this. So they demolished Exhibition Stadium, and wound up creating a more compact Exhibition Stadium.
  19. Odds on them hiring Quenneville as their next head coach? Really would hammer home the Nashville Predators.
  20. They’ve been saying that for half a century now and it still hasn’t happened. And before anyone brings up Hispanics, recall that we’ve had plenty of Central/Eastern and Southern European immigration where soccer is also the unquestioned king and their descendants now follow baseball, football, basketball and then soccer. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  21. That’s kind of where I got that stat from. The anal part is a photoshop but why let the truth get on the way of a good story? Also, Kansas City Star article on how Kansas City got the Cup. tl;dr: Kansas City apparently wanted it more than any other city. And has a bunch of nice new digs like a women’s soccer-specific stadium and a new training center. And maybe a part of the city’s slush fund.
  22. We got the nomination because we have a lot of facilities teams can use. Also, we’ve actually had a solid soccer tradition since the 80s. And knowing FIFA, I wouldn’t put bribery out of the question.
  23. I’ll consider it a good thing if I can afford a ticket to a match. Until then, it’s just a pain in the ass that I’m going to deal with for a month. I am happy on some level but I am really not looking forward to even more people moving here.
  24. Apparently 25,000,000 or so people visit here annually. Pretty sure they’re counting layovers at KCI, but it’s been bad enough with the new people coming in buying up houses and thanks to this, it’ll get worse. The local Chamber of Commerce has a boner three times as large as normal but the average person is going to suffer.
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