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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. And that still wasn't even the craziest thing to come out of that whole ordeal....
  2. What am I supposed to be seeing here?
  3. It really isn't all that implausible to misinterpret an extremely light-ish shade of orange as yellow/athletic gold. Plus, @TruColor has already seen and [all but confirmed] confirmed the color values. It wouldn't be a total shock to see something more akin to Velveeta cheese-ish orange-yellow just for the "uniqueness" factor. And also, the more I chew on this, the more I like in my head the idea of a slightly darker red (though I don't know if I like it as dark as VT's maroon) and a cheee-ish orange-yellow, along with some desert gray or whatever they/Nike are calling it. I AM willing to bet my next three paychecks that one of the four jerseys will be gray...no doubt with red/maroon (pyrrhuloxia?) numbers trimmed with beak yellow (yeah, that's what I'll call it), because the Swoosh can't help themselves with unnecessary gray alternates.
  4. Not just #fire...#DESERTfire. You know, kinda like Cuban NOS...
  5. Well then...[something that looks like] maroon and [something that looks like] orange...if nothing else it'd instantly be, at least on the surface, one of the more unique colorways in pro sports. (Also, I 100% believe desert gray or whatver they're gonna call it will somehow be present in the new brand, as well.) Doesn't surprise me that they'd go for a darkened red—it syncs up with the Coyotes' and DBacks' sedona-ish red, as well. And of course, being that this is the era of The Swoosh...I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if that design team saw that picture of the pyrrhuloxia (sp?), saw the colors of its plumage, flew back up to Beaverton and started cooking up their own special blend of seasonings in their lab. All that said: this is either gonna be really good, or really not good...
  6. Better than being out of contention before pitchers and catchers landed for spring training...
  7. Because I suppose a hard-working everyday commoner neighborhood like, say, Pigtown wasn't colorful enough...? (Used to spend a lot of time there...)
  8. Chiefs, Redski Commanders, Cardinals...eh, why not?? (I personally wish they'd use a little of that Arizona flag blue color, but oh well...)
  9. This means nada to me until we [are allowed to] see this again: Let it happen, Shield. I find it interesting the NFL is now allowing 0 again 50 years after they outlawed it (the league standardized jersey numbers in 1973). Even then, though, players whose numbers feel outside those bounds were grandfathered, and IIRC three of them actually wore 0 beyond 1973. Anyway, my point is now the pendulum is swinging back the other way, the way things were pre- (and a little bit post-) merger. I somehow get the sneaking feeling that unless it's another Jason Elam or Adam Vinatieri type, kickers are gonna get, well, kicked down to the bottom of the pecking order in choosing numbers... While I too definitely liked the structure the position group rules set in place, I'm also not totally against abolishing it, either. That said, if the shield is gonna open up the number rules, it needs to open it up for ALL positions—that includes quarterbacks. To me it ain't any different for them than it is allowing wideouts numbers in the teens, TEs numbers in the 40s, and DLs numbers in the 60s (all prior to the last change). But yeah, lines between CFB and NFL aesthetics are definitely blurred now. I blame Nike (that was a joke...maybe...)
  10. I wish the Hogs still used that script and those numbers* on their football unis...but I completely understand (though I don't necessarily agree with) why they changed one l over to uber-traditional.
  11. Friendly nudge to the mods that we are currently entering the 2023 season... *humbly points to thread title*
  12. This post just about sums up Nashville [the city/metro]for me in a nutshell: it keeps trying so hard to "make" itself happen, instead of just "letting" itself happen. (Kinda like how the powers that be kept trying to "make" Amy Schumer happen so many years back.) That was one of THE most annoying aspects I observed during my five-year sojourn there. And as for what @Dilbert and @Sport said about NSC's fans, I 100% believe it...and again, it gets back to trying to "make" something happen, instead of just letting it happen. (The killing thing is I bet probably only about four of those "fans" are actually native to Nashville or Tennessee...)
  13. In terms of sheer amount if upsets, yes. Someone said it earlier, and I'll repeat it here: 2023 March Madness is the CBB equivalent of CFB's 2007 season, where doggone South Florida managed to jump to #2 at one point and freaking KANSAS...KANSAS...had a shot at the natty (only to lose that shot to Missouri...who themselves also had a shot at the natty). I'm gonna laugh from a hearty healthy place is Miami and Florida Atlantic meet in the title game. (Home-state pride thing, haha.) I 100% don't expect it to happen, though.
  14. Luke Kennard...remember the name. Dude caught absolute fuego tonight!30 points...all on three pointers...on 10-11 shooting. That by the way broke the franchise record for made longballs in a game...and then Memphis went on to put 151 on the Rockets. Issues they may have, but man is that a fun team to watch.
  15. Deion's made it known multiple times he has no interest in coaching in the pros...
  16. That bottom right is the way [for them] to go...
  17. While we're on the topic of hockey jerseys, for any of you who own an adidas-branded versus Fanatics-branded NHL "authentic" jersey (bcuz I know none of them are fully authentic): what is the difference, if any, between the two? I got my hands on some of the Fanatics-branded jerseys (I don't know whether what I was holding was classified as a replica or "authentic", but thin, brittle, and cheap is what I'd call the NOB/number fake-kiss cut/twill treatment); it's been a while since I held an adidas replithentic or any other kind. Asking for a friend...who drives large five-axle combo vehicles...before he drops another ungodly sum on personalized merchandise...
  18. It's "blackletter", y'all...Old English is just one variant of it. And me personally, I've long felt if any team were to try the blackletter-inspired route, it should be the Lions—but alas. Yup, you know the ol' trope: "respect the past, embrace the future" or some variant of such...
  19. Sidebar: we're five weeks into the 2023 season, and so far, with no signs of slowing down...think it miiiiight be a good time to change the thread title
  20. Couldn't stop themselves from shoving light blue in there, could they? All that to the side, I'm really liking what I'm seeing thus far. And as for the logo, ehh...you know what? I'd much rather go for something that actually shows some sense of motion and emotion, such as that 2.0 logo does...that's its so well crafted definitely helps.
  21. I'll take either/or. That said, for some reason, the Champion (or is it Wilson? I never can remember which) block numbers never sat right with me on the Saints jerseys in the way that they just seemed...right for the Bills (and depending on who you poll, the Bengals of that time). Whichever the case, the offset outlines HAVE to be there...
  22. I nominate... ...I mean, because 1) Before 2005 that was the greatest—and until '05 the only—era of Saints history and b) that'd truly be a different look from the [hypothetical] primary. Plus, as rudimentary as it was at the time, those sleeve boots are just too nostalgic to be lost to antiquity. (That plus offset outlines are so 80s it's almost beautiful...and I think that era was the last time a Saints black jersey had white numbers, too, so it'd really be alternate.) Although...if this were to come to fruition, it'd probably mark the first time a team's throwback jersey was actually newer than it's primary jersey, so there's that.
  23. I'll second...or third...or wherever we are, I'll add to this. I got to participate in some of the Madness while living in Indy...wasn't as wide open as this one, but yes, the atmosphere was beyond festive.
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