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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Sad, but true. The Eagles would have tied them this year, but that's still sad. Here's how irrelevant the A's have become - a lot of casual fans around here (fans that enjoy going to Phillies games but aren't necessarily baseball historians or ever going to watch some random game between Oakland and Minnesota) when they see blue Athletics throwback stuff at the one or two stores that actually carry that stuff think that it's the Phillies, and that the Phillies used to be called the A's. If I had a nickel for every time I've heard a guy mansplain that to his girlfriend, I'd have... well not much, but I do hear it a scary amount of times. LOL, "mansplain" doesn't get spell-corrected. Guess it's in the lexicon now.
  2. I agree with @DCarp1231 (see? I don't 'thumbs down' all your posts.) With a young and relatively unproven QB1, you don't want anyone breathing down his neck, be it from a talent standpoint or a fan-support standpoint. I've seen it happen here with multiple QB1s, and it doesn't end well. You either bring in an undisputed franchise guy, or a journeyman. Nothing in between.
  3. Do we know that New Era and/or UA had anything to do with the designs? Nobody has to use their in-house design team, just like MLB teams don't have to use Nike's people.
  4. Those numbers are misleading AF. The only thing that matters is the guarantee and when teams can get out with minimal cap hit. It's highly unlikely Jones and Smith will see that much money from their teams. I don't know about Carr's contract. The extra years tacked on at the end are usually either 1) just to spread out the cap hit, or 2) make the agent look good. Most guys would take lower deals with higher guarantees. I originally sulked when I saw the Jones deal, because if he's worth $40M/year, then Jalen Hurts is worth $100M/year, but then I saw it's "only" $80M guaranteed, whereas Hurts will likely get $50M/year with around $200 guaranteed (just a guess). That's a way better contract, even if the average salary (on paper) only loos like it's 20% more. Also, I believe that QB contracts are more complicated than backup linebacker contracts, since the dollar amount is so much more. There's probably lots more terms and conditions, as well as verbiage about how the money will be spread out, deferred, etc. Dude - just hire an agent to go through all of that. What's an agent's rate - 5%? 8%? So freaking what. It's entirely possible they're putting decent deals in front of him, but maybe he's not interpreting them as decent. We don't know - none of us are in the room - but it seems like their original offers last year were actually pretty good for the time ($133M guaranteed). NFL owners need to get together and give the Browns owner a gang-style beat down. The Browns ruined the NFL by signing a waste of oxygen like Watson for a fully guaranteed contract. Now everyone wants that, and it'll destroy their franchises and put teams at risk due to injuries and skill degradation. I don't blame players one single bit for trying to squeeze as much as they can out of their teams. Not one bit. But the Browns set a dangerous precedent that has a cascading effect - for a lousy human being. If they're not everyone's least favorite team (at least not everyone who's team has a pending FA franchise QB) they should be.
  5. Good teams can become bad teams overnight (and vice versa.) I wouldn't even factor in the on-field success of a team (unless it's one with the sustained track record of maybe the Yankees, Cardinals, etc) in a relocation or contraction discussion. If you contract them, then the people who made the on-field product good would be able to get jobs elsewhere and make someone else's product good. It kinda nets out.
  6. I suppose the Phillies would count since they introduced blue in the stars. That Indians jersey doesn't work though. I think for single color to work, it needs to either be dark, have some style to it, not be plain block. That aesthetic works in basketball, but not so much in baseball. Even these didn't work in most people's opinion (though I liked them.)
  7. That's goddam insane. I get that it's not franchise-level money (that's probably in the $50m/year, $200m guaranteed range) but nobody would give him that contract on the open market. He had a nice year, but he seems like more of a bridge guy until they decide what their long-term solution is at the position. You don't pay that kind of guy that kind of money. I'd rather invest in the rest of the team and hope that a cheap rookie pans out or a guy like Minshew who won't cost anywhere even close to that, and can win you a few games (and at least not lose many.) EDIT He'll get $52M in the fist year. The Franchise tag is only $30M. What the hell was Seattle thinking, when they could have hedged their bet and let him prove it again (I can't imagine much ill will, since again, he would never get that on the open market.) Also, this: Smith had spent the previous three seasons as Wilson's backup in Seattle. The Seahawks re-signed him in April, three months after he was arrested on suspicion of DUI. Smith has yet to be charged in that case as prosecutors await blood-test results. They've been waiting for blood-test results for 14 MONTHS? Over a full year? Is that how backed up the system is now, that they can't get simple blood test results done in more than a year?
  8. Eagles fired their most popular defensive assistant Dennard Wilson after he (to some reports) got bitter that he got passed over for the open DC job. All of their D-Backs credited him - not the former DC - for them having among the best (if not the best) pass defense this year, and notable free agents All Pro James Bradberry and CJ-GJ openly campaigned for him to be promoted. One article claimed that this could lead to mutiny and the departure of any defensive FA that would receive a similar offer elsewhere. So since the SB, the Eagles have lost their OC, DC, linebacker coach (promoted to DC in Arizona), and now their DB coach. That's a hell of a lot of turnover in one offseason. SB teams generally get raided, but this might be tough to recover from.
  9. My idea for the lions is to borrow from one of their old logos. Nix the TV numbers and put two vertical stripes that match this old logo on the shoulders/sleeves. They could put the current lion there, or just have the stripes and leave it alone. If they're absolutely hell bent on having a wordmark on the sleeves, I guess it goes in front of the stripes - but ideally, the sleeve wordmark experiment is over. Then just slap a varsity block font like the Sanders set and call it a day. The stripe pattern works on both the blue and the white jersey. For the pants, there's no need for blue pants at all. Just have the silver (now grey, unfortunately) with the same striping pattern as the sleeves. The gray stripe can have a thin blue border to make it more visible. The helmet striping would stay symmetrical, just be simplified. The Sanders era would work, as would a reversal (w-b-w). I found this version that someone made that shows what it could look like on the white jersey with a modern lion: (not sure who to credit, but image source is this: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/412572015837635252/ which states that it's pulled from a site called OffficialPSDs. I assume it's stolen from a forum like this, so if it's yours please say so.) Edit: Credit GFB for concept.
  10. Maybe, but much like LA in the NFL, TB's lack of team served as a negotiating tactic for teams that could threaten to move there. Ironically, it probably made MLB more money without a team than it has with one.
  11. How does a fear of milk impede daily tasks, unless one's mandatory task is to drink milk (which it clearly isn't)?
  12. What's the opposite of a R-# university? I was able to find R1 and R2 on Wikipedia, but I couldn't find other options, other than teachers colleges.
  13. Silver helmet / pants for the Falcons makes a lot of sense and looks really good - with either version of the logo (I like the old one better, but at this point it's been ripped off by so many high schools that younger folks might actually think the Falcons are the ones ripping it off.) Silver helmet / pants allows for both red and black jerseys, and you can still have a black or red throwback or alt helmet. My only concern is that indoor teams look drab in gray, so it would need to be true metallic material / paint, even if it's darker and more like "steel" than silver.
  14. I agree. And the outline should be so thick that it fills in the rest of the jersey except for the script. I'd also change the script to blue.
  15. It also happened before there were three minutes of betting commercials between every half inning, and a new ball brought into play for nearly every pitch. Also, they were likely smoking so many cigarettes in the dugouts that they were alert and ready to go at all times (until they died of lung cancer).
  16. We tried that once, but it ended with the 'Yotes skating on the frozen blood of the non believers.
  17. I'm not sure if that would work from an engineering perspective. You can easily have 35,000 screaming fans sitting on and jumping up and down on dildos. I'm not sure if eggplant can support the weight, plus it might rot. Also I'm not sure exactly what role the lava plays. We need an engineer to explain the science of all this to us. I think there's one complaining about the Coyotes over in the NHL Antithread. I'll see if I can find him.
  18. If they can be used to make bridges, is there any reason why the actual stadium couldn't be made of lava and dildos? Acquiring and safely transporting lava might be extremally costly - I'm not sure, it's been years since I've tried. But the dildo part should be reasonably cost-effective, and they come in enough shapes, sizes, and colors to be used in a variety of structural applications. Thinking outside the box here, but could LavaDildo Park be the new home of the Rays in 2028?
  19. Some classic numbers should be reserved for QBs only. 12 should only ever be worn by QBs. Same with several other legacy numbers. There was no great reason to implement the change in the first place, but we're seeing the absurdity it creates when there's literally one and only one number available for a QB. A QB wearing 35 should never be taking a snap and handing off to a RB wearing 7. I'm honestly not sure what problem the recent number rule changes actually solved, other than to let players act like it's college again, which has lead to all kinds of other amateurish uniform mods.
  20. "0 allowed on jerseys: With the jersey number rules relaxed in recent years, the Eagles proposed a jersey modification that would allow the No. 0 on jerseys. The NFL allowed this number prior to the merger and the NCAA allowed the No. 0 on teams’ jerseys in 2020." Rumor is that they're interested in some d-back in the draft that wears #0, so maybe this is in prep, or maybe it's just because there's not enough numbers anymore with everyone taking the good QB numbers.
  21. phillies were told “no green st Patrick’s jerseys” due to the “rule”. So they lost that one as well as their red alt (not that I care about either).
  22. halladay’s perfect game was 2:13. That’s about as good as it gets.
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