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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me.

This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries.

That sounds gross. I've known people who dip their fries in mayo (I think that is a French thing?). I have tried the mayo thing before, and while it tastes good, I can't bring myself to regularly dip something deep-fried into something as fattening as mayo when catsup has no fat. Poutin, however? I would try that.

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Fries and Gravy are more Canadian than anything, I think. I tried ordering it once in the states and got fries with sausage gravy all over them.

Poutine is Fries and gravy and cheese curds, but some places like to kick it up some. I'm barbecuing profusely overnight, and will likely make some with a :censored:ton of pulled pork or brisket on it.

This is why I'm fat.

I dont blame you. I may not be fat but that post gave me a chubby.

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Fries and Gravy are more Canadian than anything, I think. I tried ordering it once in the states and got fries with sausage gravy all over them.

Poutine is Fries and gravy and cheese curds, but some places like to kick it up some. I'm barbecuing profusely overnight, and will likely make some with a :censored:ton of pulled pork or brisket on it.

This is why I'm fat.

Well, the UP is pretty much nothing but a peninsula full of "hoser" stereotypes, but in America :P

But you guys actually know what cheese curds are?! I worked concessions at Apline Valley one summer and must have spent a good 1/4th of my time on the clock explaining to customers from Illinois the concept of fried breaded nuggets of cheese.

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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me.

This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries.

That does sound weird. BBQ sauce for me, too. Sweet Baby Ray's. Or even McDonald's BBQ sauce.

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I was 10 minutes away from keeping my team.

I'm not sure that I agree with you 100% on your police work there, Lou.

yeah, how do you figure?

the meeting was almost over before they could come to a consensus to vote. The vote only occurred because the chairman of the city council heard the views of the citizens as well as the other council members on the matter and decided to call it to a vote. 10 minutes remained in the meetign meeting when this happened.


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me.

This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries.

That sounds gross.

But it tastes delicious. I could never stomach fries with plain mayo though. You gotta mix in the ketchup and relish.


POTD: 2/4/12 3/4/12

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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me.

This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries.

That sounds gross.

But it tastes delicious. I could never stomach fries with plain mayo though. You gotta mix in the ketchup and relish.

I love vinegar, but the whole bar wants to kill me when I put it on my fries.

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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

Frank's Red Hot or Texas-style BBQ for me.

This might sound weird but tartar sauce is my dip of choice for fries.

That sounds gross.

But it tastes delicious. I could never stomach fries with plain mayo though. You gotta mix in the ketchup and relish.

I love vinegar, but the whole bar wants to kill me when I put it on my fries.

Just BBQ sauce or salt and vinegar will do for me when it comes to fries chips. Can't stand mayo, and I'm maybe one of three people in the whole world who hates ketchup.

There, I said it.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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As much as I may not care for Les Quebecois, fries with gravy is delicious. Brown gravy, none of that weird white stuff you Merkins love so much.

I don't know that this is the proper forum to be discussing white stuff on merkins.

Anyway, poutine is delicious. Had it in Windsor a few years ago, and seems to be making its way through the Great Lakes - I've seen some bars here in Chicago touting it as of late, and it's been added as a concession item at Miller Park this year. I hope they serve it in a helmet.

Mixing ketchup and mayonnaise for a french fry dipping sauce is pretty excellent.

And illwauk, anyone professing cheese curd ignorance should have been escorted out of Alpine. That's just poor parenting. Meet me at the border with a bag of garlic dill next week when I'm on vacation.

Momentarily getting back on topic, I notice that, once again this year, the Coyotes have a Thursday night home game against the Kings in October. I am setting the over/under on attendance at 7,500, and you are free to use that however you see fit. It's kinda like Pat & Ron's Attendance Game, except Ronnie's got more life in him than the Yotes these days.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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what about Grand Rapids? They'd obviously have to build a bigger arena, but they have a firmly entrenched fanbase for hockey (the Griffins are consistently in the top 5 for AHL attendance) and while the media market isn't huge, at #41 it's at least bigger than Buffalo and has that all-important "only game in town" factor going for them.

Detroit would freak. The end.

I'm surprised the Coyotes are playing a game on a Thursday. I thought the NHL made them another birthday-boy special schedule of all Fridays and Saturdays.

Ketchup + mayonnaise is big out in Utah. "Fry sauce," they call it. I tried it once, but inasmuch as I hate ketchup and mayonnaise, I unsurprisingly hated them together. Not sure what I thought was gonna happen there.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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As much as my disdain for Wisconsin stereotypes is part of my rep around here... I like my fries with cheese. I won't order this out of state though unless I know the place also serves nachos so I can specify "nacho cheese on the side." It's pretty embarrassing when your "cheese fries" come back with shredded cheese sprinkled on top.

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I'm not averse to melted cheese with fries, but I can't see it occurring to me to order them in the near future. I guess I don't really like fries all that much.

Anyway, I guess I misunderstood Blueland Believer's "10 minutes" thing. I didn't realize he was talking about the city council thing, because I thought 15 minutes was the meme on that one. I thought he thought someone called the office to buy the Thrashers ten minutes after the True North sale closed. Though I guess there were some groups that wanted to keep the Thrashers local despite not actually having money to buy the team. I guess they figured it hadn't stopped this league before.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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I'm not averse to melted cheese with fries, but I can't see it occurring to me to order them in the near future. I guess I don't really like fries all that much.

Anyway, I guess I misunderstood Blueland Believer's "10 minutes" thing. I didn't realize he was talking about the city council thing, because I thought 15 minutes was the meme on that one. I thought he thought someone called the office to buy the Thrashers ten minutes after the True North sale closed. Though I guess there were some groups that wanted to keep the Thrashers local despite not actually having money to buy the team. I guess they figured it hadn't stopped this league before.

yes there were. but ive said my statements before and nobody listens to me (because they probably dont want to, im done trying to explain the situation to yall)


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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I'm not averse to melted cheese with fries, but I can't see it occurring to me to order them in the near future. I guess I don't really like fries all that much.

Anyway, I guess I misunderstood Blueland Believer's "10 minutes" thing. I didn't realize he was talking about the city council thing, because I thought 15 minutes was the meme on that one. I thought he thought someone called the office to buy the Thrashers ten minutes after the True North sale closed. Though I guess there were some groups that wanted to keep the Thrashers local despite not actually having money to buy the team. I guess they figured it hadn't stopped this league before.

yes there were. but ive said my statements before and nobody listens to me (because they probably dont want to, im done trying to explain the situation to yall)


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Welcome to DrunjFlix

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I'm not averse to melted cheese with fries, but I can't see it occurring to me to order them in the near future. I guess I don't really like fries all that much.

Anyway, I guess I misunderstood Blueland Believer's "10 minutes" thing. I didn't realize he was talking about the city council thing, because I thought 15 minutes was the meme on that one. I thought he thought someone called the office to buy the Thrashers ten minutes after the True North sale closed. Though I guess there were some groups that wanted to keep the Thrashers local despite not actually having money to buy the team. I guess they figured it hadn't stopped this league before.

yes there were. but ive said my statements before and nobody listens to me (because they probably dont want to, im done trying to explain the situation to yall)


and thank you? Yep, i was taught that. ^_^


BigMac's posts make me want to punch babies.

Hockey is weird and I love it.

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Things are slowly, slooowly going rancid.

No matter what name it is given, and no matter how much the city longs for the public to believe Glendale is just ensuring its anchor tenant remains to fill 42 dates at Jobing.com Arena, what city leaders are doing is subsidizing with taxpayer money a professional sports franchise that has never been financially solvent in the Phoenix metropolitan area.

That is the bottom line.

. . .

The Coyotes and the NHL are not doing anything wrong or illegal*. What is happening, however, is city staff, no matter how intelligent or hardworking, cannot compete with the self-interests of the professional sports world. It is an engine driven by sports fans, who sometimes cannot see beyond the puck on a frozen pond.

. . .

With the team's expressed popularity reported by international media giants, the stated success and profit potential touted by city officials and a willingness by council to acquiesce to the NHL's demands, why, why, why aren't qualified investors clamoring for an opportunity to purchase the state's top-rated professional sports franchise?

Stop telling Glendale citizens that the $50 million invested so far in propping up the Coyotes losses and operation expenses is not taxpayer money. That is just not true. If it is true, where did the money come from? The city's production and manufacturing divisions? What did the city sell to produce such an enormous amount of money?

Westgate City Center is another prime example of how one's eyes are bigger than one's wallet. It was a speculative build at a boom time by one of the best speculators of our time: Steve Ellman. While a successful entrepreneur, Ellman and his ilk are not in it for the community. They are in it to make money with the greatest of ease.

Westgate has been an asset, no doubt, and the city had big plans for its success, not just in the near future, but far beyond. But, now, a trustee's notice indicates a situation beyond the city's control. Will we now see another bailout from the city? Without taxpayer money?

If the city can bail out a failing hockey team, what would keep it from bailing out a spectacular scheme like Westgate? Think of it. A lot of land and office space, right next to Jobing.com Arena.

The city could set up offices within earshot of the game in real time. It could have auditors standing at the gate, in the tunnels, by the concession stands, and up in the VIP boxes. All in the name of looking after its citizens' best interests.

*they came close with the proposed Reinsdorf and Hulsizer sales.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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