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Is this the first "on ABC" branding since the demise of ABC Sports?


That doesn't sound like the college football theme I remember from ABC/ESPN, though.

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On 8/23/2024 at 11:40 AM, The_Admiral said:

Yeah, the Score (sister station to EEI in the doomed Audacy family) is also changing their lineup because Danny Parkins is replacing Skip Bayless at FS1; have fun with that, America, or at least whatever weird part of America watches FS1 all day.


I feel like sports radio as a format, or at least as we knew it, is kind of winding down. You mentioned goading people into calling in, but I don't think that's really an aspect of sports radio anymore, not like it was when each station had its own little supporting cast of callers who played characters and forced the hosts to ad-lib. People don't want to make telephone calls and producers don't want to take 'em. Here's Mike Florio for a f-cking hour. 


I'm guessing/hoping Parkins got a significant pay raise to go do that show, because it seems like a real piece of :censored: nothing program.  Not that he and Spiegel were creating historic radio by any means, but he at least became an established presence by this time on the station, and I generally looked forward to listening. 


From what I've seen/heard of the FS1 program he went to, it's basically the Business Suit Barstool-Wannabe Podcast Failure Hour for Day Drunkles and SportsClips Employees.  That thing is going down in flames, and I'd be surprised if it exists by this time next year.


As far as the sports radio format goes, you're probably right.  While I and perhaps others of my age and up still find comfort and mild entertainment from sports radio, we're a dying breed.


Callers to the Score especially feel like a pointless exercise.  They take maybe one an hour, and there's a solid 80% chance of being a redundant take somebody waited an hour and a half on hold to make.  The glory days of sports radio are well past.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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I've never counted myself among Barstool fans, but I have to respect that they understand what made sports radio in the '90s/2000s work better than actual sports radio stations do now: it was never just about covering the teams, it was about cultivating a sense of community and belonging with sports as a backdrop. By stepping back from interaction with the chronic listeners and the veritable show-bible of character idiosyncrasies and in-jokes, radio stations have regressed to the newspapermen and TV anchors that sports radio always set out to assail. Barstool is short on taste but long, long, long on lore.


"Hey, everybody, we found this neurotic fat guy and we're just going to ask him his thoughts on random things and then make him lose weight" would have been a quintessential WFAN/WSCR bit 25 years ago.

EDIT: WFAN did find a neurotic fat guy and they gave him the midday show!

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On 8/29/2024 at 2:11 PM, The_Admiral said:

That doesn't sound like the college football theme I remember from ABC/ESPN, though.


I wanna say this re-make is of ESPN's CFB theme, not really used on ABC.


Might this be the theme you're thinking of? This was my person fave of theirs.





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Yeah, that's the one I remember, either version.


Speaking of ABC, disappointed to see only seven Monday Night Football games on the network. It felt right having it back on the big network last year with an established team like Buck/Aikman. Monday Night Football moving to ESPN was an all-time case of Disney outsmarting itself and I was hopeful that they would undo it permanently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A huge swath of barstool fans are finding out who Dan Bernstein is today, and it’s equal parts eye-rolly and pointless.   Portnoy is trying to out-douche an old douche lord with modern douchery tactics.

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Barstool's in the right on this one; Bernstein (I DON'T KNOW HIM LIKE THAT) was being deranged and hates the site so much that he probably worked himself up into thinking the guy was using his last name as an antisemitic slur. The guy from Barstool.


I thought it was quaint that Portnoy said everyone should call the Score to harass Bernstein. Joke's on him, the Score stopped taking callers years ago and just does interminable Anthony Herron interviews all day.



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Yea I was confused when I saw someone on Twitter mention the score and then spent a good three minutes browsing threads trying to figure out what the heck exactly happened. Spoiler alert: It was nothing. 

One thing I'll add to CS85's point earlier in the thread about how sports radio feels dead is that there's also just a plethora of way more unneeded and unnecessary sports opinions filing up the airwaves nowadays. It feels more like this is just daytime TV simulcast filler, rather than giving sports fans some non-mouthbreathing, nuanced approach to sports programming. When I didn't have ten other Shannon Sharpe's being inflammatory for my attention, it was refreshing to listen to George from the suburbs who had an absolutely dumb take on the Patriots trading Brady or why Magic Johnson is still the greatest basketball player to have ever lived. The sports caller is now the amusing Twitter handle and there it's also become saturated, a sea memes and knee jerk reactions.

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"And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday." 

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In Chicago sports media news that does not involve Dan Bernstein being a whiny baby, what's up with the "Chicago Sports Network"? NBC Sports Chicago, the traditional RSN, is shutting down in three weeks, to be replaced by a new team-owned entity that will be on streaming and also over the air and somehow this is better for everyone than the status quo. 

Well, so far, no idea which over-the-air station this is going to be on, whether they're going to carry all the games for free or paywall most of them, no idea whether they're going to have cable carriage. They don't even have a logo. Note that while it's owned by all three teams, it's Jerry Reinsdorf's media subsidiary that's supposed to be handling this, so no surprise that it's not being rolled out all that smoothly.


I still have not been able to make the math work in my head for a post-RSN world because it seems so unlike anything we've seen in pro sports business where teams and leagues simply have to leave money on the table. Teams are shifting from a model where viewers were effectively subsidized by non-viewers, plus advertising revenue, to one that cuts out the non-viewers. Are teams getting a larger share of ad revenue by not having Comcast or AT&T or whoever involved? Is that enough to make up for what they're losing? or does the entire business model just have to adjust to not having those hostage carriage fees anymore?

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15 hours ago, Dynasty said:

Yeah, I think they're intentionally giving Brady as many Cowboys games as possible.


Tom Brady + Biggest marketing franchise = Lots of viewership and money

Does Brady actually move that needle? Let me know the next time you hear someone say (unironically) that they tuned in to listen to him do a game.

It's where I sit.

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Red Sox radio guy of some 40 years Joe Castiglione is hanging up the mic at the end of the year. My favorite sports commentator of all time and the soundtrack of every summer of my life, gonna be sad without him. Tough year for Boston with him and Mike Gorman both hitting retirement, on top of the other major departures from the airwaves in recent years.


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12 minutes ago, Digby said:

Red Sox radio guy of some 40 years Joe Castiglione is hanging up the mic at the end of the year. My favorite sports commentator of all time and the soundtrack of every summer of my life, gonna be sad without him. Tough year for Boston with him and Mike Gorman both hitting retirement, on top of the other major departures from the airwaves in recent years.


Jack Edwards as well, pretty much a full turnover around there.

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Just now, LaGrandeOrange said:


Jack Edwards as well, pretty much a full turnover around there.


I don't put him that legend category of Gorman and Castiglione, he wasn't around as long (somehow) and was too polarizing in his craft to be as beloved as they were... but yeah, that's also part of the general sea change, for sure. And it's not been too long since Remy and Heinsohn died, and Eckersley retired. Sounds like the new NESN guy has some decent hockey pedigree from Chicago at least. I'm still mad at the Celtics for bringing in a college kid and not just promoting Sean Grande, but that's another story.


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